[Ffmpeg-devel] Removing decoders

Ramiro Polla ramiro86
Mon May 1 20:17:37 CEST 2006


Is there a way to not compile any decoders? Using --disable-decoders in 
/configure still compiles them, just doesn't register.
Since I'm making an application that will not use any standard decoder and 
demuxer (I'll register the only ones that will be used), I was thinking 
about not compiling them, thus making the output dll much smaller.
And I want the program to use dlls, since I want to be able to provide them, 
and if anyone wants, they will have the possibility to compile their own 
dlls, and not require the recompilation of the program.

Would that require a major work on the code (using #ifdef's and such for 
each codec), or is that already implemented and I'm just missing the correct 
configure argument?

Ramiro Polla 

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