[Ffmpeg-devel] Re: ML posting problems, any admin there ?

Guillaume POIRIER poirierg
Tue Nov 21 08:12:43 CET 2006


On 11/21/06, Edouard Gomez <ed.gomez at free.fr> wrote:
> Le Mon, 20 Nov 2006 23:58:23 +0000, M?ns Rullg?rd a ?crit:
> >  For edgomez.kicks-ass.org, this fails
> > with a "connection refused" error, indicating that the sender address
> > is not real (it is impossible to deliver mail to it).
> It's real but happens to not be exposed outside my LAN. There uses to be
> another techniques to check if MTAs are real ones like refusing the mail
> a first time asking for a delay. a real MTA will retry when processing the
> pending queue again. A basic MTA will indicate failure immediately (heavy
> MUAs)

This is grey listing. Natsuki doesn't use that though I wouldn't mind
if it was used.

> Anyway, i'll route my emails through my ISP just for natsuki. PITA.
> Thank you for your answers.

I don't know how effective this technique is, but given the current
amount of spam that natsuki gets (a hell of a lot), it wouldn't hurt
if more filtering techniques were used.

With DADVSI (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DADVSI), France finally has
a lead on USA on selling out individuals right to corporations!
Vive la France!

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