[Ffmpeg-devel] [PATCH] Fix DTS in WAV file playback.

Måns Rullgård mru
Sat Feb 18 18:30:21 CET 2006

Benjamin Zores <ben at geexbox.org> writes:

> Hi,
> The following patch allow playback of WAV files with broken DTS format
> ID.  Currently, DTS codec is supposed to be referenced as 0x2001 but
> I've never seen a sample with such an ID. Most of DTS samples in WAV
> are using 0x01 (which is PCM reserved) which is of course a broken
> behavior, but so is life.

The reason they are made this way is so they can be burned to an audio
CD using regular software, and played back using DTS-aware hifi gear.
Most burning programs are stupid, and will refuse to burn a file if
they believe it contains anything but PCM audio, or will attempt to
decode it before burning.  This is just an explanation, not an excuse.

> So the patch checks for begining of bytestream to match some DTS
> known-bytestream.

That will do the right thing with some files, but not all.  Often
there is some other junk before the first DTS frame.

M?ns Rullg?rd
mru at inprovide.com

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