[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20190527

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Tue May 28 03:05:02 EEST 2019

[00:27:53 CEST] CTCP VERSION:  from snap1 (snap1!ashiudo at unaffiliated/damdai) to #ffmpeg
[00:27:53 CEST] CTCP reply VERSION:  from irdr (irdr!irdr at to #ffmpeg
[00:39:10 CEST] <snap1> satoshi2 hello
[00:40:39 CEST] <satoshi2> hello, why
[00:41:08 CEST] <snap1> why what
[00:42:32 CEST] <satoshi2> respect my privacy nsa
[00:44:00 CEST] <snap1> what privacy?
[00:44:36 CEST] <klaxa> that's exactly what nsa would ask, but smirkly
[00:47:05 CEST] <Atlenohen> Hello
[00:47:51 CEST] <Atlenohen> So I have a mkv and mpegts files i'd like to check whether they're variable framerate or constant, can I do that with ffprobe quickly?
[00:50:55 CEST] <DHE> not consistently. youd have to read the whole file to be sure.
[00:51:04 CEST] <DHE> and that's not "quickly"
[00:55:12 CEST] <Atlenohen> What about in Adobe Premiere, which supports VFR now
[01:02:43 CEST] <Atlenohen> Timeline should show it if it supports right ...
[01:47:56 CEST] <snap1> DHE can you tell the difference between x264 video and  nvenc video?
[02:01:17 CEST] <DHE> ignoring misdirected question
[02:18:48 CEST] <CounterPillow> lol
[02:37:41 CEST] <Atlenohen> DHE: I got confused a bit, just double checking, which one is more precise, MKV 1/1000 or MPEG-TS 1/90000
[02:42:03 CEST] <DHE> 90,000 is the bigger number, so it's more precise
[02:42:40 CEST] <CounterPillow> more like 1/90000 is the smaller number so it's more precise
[02:54:22 CEST] <Numline1> Apparently miniDLNA has been dead for almost 10 years
[02:54:37 CEST] <Numline1> That's cute, especially since it's still included as a go-to in ubuntu/debian :O
[03:58:42 CEST] <radius> hello
[03:59:01 CEST] <radius> which output pixel formats can be used for the png encoder?
[04:06:15 CEST] <klaxa> >    Supported pixel formats: rgb24 rgba rgb48be rgba64be pal8 gray ya8 gray16be ya16be monob
[04:06:25 CEST] <klaxa> you can get that with: ffmpeg -help encoder=png
[04:06:46 CEST] <radius> oh thanks a lot much appreciated!
[04:06:46 CEST] <klaxa> that will list all kinds of information about the png encoder including supported pixel formats
[08:08:07 CEST] <sazawal> Hello. What is an appropriate command/software to split an mkv between two keyframes? I guess, I have to re-encode the whole video before splitting it, can I use Handbrake for this? Avidemux works for me, but I am not sure if I am losing some quality. I also have a bad experience of early versions of avidemux where splitting gave me green/gray endings.
[09:34:49 CEST] <pink_mist> sazawal: if you're re-encoding you _will_ lose quality unless you do a lossless encoding, which will be HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE
[09:36:52 CEST] <sazawal> pink_mist, Hi. So, is there another way for splitting between the keyframes? Say, is it possible to generate more keyframes between two keyframes?
[09:37:30 CEST] <sazawal> MKVCutter seems to do this job by re-encoding only the part where the splitting is taking place, but I dont have access to windows at the moment. What do you think about Avidemux splitting?
[09:38:17 CEST] <pink_mist> I think the only tool that works for this is MKVCutter, sorry
[09:38:24 CEST] <pink_mist> at least that I've heard of
[09:38:43 CEST] <pink_mist> ffmpeg specifically doesn't deal with it, and since HandBrake uses ffmpeg, it doesn't either
[09:39:02 CEST] <pink_mist> I haveto admit I have no experience with avidemux though, so I can't really comment on that
[09:39:42 CEST] <sazawal> pink_mist, I see. Thanks anyway.
[19:49:25 CEST] <nitrxgen> -vf "transpose=2" sometimes doesn't rotate my video, usually from my phone
[19:50:27 CEST] <nitrxgen> original video and output video are same orientation
[19:51:09 CEST] <nitrxgen> and strangely neither does transpose=3 but it does flip it! just not rotate it, any advice?
