[Ffmpeg-devel] Real-time mpegts encoding and streaming

Theofilos Karachristos teo_kar
Fri Mar 2 10:25:36 CET 2007

Hi to all again

I don't know if this is good or bad, but I took much more answers on my problem 
throught this mailing list rather than via the ffmpeg-user list.

Anyway, all this period I thought I was doing something wrong in my code
regarding the creation of the TS. Also, I got very confused when I saw Mplayer 
playing my ts files flawlesly and VLC showing jitter on the same files.

Following Fredrik's advice I will have a look on the VLC TS-muxer and if neither 
this solves my problem I will use the ffmepg ps-muxer (although I want to stream 
via the internet)

Many thanx for your answers. They were very helpfull

PS: Some advice or sample code on how to use (the ffmpeg's or custom) 
protocols would be much appreciated, since I see many developers are 
struggling for days or months (including me) to find a solution to this issue. 
Thanx again.

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