[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20130424

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 25 02:05:01 CEST 2013

[00:24] <Sashmo_> anyone know if there is a way to use external sync when transcoding to avoid PTS errors?
[00:28] <Mavrik> well, there is a setpts filter
[00:50] <trose> Hey so I'm compiling video from individual frames. Is it possible to get ffmpeg to duplicate frames such that i could get 24 fps by rendering one image 24 times each second?
[03:10] <TeruFSX> So, I work on StepMania, which is essentially a PC DDR clone
[03:11] <TeruFSX> we've been plagued with FFMpeg issues for about 3 years
[03:12] <TeruFSX> And I think this is mainly because the person who maintained the video code is gone now, and we've basically been upgrading the existing interface enough to work
[03:12] <TeruFSX> Many video types either don't decode or decode improperly, and under certain circumstances the game can crash outright.
[03:43] <Mista_D> http://www.mediafire.com/?53qx6rszmtnrea2,dibsabp9zdzo7s9  -- two sample files that fail "-f concat" and also fail "MP4Box -cat"... Both encoded identically, ffprobe reports same specs for both. 48 hours looking at them... Plz advise.
[07:57] <Mista_D> 1 pass encoded files concat just fine. 2 pass fail. Any ideas?
[08:55] <Mista_D> https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/ticket/2498
[09:07] <MrKim> hi . can anybody tell me about planar audio format?
[09:08] <MrKim> or give a data sheet or something for reference..
[09:13] <MrKim> JEEB : hi
[10:32] <iKriz> anyone here have a working VS2010 project with libswscale in it?
[10:34] <iKriz> i'm stuck on a unresolved external symbol "struct SwsContext... whereas i definitly have the lib files and the headers included... i'm missing something?
[11:04] <iKriz> i love the ffmpeg faq :) forgot to extern "C" the include :)
[11:39] <MrKim> what is planar audio.
[11:39] <MrKim> ...
[11:40] <MrKim> i have 2 raw audio one is interleaved and another is planar
[11:43] <durandal_1707> how you got planar one?
[11:53] <MrKim> whell
[11:53] <MrKim> well
[11:53] <MrKim> um..
[11:53] <MrKim> got from avi
[11:53] <durandal_1707> you can convert planar to interleaved with swresample
[11:54] <durandal_1707> interleaved audio have all samples stored in data[0]
[11:55] <durandal_1707> planar have each channel samples stored in separate array: extended_data[ X ], where x is 0 - (number_of_channels - 1)
[11:55] <MrKim> it means..data[0]  ->  LRLRLRLRLRLRLR
[11:56] <durandal_1707> yes, for interleaved
[11:56] <MrKim> planar is..?  data[0] - LLLLLLLLL            data[1] - RRRRRRR ?
[11:56] <durandal_1707> yes
[11:56] <durandal_1707> but use extended_data if you use more than 8 channels
[11:57] <MrKim> i have some question
[11:57] <durandal_1707> me too....
[11:58] <MrKim> From the point of view of Memory..
[11:58] <durandal_1707> can you finally say it?
[11:58] <MrKim> planar is  data[0]- LLLLLLLLRRRRRRRRRRR ?
[11:58] <durandal_1707> nope
[11:59] <MrKim> isn it Consecutive?
[11:59] <durandal_1707> no its not
[11:59] <MrKim> oh....
[12:00] <durandal_1707> there are holes between them
[12:00] <MrKim> holy..
[12:00] <MrKim> that why i got many crash
[12:00] <JEEB> yes, they are completely separate memory planes :P
[12:01] <JEEB> separately malloc'd
[12:01] <JEEB> they /might/ be consecutive under some random circuimstances, but you should not at any point plan your code that it would be
[12:01] <MrKim> ok i see
[12:02] <MrKim> another question..
[12:02] <MrKim> sorry
[12:02] <MrKim>  avcodec_decode_audio3(pAudioCodecCtx, pAudioBuffer, &nAudioDataSize, &audio_avpacket);
[12:02] <MrKim> My code use this func
[12:03] <MrKim> 2nd param is output buffer,
[12:04] <MrKim> I use that buffer to convert interleaved when input audio fmt is planar
[12:05] <MrKim> how can i get data[0] and data[1] about planar fmt?
[12:05] <MrKim> it seems that 2nd param means data[0] ..
[12:08] <MrKim> sorry i cant speak english well.. can you understand my question.. :0
[12:10] <JEEB> I recommend you switch to using http://ffmpeg.org/doxygen/trunk/group__lavc__decoding.html#ga834bb1b062fbcc2de4cf7fb93f154a3e
[12:10] <JEEB> that one will give you an AVFrame and the memory allocation will be handled by libavcodec
[12:11] <MrKim> that will issue many questions to me lol
[12:11] <MrKim> ok i'll try
[12:14] <MrKim> is there no way using function3 to solve this matter? cuz i'm not understand this code ..
[12:14] <MrKim> well;
[12:16] <JEEB> using decode_audio3 /is/ possible, but I have a feeling that losing the AVFrame is gonna be a huge PITA
[12:16] <JEEB> not to mention that IIRC 3 works by using 4 in the version you have
[12:16] <JEEB> in the internals
[12:17] <MrKim> sorry what is PITA?
