[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20191221

burek burek at teamnet.rs
Sun Dec 22 03:05:02 EET 2019

[03:38:11 CET] <shibboleth> any idea why -hwaccel cuda shows up in nvidia-smi but cuvid does not?
[09:38:15 CET] <raisen> is it possible to create a live video stream from a single image file using ffmpeg? this image would be updated frequently which would update the video frame, otherwise the video would constantly use the last image
[10:27:21 CET] <snooky> hi all
[10:27:57 CET] <snooky> is there a simple command to convert a m2ts into a mkv and remove the subtitles at the same time?
[10:37:03 CET] <cehoyos> snooky: What did you try? (ffmpeg -i input -map -0:s -c copy out.mkv)
[10:37:34 CET] <snooky> i have copy my bluray to my hdd... now i want it to copy on my nas
[10:37:49 CET] <snooky> but i have the structure with STREAM folder and the m2ts files
[10:38:21 CET] <snooky> how i now can make from this m2ts remove the subtitles and create an new m2ts or mkv
[11:01:23 CET] <furq> snooky: use mkvtoolnix for that and use the mpls files as input
[11:01:40 CET] <furq> there's not necessarily a 1:1 mapping between bluray titles and m2ts files
[11:01:52 CET] <furq> and also the chapters are in the mpls
[11:04:48 CET] <snooky> when i open the m2ts files
[11:04:58 CET] <snooky> i cant disable the subtitle in vlc
[16:26:36 CET] <phobosoph> hi
[16:43:29 CET] <phobosoph> anyone here? :)
[16:43:33 CET] <phobosoph> I got an interesting issue with ffmpeg
[16:44:00 CET] <pink_mist> loads of people here. just ask your question
[16:44:36 CET] <phobosoph> OK! So I use FFMPEG to stream-copy a RTSP webcam feed to Youtube Live RTMP server
[16:44:57 CET] <phobosoph> it works quite well, full fps and full hd - but after some hours the bandwidth and framerate in ffmpeg stats drop and youtube stops recognizing the stream
[16:45:13 CET] <phobosoph> I have to kill + restart ffmpeg, ffmpeg doesn't notice any issues while streaming and exits
[16:45:24 CET] <phobosoph> how can I further diagnose what goes wrong?
[16:45:33 CET] <phobosoph> This happens every time, I restart ffmpeg, the stream goes up in Youtube again
[16:45:38 CET] <phobosoph> then after some hours the stream stops working
[16:45:51 CET] <phobosoph> Have to terminate ffmpeg and restart it manually
[16:45:59 CET] <phobosoph> maybe I am missing an option?
[16:46:06 CET] <pink_mist> first thing to make sure of: are you on the latest git ffmpeg?
[16:46:18 CET] <JEEB> you can check with -debug_ts if frames/packets are still being passed
[16:46:37 CET] <phobosoph> pink_mist: good point, I use a docker image with latest ffmpeg
[16:46:38 CET] <JEEB> it will log a lot of stuff, but will show you if the actual API usage ends up stopping somewhere
[16:46:52 CET] <JEEB> -v verbose also is useful for having a bit of extra logging, but not too much
[16:46:56 CET] <phobosoph> JEEB: ah, so I add -debug_ts to the ffmpeg invocation? :)
[16:46:58 CET] <JEEB> -v debug tends to be a crapshoot
[16:47:04 CET] <JEEB> phobosoph: yes
[16:47:15 CET] <phobosoph> good I will do that, the output is logged as ffmepg runs in background
[16:47:47 CET] <phobosoph> indeed, lots of stats are logged now :O
[16:48:12 CET] <phobosoph> he, at some point I should use something like Prometheus to log the ffmpeg stats :D
[16:48:24 CET] <JEEB> basically how a packet is read, how ffmpeg.c pokes the timestamps of that packet, pushing packet for decoding, pulling it to get a decoded frame etc
[16:48:25 CET] <phobosoph> so I let this run until it fails again and then I can see some pattern in these stats?
