[Ffmpeg-devel] redetect audioformat in mpeg-ts
Måns Rullgård
Wed Jul 6 10:11:36 CEST 2005
Patrick Fischer said:
> In mpeg-ts it is possible to change the AudioFormat.
> For example from Strereo to Mono.
> How can I detect the changeings?
> I think it is not a practical idea to make an av_find_stream_info(...)
> at every Frame.
> I need to know the point of the change-over.
> Anybody an idear?
MPEG-TS doesn't (usually) contain any more detailed information than the
codec used. It's up to your mpeg audio decoder to detect a change, and do
something sensible. It's probably not a very good idea to be changing audio
parameters midstream, as most players will not cope with it. I'm not sure
whether it's (dis)allowed by any standards.
M?ns Rullg?rd
mru at inprovide.com
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