[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] SPARC VIS simple_idct try#8
Balatoni Denes
Fri Aug 31 20:28:05 CEST 2007
Friday 31 August 2007 01:04-kor Michel Lespinasse ezt ?rta:
> Just for information, Belatoni, do you happen to have benchmark numbers
> against the mlib code ?
Sure. Simple_vis is slightly slower than mlib, but much more accurate - I
think it's worth using it instead of mlib.
NASA abc HDTV 720p.mpg (mpeg2 HDTV)
1 run with mplayer
BENCHMARKs: VC: 264.861s VO: 0.058s A: 0.000s Sys: 11.586s = 276.505s
BENCHMARK%: VC: 95.7888% VO: 0.0210% A: 0.0000% Sys: 4.1902% = 100.0000%
BENCHMARKs: VC: 273.837s VO: 0.064s A: 0.000s Sys: 11.341s = 285.242s
BENCHMARK%: VC: 96.0015% VO: 0.0225% A: 0.0000% Sys: 3.9760% = 100.0000%
BENCHMARKs: VC: 363.950s VO: 0.072s A: 0.000s Sys: 11.308s = 375.330s
BENCHMARK%: VC: 96.9680% VO: 0.0192% A: 0.0000% Sys: 3.0128% = 100.0000%
(it's own C idct-you have to add VC+VO numbers to compare with above numbers)
BENCHMARKs: VC: 287.611s VO: 21.027s A: 0.000s Sys: 11.127s = 319.766s
BENCHMARK%: VC: 89.9443% VO: 6.5758% A: 0.0000% Sys: 3.4798% = 100.0000%
delewis-broken-mlib.avi (mpeg4)
Best of 10 runs with mplayer
BENCHMARKs: VC: 8.908s VO: 0.005s A: 0.000s Sys: 1.275s = 10.188s
BENCHMARK%: VC: 87.4308% VO: 0.0515% A: 0.0000% Sys: 12.5177% = 100.0000%
BENCHMARKs: VC: 9.312s VO: 0.007s A: 0.000s Sys: 1.385s = 10.703s
BENCHMARK%: VC: 86.9998% VO: 0.0629% A: 0.0000% Sys: 12.9373% = 100.0000%
simple C
BENCHMARKs: VC: 11.669s VO: 0.006s A: 0.000s Sys: 1.496s = 13.171s
BENCHMARK%: VC: 88.5975% VO: 0.0433% A: 0.0000% Sys: 11.3592% = 100.0000%
logo.mpg (mpeg2 HDTV)
Best of 10 runs with mplayer
BENCHMARKs: VC: 23.089s VO: 0.005s A: 0.000s Sys: 1.033s = 24.128s
BENCHMARK%: VC: 95.6949% VO: 0.0225% A: 0.0000% Sys: 4.2825% = 100.0000%
BENCHMARKs: VC: 23.954s VO: 0.005s A: 0.000s Sys: 1.125s = 25.084s
BENCHMARK%: VC: 95.4936% VO: 0.0218% A: 0.0000% Sys: 4.4846% = 100.0000%
BENCHMARKs: VC: 29.675s VO: 0.007s A: 0.000s Sys: 1.124s = 30.806s
BENCHMARK%: VC: 96.3292% VO: 0.0233% A: 0.0000% Sys: 3.6475% = 100.0000%
(it's own C idct-you have to add VC+VO numbers to compare with above numbers)
BENCHMARKs: VC: 23.110s VO: 2.438s A: 0.000s Sys: 1.092s = 26.641s
BENCHMARK%: VC: 86.7475% VO: 9.1527% A: 0.0000% Sys: 4.0997% = 100.0000%
Some accuracy numbers: (dct-test -i 0 output, these were posted before):
144 101 394 286 421 176 11 126
88 109 152 79 99 93 166 94
233 140 94 134 83 131 57 74
185 100 121 74 85 117 84 70
207 134 74 129 129 89 66 88
112 74 74 94 75 80 124 103
126 144 130 111 120 82 87 104
96 119 72 83 66 133 146 97
IDCT SIMPLE-VIS: err_inf=1 err2=0.02248828 syserr=0.02105000 maxout=260
IDCT SIMPLE-VIS: 1486.2 kdct/s
2810 1725 3883 3476 1445 2977 1362 1943
1263 1244 3402 2061 3266 2497 2936 2741
3763 3555 1640 2765 1864 2615 2039 2391
3648 1897 2893 2304 2447 2391 2482 2613
1796 3132 2055 2615 2115 2426 2246 2373
2690 2483 2701 2527 2544 2556 2554 2520
1361 2738 2237 2556 2252 2520 2360 2349
1882 2594 2395 2605 2279 2759 2274 2578
IDCT MLIBidct: err_inf=3 err2=0.38151094 syserr=0.19415000 maxout=260
IDCT MLIBidct: 2676.6 kdct/s
92 156 -255 132 -189 129 -9 110
-242 90 -97 100 -105 84 -104 80
-89 157 -141 66 -165 107 -108 89
-142 116 -92 81 -66 107 -102 67
-163 128 -157 87 -92 59 -104 50
-93 142 -78 123 -60 111 -107 109
-149 148 -49 98 -43 64 -87 82
-165 115 -115 66 -115 86 -112 96
IDCT WALKEN-VIS: err_inf=1 err2=0.02248906 syserr=0.01275000 maxout=260
IDCT WALKEN-VIS: 42.2 kdct/s
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