[Ffmpeg-devel] [PATCH] ATRAC3 decoder

Michael Niedermayer michaelni
Wed Apr 11 15:15:48 CEST 2007


On Tue, Apr 10, 2007 at 07:55:49PM +0200, Benjamin Larsson wrote:
> Hi, better late then never. Fixed all issues from the first review also.
> >>     /* Generate the scale factors. */
> >>     for (i=0 ; i<64 ; i++)
> >>         SFTable[i] = powf(2.0, (i + 2) / 3 - 5) * mantissaTab[(i + 2) % 3];
> > 
> > pow(2.0, (i + 15) / 3.0);
> > 
> > and remove the useless mantissaTab
> The scalefactors are not even close to being equal if I do.


> /* quadrature mirror synthesis filter */
> static void iqmf (float *inlo, float *inhi, unsigned int nIn, float *pOut, float *delayBuf, float *temp, float *pWindow)
> {
>     int   cnt, j;
>     float   *p1, *p3;
>     float  s1, s2;
>     memcpy(temp, delayBuf, 46*sizeof(float));
>     p3 = temp + 46;
>     /* loop1 */
>     for (cnt = nIn / 2; cnt != 0; cnt--) {
>         p3[0] = inlo[0] + inhi[0];
>         p3[1] = inlo[0] - inhi[0];
>         p3[2] = inlo[1] + inhi[1];
>         p3[3] = inlo[1] - inhi[1];
>         inlo += 2;
>         inhi += 2;
>         p3 += 4;
>     }

any reason why its not the obvious:

for(i=0; i<nIn; i++){
    p3[2*i+0] = inlo[i] + inhi[i];
    p3[2*i+1] = inlo[i] - inhi[i];


for(i=0; i<nIn; i+=2){
    p3[2*i+0] = inlo[i  ] + inhi[i  ];
    p3[2*i+1] = inlo[i  ] - inhi[i  ];
    p3[2*i+2] = inlo[i+1] + inhi[i+1];
    p3[2*i+3] = inlo[i+1] - inhi[i+1];

>     /* loop2 */
>     p1 = temp;
>     for (j = nIn; j != 0; j--) {
>         s1 = 0.0;
>         s2 = 0.0;

as s1, s2 are not used outside this loop
float s1= 0.0 ...
would be simpler and shorter lifetime of variables likely allows more
optimization to be done by gcc

>     /* for (i=0; i<512; i++) {
>          pOutput[i] *= mdct_window[i]; */
> }

something is wrong with the {} here


>         pTable = (uint8_t*)decTables[selector];

what is that cast doing here? is pTable or decTables type wrong?
either way a cast is not the correct solution, fix the types

>         if (selector != 1) {
>             for (cnt = 0; cnt < numCodes; cnt++) {
>                 huffSymb = get_vlc2(gb, spectral_coeff_tab[selector-1].table, spectral_coeff_tab[selector-1].bits, 3);
>                 huffSymb += 1;
>                 code = pTable[huffSymb >> 1];
>                 if (huffSymb & 1)
>                     code = -code;
>                 mantissas[cnt] = code;
>             }

whats the sense in this decTables[] based remapping? why isnt the
spectral_coeff_tab in the proper order?

>     for (cnt = 0; cnt <= numSubbands; cnt++) {
>         first = subbandTab[cnt];
>         last = subbandTab[cnt+1];
>         subbWidth = last - first;
>         if (subband_vlc_index[cnt] != 0) {
>             /* Decode spectral coefficients for this subband. */
>             /* TODO: This can be done faster is several blocks share the
>              * same VLC selector (subband_vlc_index) */
>             readQuantSpectralCoeffs (gb, subband_vlc_index[cnt], codingMode, mantissas, subbWidth);
>             /* Decode the scale factor for this subband. */
>             SF = SFTable[SF_idxs[cnt]] * iMaxQuant[subband_vlc_index[cnt]];
>             /* Inverse quantize the coefficients. */
>             for (pIn=mantissas ; first<last; first++, pIn++)
>                 pOut[first] = ((float)*pIn * SF);

superflouos ()

>         } else {
>             /* This subband was not coded, so zero the entire subband. */
>             memset(&(pOut[first]), 0, subbWidth * 4);


>                 coded_values = coded_values_per_component + 1;
>                 if (coded_values > max_coded_values)
>                     coded_values = max_coded_values;


