[Ffmpeg-devel] Re: libavutil / separate build directory

Attila Kinali attila
Tue Aug 9 07:06:54 CEST 2005

On Sat, 6 Aug 2005 18:39:37 -0400
Rich Felker <dalias at aerifal.cx> wrote:

> > You can take a look at sylpheed (http://sylpheed.good-day.net/en/),
> > i'm using it since years and i'm very satisfied with it.
> I don't know about modern Sylpheed, but historically this mailer has
> done lots of nasty stuff like failing to wrap lines, including bogus
> bloated headers, etc. Personally I would recommend mutt. :)

That must be very long ago. I'm using sylpheed since
0.4.x times and never had problems, not even with disk full.

I use currently an IMAP server with procmail on it to
store my emails, as i work from a lot of different locations.
I used to have sylpheed with MH localy, using both the build
in POP3 client and fetchmail+procmail. Everything worked
like a charm.

Just as a side note, sylpheed 2.0 suffers a bit from
GtkTreeView's bad implementation if you have mail folders
with several thousand mails in it, unless Hiroyuki fixed
it already, that is.
(That's the reason why i still stick to 1.0.x+gtk2)

			Attila Kinali

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