[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20200201

burek burek at teamnet.rs
Sun Feb 2 03:05:02 EET 2020

[02:06:38 CET] <arjraj> i almost exclusively use my own ffmpeg builds for windows and the aac encoder seems fine, built with gcc 9.2.0
[02:07:07 CET] <arjraj> on another note, am i correct in saying that ffmpeg doesnt have a filter/flag for changing subtitle speed?
[02:08:34 CET] <arjraj> i.e. ive sped up video+audio, by 1.0427x (24p -> 25fps), but now the sub tracks are desynced
[02:08:55 CET] <JEEB> filter-wise libavfilter only deals with AVFrames, and subtitles are still AVSubtitles :)
[02:09:01 CET] <arjraj> oof
[02:09:14 CET] <arjraj> I can fix my multiplying timestamps in mkvmerge, but just wondering if i could get ffmpeg to handle everything so i only have to write one script :/
[02:09:45 CET] <JEEB> the API lets you do whatever you want of course since you get the presentation time stamps :) but no idea if ffmpeg.c has a thing for that
[02:10:26 CET] <arjraj> > patches ffmpeg.c instead of writing a single line of bash
[02:11:17 CET] <arjraj> yeah ah well ill probably just use mkvmerge, im getting a mate to run the encode anyway and he'll have no idea what to do if i start talking about apis
[17:29:06 CET] <RhineDevil> I tried to download and convert a file through ffmpeg -y -i https://mysite.com/hd_video.m3u8 -c copy -f mp4 file:myfile.mp4.part, but on some pieces it got 'Temporary failure in name resolution' or 'Error in the pull function.', what can I do to solve that? There are settings like "retry n more times" or "increase timeout"?
[17:37:08 CET] <c_14> RhineDevil: not that I know of, you can try setting "-multiple_requests 1` so it'll try to keep  a single connection open instead of trying to open new connections every time
[17:38:37 CET] <RhineDevil> c_14, it tries to open new connections by default? ._.
[17:38:59 CET] <c_14> pretty sure yeah (unless the docs are outdated, let me check)
[17:40:22 CET] <c_14> yeah, disabled by default
[17:42:35 CET] <RhineDevil> thanks c_14, with multiple connection disabled it performs way better. There should be a global setting understood by every program that disables multiple connections, they're always a mess in some environments
[22:11:51 CET] <Media_Thor> Any filter that can "diff" audio tracks please?
[22:15:44 CET] <durandal_1707> "diff" is what?
[22:17:56 CET] <DHE> umm.. binary files differ?
[22:18:56 CET] <durandal_1707> if you mean to hear difference between two tracks: use amix filter: amix=inputs=2:weights='-1 1'
[22:20:32 CET] <deltasquared> so I'm attempting to use ffmpeg to alter a gif to slow it's frames down, but I'm not having much luck so far - despite everything I've tried, ffmpeg still creates a gif with the same approximate fps as the input. used -r, -framerate and fps filters. not entirely sure what to do here.
[22:20:51 CET] <DHE> put -r before the -i input option
[22:22:41 CET] <deltasquared> DHE: either I'm tired or otherwise failed to realise, but I swear I tried that already. but it appears to have worked now. thanks x)
[22:41:31 CET] <RhineDevil> I did this command on a very large ffmpeg file, it's hanging from more than 15 minutes but the file is very large (1,5 GB) is it normal? Should I wait?
[22:41:33 CET] <RhineDevil> ffmpeg -i 'file.mp4.part' -acodec copy -vf scale=852:480 -ss 58:21.00 -t 2.00 filecut.mp4
[22:42:03 CET] <klaxa> it's decoding the video, if you move -ss before -i it will demux instead of decode
[22:42:33 CET] <klaxa> and basically seek instead of read the file until the position is found
[22:43:09 CET] <RhineDevil> oh, thanks
[22:45:34 CET] <RhineDevil> klaxa, now it works as it should, thank you very much; didn't knew the arguments order change ffmpeg behaviour
[22:49:16 CET] <klaxa> well, they do :P
[22:49:36 CET] <klaxa> ffmpeg [input options] -i [input] [output options] [output]
[00:00:00 CET] --- Sun Feb  2 2020

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