[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] Test pattern generator

Nicolas George nicolas.george
Wed Oct 17 12:52:19 CEST 2007


Le quintidi 25 vend?miaire, an CCXVI, Michael Niedermayer a ?crit?:
> yes and i was just about to reject this one as well :)
> theres no sense in bloating libavformat up with such "demuxers"
> if anyone wants that it can be done by a small program using libavformat
> like output_example.c or apiexample.c

As a matter of principle, you are right.

But I decided to make it an internal module for the following practical

- The purpose is to make troubleshooting easier by reducing the possible
  causes of problems. Having the stream in a separate tool means a few more
  possible cause of problems: the test pattern needs to be muxed, piped and
  then demuxed, causing possible A-V desync and pipe problems.

  By the way, I have no idea what would be the best muxer to pipe raw RGB
  video and PCM audio.

- People will never have the test pattern generator near at hand when they
  need it, especially when people on the -users mailing-list tell them to
  try it. This would cause some more mail exchanges.

Now, I would be perfectly happy to turn this test pattern generator into a
separate program (provided I get advice on the muxer to use), but I am
afraid this would impair its usefulness.

By the way, I totally agree with the fact that a test pattern generator has
nothing to do in a library of audio and video formats. But video4linux and
x11grab are not audio-video formats either, are they?


  Nicolas George

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