[Ffmpeg-devel] [PATCH] mjpeg interlaced decoding fix

Benjamin Larsson banan
Thu Jan 19 17:44:37 CET 2006

Michael Niedermayer wrote:

>On Tue, Jan 10, 2006 at 07:57:28PM +0100, Baptiste COUDURIER wrote:
>>This patch fixes jpeg interlaced decoding.
>>Basically, height was wrong while decoding (/2). Setting dimensions
>>after the check fixes that.
>could you provide a sample (m)jpeg which needs this
http://tranquillity.campus.luth.se/~banan/vids/Video_1.mov (144 mb)
http://tranquillity.campus.luth.se/~banan/vids/mjpeg.mov (5mb cut of former)

Without the patch ffmpeg segfaults and ffplay plays the first sample
with half vertical resolution.
With the patch ffmpeg doesn't segfault and ffplay play both samples with
correct vertical resolution.

For backtrace look in ffmpeg-users list. So this patch addresses some bug.

Benjamin Larsson

"incorrect information" is an oxymoron. Information is, by definition, factual, correct.

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