[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] asf-format doesn't work as stream for XBox360

Patric Stout patric
Mon Oct 15 11:15:54 CEST 2007

Vladimir Pantelic schreef:
> Patric Stout wrote:
>> I tried to change all the other fields that showed up on the diff 
>> between a streamed wmv and a stored wmv, no other field did anything
>> for the good. This is the only field that makes it to work, or breaks
>> it. So I am pretty sure this is what the Xbox expects.
> IIRC asf "live" streams have the broadcast flag = 1, seekable = 0 and
> the *size* is not 0 but the size of the ASF header plus the data header,
> so everything up to the first packet.
You are almost correct ;) The only other allowed number which my XBox
accepted, besides the very big value, is 50, which is exactly the
current size after writing the header - asf->data_offset. Basicly, all
bytes written after the data_offset at that time (so not including the
ASF header). This is identical with the way the data-chunk-size is later
on in the code patched up for stored asfs.

Also, because the url is streamed, the broadcast flag already was set to
1 correctly.

So, in a third attempt, here is the patch setting the data-chunk-size to
50 by default. I had a bit of trouble getting a good comment line, feel
free to edit it to something better ;)
It has to be noted that this can't really damage anything, as for
example mplayer ignores this value when reading a stream, and both
Windows Media Player as XBox360 play this perfectly. And all stored asfs
get this value overridden anyway.

With kind regards,

Patric Stout

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