[FFmpeg-devel] 'Full checkout'snapshots
Michel Bardiaux
Tue May 29 11:45:35 CEST 2007
Guillaume Poirier wrote:
> Hi,
> Michel Bardiaux wrote:
>> These use the version.sh that tries to get the svn revision number using
>> svn. If svn is not installed, -rUNKNOWN results, which makes support a PITA.
>> But if svn is installed, why download a snapshot?
> Well, you could be behind the Big Firewall of China that prevents you
> from access svn through the normal svn network port.
By 'svn installed' I meant of course 'svn installed, functional, and
able to download ffmpeg'. The web page says "You can choose between a
full checkout that you can update with Subversion". Hence I could
rephrase as:
If you cant update with svn, what is the use of a snapshot that *might*
be updated with svn? And if you can update with svn, why download a
Michel Bardiaux
R&D Director
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