[Ffmpeg-devel] x264 global headers?
Luca Abeni
Mon Jan 16 10:48:11 CET 2006
when encoding (for example) MPEG4 video (or AAC audio) with ffmpeg, I
can set the CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER flag to obtain the stream "global
headers" (to be used, for example as a config information in an SDP) in
I'd like to obtain similar global headers when encoding H.264 video with
x264, but I see that libavcodec/x264.c does not support
CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER... I do not know much about H.264, but I think
the concept of "global headers" still applies, because if I understand
well they are required to write the sprop-parameter-sets attribute in an
SDP file. So, would it be possible to write CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER for
libavcodec/x264.c? If yes, how difficult would it be?
I do not know how to use the x264 library, but if someone can give me
some hints I can try to implement support for the
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