[FFmpeg-devel] Optimizations for Cell Broadband Engine

Guillaume Poirier gpoirier
Thu May 10 00:04:25 CEST 2007

Le 9 mai 07 ? 19:57, Nick Merryman a ?crit :

> I'm a grad student at Georgia Tech and have been working on an MPEG-2
> decoder optimized for Cell for my graduate research for the past  
> semester+.
> I'll have a copy of my source uploaded somewhere within the next  
> two days.
> Using 6 SPEs, I see a bit over a 4x speedup over my baseline code  
> (based on
> "mpeg2play").  I don't have any vectorized instructions implemented  
> yet.
> I considered starting with FFmpeg and made a few tries at it, but  
> couldn't
> follow the existing mpeg-2 decoder code -- or half the time, even  
> determine
> which decoder code is actually being used.
> Hopefully my work will be useful to someone more experienced with  
> FFmpeg.

Yes, please do. You can also send me the tarball of your work if you  
don't have a web page to upload your work.

Don't forget to mention the license of your code: public domain, BSD,  


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