[21:07:04 CEST] <upgreydd> Hello. Guys quick question, Is there an option to force codec time base? For example 1/60
[21:08:04 CEST] <upgreydd> I've tried with `-time_base 1/30` parameter, but I'm still getting "codec_time_base=2/119" so it's almost 1/60
[21:11:25 CEST] <upgreydd> JEEB: friend :D
[23:03:42 CEST] <Atlenohen> Hello
[23:03:52 CEST] <Atlenohen> So webm_dash_manifest isn't same as webm in ffmpeg?
[23:04:07 CEST] <Atlenohen> If I encode with "webm" i won't be able to decode it ?
[23:04:20 CEST] <Atlenohen> unless I use the dash manifest which has both?
[23:05:48 CEST] <CounterPillow> Does anyone have some rough performance figures for software decoding 10-bit H.264 on modern phone SoCs
[23:06:31 CEST] <CounterPillow> Atlenohen: "which has both" what?
[23:06:44 CEST] <JEEB> Atlenohen: I think the webm dash thing is a really weird thing that only outputs the manifest
[23:06:47 CEST] <JEEB> although I'm not sure
[23:06:59 CEST] <JEEB> google added it and it was taken in for reasons (?)
[23:07:01 CEST] <Atlenohen> CounterPillow: If the internal doc is right ..
[23:07:05 CEST] <CounterPillow> both what
[23:07:24 CEST] <Atlenohen> ffmpeg.exe -formats: shows "webm" as having only an encoder
[23:07:32 CEST] <JEEB> yes
[23:07:37 CEST] <Atlenohen> but webm_dash_manifest as both
[23:07:44 CEST] <c_14> Atlenohen: it's listed under matroska,webm
[23:07:52 CEST] <c_14> the decoder, that is
[23:07:57 CEST] <CounterPillow> webm is a subset of matroska
[23:08:02 CEST] <Atlenohen> oh sure ... yeah
[23:08:08 CEST] <Atlenohen> yeah it's there then.
[23:08:29 CEST] <Atlenohen> I did knew that I was just confused a bit
[23:08:29 CEST] <JEEB> CounterPillow: my 2014 oneplus one plays 720p24/1.001 10bit H.264 real time
[23:08:43 CEST] <JEEB> but I haven't benchmarked it more than that
[23:08:44 CEST] <CounterPillow> JEEB: thanks
[23:08:55 CEST] <JEEB> I think the OPO was either a 3 or 4 core thing
[23:08:58 CEST] <JEEB> not sure
[23:09:02 CEST] <JEEB> possibly dual?
[23:09:06 CEST] <JEEB> (ยด4@)
[23:09:32 CEST] <JEEB> > 2.5 GHz (2457 MHz) quad-core Krait 400
[23:09:40 CEST] <JEEB> gonna bet you it was not on that rate for long
[23:37:25 CEST] <kepstin> should be fine as long as you always watch videos inside a freezer.
[23:46:41 CEST] <kevinnn> Hi all! I wanted to create a raw h264 file from an mp4 file I had. For my particular use case I needed to use a special h264 format. This is the command that was suggested to me: ffmpeg -y -i sourceFile -r 30000/1001 -b:a 2M -bt 4M -vcodec libx264 -pass 1 -coder 0 -bf 0 -flags -loop -wpredp 0 -an targetFile.mp4
[23:46:54 CEST] <kevinnn> Unfortunately this produced a file that vlc struggled to play
[23:47:00 CEST] <kevinnn> any reason why that might be?
[23:47:27 CEST] <BtbN> Why "-pass 1" when you're not doing a second pass?
[23:47:51 CEST] <kepstin> that "-b:a" seems incorrect, too, maybe should be "-b:v" to set video bitrate?
[23:47:53 CEST] <kevinnn> BtbN: to be honest I don't know...
[23:48:26 CEST] <kepstin> kevinnn: how about we start from the start again, what are the requirements of your particular use case?
[23:48:37 CEST] <BtbN> Also, that's creating an mp4 file, not raw h264. You generally never want raw h264 though
[23:49:06 CEST] <kevinnn> "does not support weighted prediction for P-frames and CABAC entropy encoding"
[23:49:15 CEST] <kevinnn> these are the requirements
[23:49:32 CEST] <kevinnn> and I am fairly positive I want a raw h264 file
[23:50:32 CEST] <BtbN> Why? It has no FPS information or anything
[23:51:08 CEST] <kevinnn> BtbN: well I want to transmit NAL unit by NAL unit
[23:51:10 CEST] <kevinnn> for streaming
[23:51:41 CEST] <BtbN> So the metadata like fps and timestamps is provided elseway?
[23:52:13 CEST] <kevinnn> yes that is right
[00:00:00 CEST] --- Tue May 28 2019

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