[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] graph2dot tool

Stefano Sabatini stefano.sabatini-lala
Fri Dec 26 20:36:13 CET 2008

Hi all,

this neat tool should help to debug/understand avfilter graphs, if you
find it useful we could include this in the tools dir.

Usage example:
$ echo "scale=100:100, crop=100:20:30:30, vflip, hflip" | graph2dot
digraph G {
"Parsed filter 0 (scale)" -> "Parsed filter 1 (crop)";
"Parsed filter 1 (crop)" -> "Parsed filter 2 (vflip)";
"Parsed filter 2 (vflip)" -> "Parsed filter 3 (hflip)";

To directly display the graph:
$ echo "scale=100:100, crop=100:20:30:30, vflip, hflip" | graph2dot | dot -Tpng -o graph.png; and display graph.png

FFmpeg = Fundamental Fantastic MultiPurpose Extended Game
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