[Ffmpeg-devel] [PATCH] change the way version numbers are defined

ramiro at lisha.ufsc.br ramiro
Thu Dec 21 23:35:23 CET 2006


While making the dllinfo.rc files for Windows in a way that didn't
hardcode version info inside it, I found it best to dismember version
numbers into major, minor and revision, and regroup them where necessary.
*.rc files need version info with four fields, and separated by commas. So
what I did in all .h files that defined versions:

- dismember *_VERSION into *_MAJOR, *_MINOR, and *_REVISION
- changed *_VERSION_INT to use the new defines too
- changed configure to read each part of version and regroup them

It somewhat bloats configure, but that can probably be made smaller.
It will be simpler this way to change version numbers when needed, since
there's only one define to change. (does not duplicate version numbers in

Ramiro Polla
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