[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20191207

burek burek at teamnet.rs
Sun Dec 8 03:05:01 EET 2019

[00:41:29 CET] <byte4byte_> 11815 Vance Jackson Rd, APT 1806, San Antonio, TX 78230-1457
[00:41:32 CET] <byte4byte_> visit me
[00:44:45 CET] <DHE> nah
[00:45:17 CET] <Diag> oh damn can i get me some distilled alcohol products there
[13:40:32 CET] <Aison> is there a way to track a moving object inside a video and then crop to that object?
[14:01:33 CET] <roxlu> I wrote a little how-to that explains how to correctly build x264 + ffmpeg on Win10 with VS2019 and MSYS2: https://www.roxlu.com/2019/061/compiling-ffmpeg-with-x264-on-windows-10-using-msvc
[14:01:49 CET] <roxlu> I've tested the steps 3 times with a completely new/fresh msys2 install.
[14:04:50 CET] <roxlu> It would be great if this could be added to the wiki. Is that possible?
[14:14:19 CET] <JEEB> roxlu: pretty sure the trac wiki is freely editable?
[15:04:36 CET] <roxlu> ah thanks, didn't know that
[17:25:09 CET] <friendofafriend> HLS is working great, but my storage is soon full of segments.  Is this the right command to have ffmpeg delete segments that are no longer needed when outputting to HLS?   ffmpeg -i <source> -c:v copy -start_number 0 -hls_time 10 -hls_list_size 0 -segment_wrap 10 -hls_flags delete_segments -f hls ./out.m3u8
[17:29:28 CET] <friendofafriend> (And this is using ffmpeg version 3.2.14-1~deb9u1 from the Debian repo, not that deb-multimedia thing.)
[17:32:05 CET] <JEEB> check the output of `ffmpeg -h muxer=hls` to see if you even have that option?
[17:33:55 CET] <friendofafriend> Thank you, JEEB!  Yes, the option appears there.  https://paste.debian.net/plain/1119968
[17:39:36 CET] <friendofafriend> Ah, I think I should be using -hls_wrap instead, instead of that -segment_wrap thing.  I do receive "Duplicated segment filename detected: file1.ts" messages, but I guess I don't need to delete_segments if ffmpeg is rewriting them anyway.
[17:40:23 CET] <friendofafriend> Is it standard practice to use a ramdisk for HLS segments?  It does seem like an awful lot of disk writing, but I'm just a puddinghead.
[17:42:11 CET] <furq> friendofafriend: hls_wrap is deprecated, just use hls_list_size and hls_flags delete_segments
[17:45:21 CET] <friendofafriend> furq: Just tried to use those flags together, but I'm still seeing more than ten output files.  ffmpeg -i <input> -c:v copy -start_number 0 -hls_time 10 -hls_list_size 10 -hls_flags delete_segments -f hls ./out.m3u8
[17:46:12 CET] <furq> if more than 10 is 11 then that's normal
[17:46:28 CET] <furq> you should have hls_list_size + hls_delete_threshold which defaults to 1
[17:46:59 CET] <furq> and probably also the segment that's still being written
[17:50:11 CET] <friendofafriend> I'd need -hls_delete_threshold 10 maybe?  I'm getting an ever increasing number of files from the above command.
[17:51:38 CET] <friendofafriend> I don't see the "hls_delete_threshold" option in the output from ffmpeg -h muxer=hls, either.
[18:04:27 CET] <relaxed> friendofafriend: I do, which version are you using?
[18:06:39 CET] <friendofafriend> I'm using "3.2.14-1~deb9u1", relaxed.  Are you on 4.x?
[18:08:32 CET] <relaxed> I'm using a recent build from git master. It should be available in my builds: https://www.johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/
[18:09:00 CET] <relaxed> or build a recent version yourself
[18:11:28 CET] <friendofafriend> relaxed: Thanks!  I usually build from git, but ability to update ffmpeg by apt is important in this instance.  I've seen your builds before, and thanks for making them!  :)
[22:18:57 CET] <symphorien> hello, when I convert a file with ffmpeg, I get an error "Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input". Is there a flag I can pass to have ffmpeg print the offset of the file where the invalid data lies (or the frame index, or something like that) ?
[22:43:54 CET] <ncouloute> So the DJI MAVIK Pro stuff that wouldnt concat on latest version. It looks like the DJI company uses a modifed version of ffmpeg 2.5.3. So that makes sense why it would work on that old 2013 version. copying the stream to mp4 then concat didnt work. Although if I copy to ts then concat that does work. So I may just change to using that workflow. I just hate having to manage temp files.
[00:00:00 CET] --- Sun Dec  8 2019

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