[16:48:29 CET] <phobosoph> ah
[16:48:49 CET] <phobosoph> most interestingly ffmpeg happily sends the data and doesn't notice that youtube stopped using them
[16:49:01 CET] <phobosoph> hmm, maybe youtube should also give the rtmp client a hint
[16:49:23 CET] <phobosoph> ah,it would be great if this is finally fixed
[16:49:41 CET] <JEEB> well this should tell you if the stuff within ffmpeg.c seems OK
[16:50:03 CET] <JEEB> like, you don't get random timestamp jumps or pcakets just stop being pushed
[16:50:35 CET] <phobosoph> JEEB: so when it starts to fail I put the log stuff into a pastebin so you can check it
[16:51:00 CET] <JEEB> sure, also if you know the time when it started to bork you can check some time before that and onwards
[16:51:04 CET] <JEEB> for any signs of weirdness
[16:54:29 CET] <phobosoph> I also tried different streaming systems and networks and hosters, so it must be something either with youtube ingestion issues or ffmpeg config
[18:16:13 CET] <phobosoph> stream still works, but this takes some hours, so I wait "paitently", lol
[18:16:20 CET] <phobosoph> patiently
[19:38:51 CET] <phk> hi,
[19:38:51 CET] <phk> im not eble to run more than around 30 instances of ffplay in centos 7 server with dummy display
[19:38:51 CET] <phk> (https://techoverflow.net/2019/02/23/how-to-run-x-server-using-xserver-xorg-video-dummy-driver-on-ubuntu/)
[19:38:51 CET] <phk> no filter or anything, just simple command like DISPLAY=:1 ffplay -i  udp:// -resize 384x216  -left  0 -top  0 -x 384 -y 216 >/dev/null 2>&1 &
[19:38:53 CET] <phk> what can be issue?
[19:39:33 CET] <nicolas17> what happens when you try?
[19:39:43 CET] <phk> https://pastebin.com/fZCeFqFs
[19:39:56 CET] <phk> give this kind of error
[19:40:38 CET] <phk> it works fine till 30-32 instances thn gives above error
[19:40:44 CET] <nicolas17> that's super strange o.o
[19:40:55 CET] <phk> i tried with mpv too
[19:41:12 CET] <phk> but mpv isnt though error, its freeze
[19:41:38 CET] <phk> https://superuser.com/questions/538164/how-many-instances-of-ffmpeg-commands-can-i-run-in-parallel
[19:41:48 CET] <phk> i tried this too, but it didnt help
[19:42:15 CET] <nicolas17> the stack trace mentions pulseaudio, try -an to disable audio entirely
[19:42:22 CET] <nicolas17> just to see if that's really the cause
[19:43:18 CET] <phk> ok
[19:46:27 CET] <phk> nicolas17: its working without audio, thank you
[19:46:42 CET] <nicolas17> do you need audio?
[19:49:29 CET] <phk> well, right now no
[19:49:34 CET] <phk> but in future, yes
[19:58:18 CET] <phobosoph> I am backi
[19:58:20 CET] <phobosoph> so
[19:58:21 CET] <barg> hi, I can't figure out how to remove the rotation from this file https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/752PV3h7zk/
[19:58:26 CET] <phobosoph> youtube stopped recongizing the stream again
[19:58:30 CET] <phobosoph> I checked the detailed logs of ffmpeg
[19:58:33 CET] <phobosoph> frame=169271 fps= 30 q=-1.0 size= 4241747kB time=01:34:02.60 bitrate=6158.2kbits/s speed=0.999x
[19:58:39 CET] <phobosoph> as you can see, speed is not 1x anymore
[19:58:42 CET] <phobosoph> it dropped to 0.999x
[19:59:10 CET] <phobosoph> it drops and drops in the log
[19:59:11 CET] <phobosoph> speed=0.533x
[19:59:21 CET] <phobosoph> then I stopped it because youtube stopped recognizing the stream a long time ago
[19:59:29 CET] <phobosoph> bitrate=6158.2kbits/s
[19:59:42 CET] <phobosoph> so the bitrate is the same according to ffmpeg, but speed goes down to 0 slowly but steadily
[19:59:59 CET] <JEEB> any changes from the debug_ts output? did something stop happening?
