[Ffmpeg-devel] H264 now has artifacts on G4

Derk-Jan Hartman d.hartman
Sun Jun 5 01:42:51 CEST 2005

On 04 jun 2005, at 23:58, M?ns Rullg?rd wrote:
> Derk-Jan Hartman <d.hartman at student.utwente.nl> writes:
>> I just updated my ffmpeg to a complete fresh build and all of a sudden
>> I have artefact as should be visible from the snapshots and ffmpeg
>> transcode linked below. It was a while ago since i last tested h264
>> with ffmpeg, so i have no idea when this went wrong.

> Could you try to narrow down the time of the breakage?  A binary
> search usually pinpoints the revision that broke things rather
> quickly.  Also try without altivec optimizations.

Revision 1.131 / (download) - annotate - [select for diffs] , Wed Jun 1 
08:43:40 2005 UTC (3 days, 14 hours ago) by michael
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.130: +18 -4 lines
Diff to previous 1.130
avoid one transpose (730->680 dezicycles on duron)

That's the cause of the problem

Universiteit Twente
Derk-Jan Hartman (d.hartman at student.utwente dot nl)

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