[Ffmpeg-devel] Re: Differences between mencoder andffmpegwhenencoding using x264
Bob Pankratz
Thu Mar 16 00:00:59 CET 2006
Erik Slagter <erik <at> slagter.name> writes:
> On Wed, 2006-03-15 at 06:40 +0000, Bob Pankratz wrote:
> > In the same spirit we've been trying to adapt a recipe
> > for using ffmpeg to transcode videos to h.264 for
> > iPod users. We've got optimal settings for 1-pass
> > using native x264->ipod done. Given the speed and
> > direct to mp4 feature from ffmpeg it is of course
> > preferred to x264. So here is the setting table. If
> > anyone wants to help us convert this please jump on in.
> I guess you mean you're searching volunteers to make a "-target" for
> ipod
> Smart idea, but at least I won't spent any time on iPod things. I don't
> like apple stuff.
Actually we've got it all figured out. We have x264 recipies that work great
we are trying to bring them over to ffmpeg because it's faster and a single
pass no muxing packing and other wasted items. The problem is
I can't get -bf to be honored at this point.
It takes the parameter and silently does not thing
with it. So that's the last remaining piece....
Has anyone gotten -bf or -bframes to work for h264 and ffmpeg?
All of this will likely wind up in the iSquint project if I can persued
Tyler to use these settings... He's already set on ffmpeg.
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