>                 scalefactor = SFTable[sfIndx] * iMaxQuant[quant_step_index];
>                 readQuantSpectralCoeffs(gb, quant_step_index, coding_mode, mantissa, coded_values);
>                 pComponent[component_count].numCoefs = coded_values;
>                 /* inverse quant */
>                 pCoef = pComponent[k].coef;
>                 for (cnt = 0; cnt < coded_values; cnt++)
>                     pCoef[cnt] = (float)mantissa[cnt] * scalefactor;
>                 component_count++;

this code looks duplicated relative to part of decodeSpectrum()

>             }
>         }
>     }
>     *numComponents = component_count;

why isnt return not used to return this value?

> static void gainCompensateAndOverlap (float *pIn, float *pPrev, float *pOut, gain_info *pGain1, gain_info *pGain2)
> {
>     /* gain compensation function */
>     float  gain1, gain2, gain_inc;
>     int   cnt, numdata, nsample, startLoc, endLoc;
>     if (pGain2->num_gain_data == 0)
>         gain1 = 1.0;
>     else
>         gain1 = gain_tab1[pGain2->levcode[0]];
>     if (pGain1->num_gain_data == 0) {
>         for (cnt = 0; cnt < 256; cnt++)
>             pOut[cnt] = (pIn[cnt] * gain1) + pPrev[cnt];

superfluous ()

>     } else {
>         numdata = pGain1->num_gain_data;
>         pGain1->loccode[numdata] = 32;
>         pGain1->levcode[numdata] = 4;
>         nsample = 0; // current sample = 0
>         for (cnt = 0; cnt < numdata; cnt++) {
>             startLoc = pGain1->loccode[cnt] * 8;
>             endLoc = startLoc + 8;
>             gain2 = gain_tab1[pGain1->levcode[cnt]];
>             gain_inc = gain_tab2[(pGain1->levcode[cnt+1] - pGain1->levcode[cnt])+15];

superfluous ()

>             /* interpolate */
>             for (; nsample < startLoc; nsample++)
>                 pOut[nsample] = ((pIn[nsample] * gain1) + pPrev[nsample]) * gain2;

superfluous ()

>         for (cnt1 = 0; cnt1 < (pComponent[cnt].numCoefs); cnt1++)
>         {
>             *pOut += *pIn;
>             pIn++;
>             pOut++;
>         }

pOut[i] += pIn[i] or *pOut++ += *pIn++; is more readable IMHO

>             /* Interpolation is done over the first eight samples. */
>             for(; nsample < 8; nsample++) {
>                 c1 = su1[band*256+nsample];
>                 c2 = su2[band*256+nsample];
>                 c2 = (c1 * INTERPOLATE(mc1_l,mc2_l,nsample)) + (c2 * INTERPOLATE(mc1_r,mc2_r,nsample));

superfluous ()

>     result = decodeGainControl (gb, &(pSnd->gainBlock[pSnd->gcBlkSwitch]), pSnd->bandsCoded);
>     if (result) return result;
>     result = decodeTonalComponents (gb, &(pSnd->numComponents), &(pSnd->components[0]), pSnd->bandsCoded);
>     if (result) return (result);

supefluous ()

>     decodeSpectrum (gb, pSnd->spectrum, &numSubbands);
>     /* Merge the decoded spectrum and tonal components. */
>     addTonalComponents (&(pSnd->spectrum[0]), pSnd->numComponents, &(pSnd->components[0]));

&(pSnd->spectrum[0]) ?!

>     /* Convert number of subbands into number of MLT/QMF bands
>      * CAUTION: This may not match the bandsCoded parameter! */
>     numBands = ((subbandTab[numSubbands] + 255) >> 8) - 1;
>     /* Check if the first 8 coefficients in the not-coded band are zero,
>      * otherwise increment numBands. Not used at the moment */

> /*    if ((numBands+1) < 4) {
>         for (i = 0, pCoef = &pSnd -> spectrum[(numBands+1)*256]; i < 8; i++) {
>             if (pCoef[i] != (float)0.0) {
>                 numBands++;
>                 break;
>             }
>         }
>     }*/

why is this out commented? 

Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

While the State exists there can be no freedom; when there is freedom there
will be no State. -- Vladimir Lenin
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