[Ffmpeg-devel] seek with duration for cutting: broken or changed?
Víctor Paesa
Thu Nov 2 12:36:49 CET 2006
> One more problem though. Usually I can use the command:
> ./ffmpeg -i test.avi -r 1 -f image2 test_stills%03d.jpg
> to generate one still frame for every second of a video. It still works
> on newly recorded video. However, the command doesn't work when applied
> to a file "cut" with ffmpeg:
> ./ffmpeg -ss 5 -t 20 -i test.avi -acodec copy -vcodec copy -y
> test_cut.avi
> followed by
> ./ffmpeg -i test_cut.avi -r 1 -f image2 test_stills%03d.jpg
> creates one still frame from the very beginning of the video but no
> others. The ffmpeg output says "time=1.0" whereas before it would say
> "time=x" where x was equal to the clip duration in seconds. It's as if
> ffmpeg crashes without actually crashing. It makes one image and then
> stops. The "file" output for each resulting AVI is identical.
> What could be causing a "cut" file to crap out like that after making
> one still frame?
Since it is a different problem, please open a new thread, with the info
requested by bugreports.html.
Also provide some pointer to your test_cut.avi file, I tried your commands
on one AVI of mine, and they worked OK (with SVN-r6798).
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