[20:00:26 CET] <phobosoph> JEEB: yes! very much indeed
[20:00:36 CET] <phobosoph> so all the time there are debug lines plus that speed line
[20:00:45 CET] <phobosoph> in the end there is only the speed line, no debug lines
[20:00:53 CET] <phobosoph> where the speed drops down
[20:01:03 CET] <JEEB> right, so try and check when the last time packets went through then
[20:01:28 CET] <phobosoph> ah
[20:02:41 CET] <phobosoph> JEEB: https://pastebin.pl/view/0eea1bb8
[20:02:43 CET] <phobosoph> the last part
[20:03:34 CET] <phobosoph> JEEB: then only the speed line that drops down to 0 (but I stopped ffmpeg before that, it would probably take a very long time): https://pastebin.pl/view/5d73fb7c
[20:04:17 CET] <phobosoph> JEEB: so ffmpeg stops processing video packets?
[20:05:25 CET] <JEEB> if demuxer -> no longer gets anything or anything similar, it seems like it's not getting anything from the input?
[20:06:13 CET] <phobosoph> JEEB: hmm, when I open the ipcam stream it still works
[20:06:25 CET] <phobosoph> JEEB: so the ipcam stream (RTSP) may have stopped for some time?
[20:11:33 CET] <phobosoph> JEEB: any ideas for debugging this? :)
[20:11:47 CET] <phobosoph> JEEB: I can also start ffmpeg again with different flags to capture other info
[20:13:55 CET] <barg> also i don't understand is metadata rotation info something that is a cause of rotation or just a documentation of the video having been documented?
[20:15:03 CET] <phobosoph> sorry, connection issue :(
[20:15:09 CET] <phobosoph> so have you written something?
[20:26:36 CET] <furq> barg: it causes the player to rotate the video on playback
[20:57:46 CET] <barg> furq: any idea why i can't get rid of that metadata? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/752PV3h7zk/
[21:31:19 CET] <barg> furq: ffmpeg -i VID_20191219_210054591.mp4 -vf "transpose=1" blah.mp4  <-- seems to have gotten rid of the rotational metadata
[21:31:26 CET] <barg> but the other commands i'd done didn't
[21:31:37 CET] <barg> i think it had a rotation of 270 degrees. so another 90 and it went to 0 and didn't say rotated.
[21:31:50 CET] <barg> not sure if that's right but that's what it seems like
[21:35:49 CET] <barg> also if all it does is cause the player to rotate, then why would that command take quite a while?
[21:39:08 CET] <nicolas17> you're transcoding the entire video with that command
[21:39:12 CET] <nicolas17> maybe the audio too
[21:40:27 CET] <phk> how to map pid in ffplay?
[21:40:39 CET] <phk> -map i:<pid>
[21:40:43 CET] <phk> or -i:<pid>
[21:40:51 CET] <phk> or #<pid> not working
[22:27:44 CET] <barg> nicolas17: should I be specifying the video and audio codec with that command, to prevent a default being used?
[22:28:05 CET] <nicolas17> the 'transpose' codec will *actually* rotate the video, and that will need transcoding
[22:28:11 CET] <nicolas17> s/codec/filter/
[22:28:35 CET] <nicolas17> it decodes each frame, rotates the image, and encodes it back
[23:24:00 CET] <barg> would this command just set the metadata rather than reencode the entire video? ffmpeg -i VID_20191219_210054591.mp4 -metadata:s:v rotate="0" rrrr.mp4
[23:24:22 CET] <barg> it seems to take a while too.. so seems like it may be reencoding too, so doesn't seem that different from -vf "transpose=.."
[23:24:38 CET] <pink_mist> you didn't use -c copy, so it'll make a really crappy reencode probably
[23:24:44 CET] <pink_mist> because the default settings are awful
[23:27:23 CET] <barg> ok so should I use -c copy for both of those?  the -metadata example, and the -vf "transpose=1" example?
[23:27:44 CET] <pink_mist> for -vf transpose you can't
[23:28:00 CET] <barg> why not?
[23:28:12 CET] <pink_mist> because that needs to reencode
[23:29:26 CET] <barg> ah that makes sense, thanks
[23:34:50 CET] <barg> So for -vf "transpose=1" is it a good idea to specify a video and audio codec to make sure it doesn't use defaults?
[00:00:00 CET] --- Sun Dec 22 2019

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