[FFmpeg-devel] Eliminating long

Ramiro Polla ramiro
Thu Apr 10 02:31:11 CEST 2008

Jay L. T. Cornwall <jay <at> jcornwall.me.uk> writes:
> However C# fixes sizeof(long) to be 8 bytes on all platforms.
Hmmm... Isn't that a problem on C#'s side? What does C# do for 32-bit

> In C it
> varies with platform and compiler:
>    GCC 32-bit: 4 bytes
>    GCC 64-bit: 8 bytes
>    VC  32-bit: 4 bytes
>    VC  64-bit: 4 bytes

How did you compile the 64-bit FFmpeg binaries for Windows? MinGW-64?
If so, I think MinGW should use the proper ILP sizes for Windows. and
this is hence a gcc bug.

Ramiro Polla

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