[Ffmpeg-devel] [PATCH] FLV decoder metadata reading

Allan Hsu allan
Mon Dec 11 12:57:14 CET 2006

On Dec 11, 2006, at 12:49 AM, Allan Hsu wrote:

>> IMHO these should be set directly in AVCodecContext without the  
>> intermediate
>> FLVDemuxContext layer
> Same as above. New patch attached that writes metadata straight  
> into the streams.

After more testing I noticed that files with samplerate but otherwise  
incomplete audio metadata would not decode properly. Here's a fixed  
version of the patch.

Allan Hsu <allan at counterpop dot net>
1E64 E20F 34D9 CBA7 1300  1457 AC37 CBBB 0E92 C779

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