[12:17] <JEEB> Pain In The Ass
[12:18] <MrKim> haha
[12:18] <MrKim> ok i'll try it
[13:15] <freesia> hello
[13:15] <freesia> i am building ffmpeg on android
[13:16] <freesia> got error : /open_source_archive/linux/toolchains/gcc-4.4.3_android/bin/arm-eabi-gcc is unable to create an executable file.
[13:16] <freesia> anybody know why?
[13:17] <JEEB> see config.log in fullness
[13:17] <JEEB> pastebin it somewhere
[13:17] <JEEB> and link here
[13:33] <xintron> What software would you guys recommend for relay-streaming over HTTP to multiple clients (raw data)? ffserver doesn't seem to handle relay streaming (it needs to transcode).
[14:53] <Guest2161> hi
[15:41] <zimbatm> hi
[15:42] <zimbatm> any idea how I could debug the content of a .mp4 header ?
[15:42] <zimbatm> i've got this file that doesn't stream well over http
[15:43] <zimbatm> after playing with ffprobe a while I noticed that it finished reading the headers after ~8MB
[15:43] <zimbatm> File position before avformat_find_stream_info() is 8820685
[15:43] <zimbatm> File position after avformat_find_stream_info() is 8821848
[15:43] <zimbatm> the file is 592M big so it's not the atom at the end
[15:45] <zimbatm> when hexediting the content looks like mapping tables
[15:52] <zimbatm> this is the command that I ran: https://gist.github.com/zimbatm/5452268
[15:52] <zimbatm> and i'm going to provide with a header dump if interested
[16:03] <zimbatm> here is the start of the video: http://ffmpeg-debug.s3.amazonaws.com/big-header-video.mp4
[16:10] <zimbatm> JEEB: do you mind taking a look ?
[16:10] <zimbatm> sorry if i'm interrupting
[16:21] <zimbatm> is it possible that it's the quantization tables ?
[16:53] <tefid> hello friends, ffmpeg with x11grab only records black video. What's wrong? I have searched more than 50 search pages of google and then I'm here
[16:54] <tefid> in fullscreen only.
[16:54] <tefid> for normal desktop applications it is fine but for fullscreen games it just produces black video
[16:55] <zimbatm> tefid: probably because OpenGL takes over the screen buffer
[16:55] <tefid> thanks zimbatm. is there any way to fix it?
[16:55] <tefid> How do other people screencast games like minecraft?
[16:55] <zimbatm> i'm not really an expert
[16:55] <tefid> I am using kde
[16:56] <zimbatm> i would try to turn composition on/off and see if it makes a difference
[16:56] <tefid> composition is off
[16:56] <tefid> is it related to native qt rendering system?
[16:57] <zimbatm> tefid: http://blog.smr.co.in/linux/graps-capture-opengl-frames/
[16:57] <zimbatm> maybe that helps
[16:57] <zimbatm> or try turning composition on and see if ffmpeg x11grab works at all
[16:58] <tefid> Thanks for the link zimbatm. I had already had glc and it only crashed so still I was not able to record
[16:58] <tefid> thought the project is dead
[16:58] <tefid> and it is. graps is dead
[16:59] <Sashmo_> does anyone know if I can add an external sync to avoid PTS errors while transcoding?
[16:59] <zimbatm> tefid: well the issue is with OpenGL for sure, try looking "OpenGL linux record screen" on google
[17:00] <zimbatm> Sashmo_: did you try the -async command ?
[17:01] <Sashmo_> that just moves the timing around +/-  I want to use a tottaly external sync to restamp it during transcoding, I find that over time my source (ip transport stream) goes out of sync from errors coming down from the satellite
[17:05] <zimbatm> Sashmo_: is the stream in realtime ?
[17:05] <Sashmo_> yes
[17:05] <zimbatm> maybe you can use your system's clock
[17:05] <zimbatm> http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-all.html#setpts
[17:05] <zimbatm> there's the TB -> time base
[17:06] <zimbatm> not sure if it's it but might be worth giving a shot
[17:06] <Sashmo_> hmm, ok I'll give that a try, thanks for the input!
[17:11] <zimbatm> check out the examples below and let us know how it goes  :)
[17:17] <Sashmo_> I like the command setpts='(RTCTIME - RTCSTART) / (TB * 1000000)'
[17:17] <Sashmo_> this is what I am looking for
[17:17] <Sashmo_> I need to test it
[17:17] <pingufan> Hello. I recorded for my frien a TV movie where his son is an artist. Now I want to convert the HD movie (.ts file from a dm800 box) into a useful format and then I want to cut out advertizing.
[17:17] <pingufan> Can somebody please, help?
[17:18] <pingufan> ProjectX does not support HD, I stuck.
[17:20] <pingufan> Currently I try to use ffmpeg to convert the original .ts file, hope it does not get out of sync.  As this needs long time, can somebody, please, tell me if this commandline is ok?   "ffmpeg  -i 20130419_1805_-_ZDF_HD_-_SOKO_WIEN.ts -c:v libx264 -preset fast -crf 21 soko.mp4"
[17:42] <Diogo> hi one question this is possible use ffmpeg using loop mode?
[17:42] <Diogo> i can't get this options working...i'm streaming to rtmp server
[17:43] <Diogo> command: /servers/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg -re -i "rod.mp4" -vcodec libx264 -f flv -acodec libfaac rtmp://IP/streamname
[17:43] <Diogo> ??
[17:43] <Diogo> any friend can help me please
[17:52] <saschagehlich> hey guys, does anybody know of a good way to properly convert .gif images to other video formats? ffmpeg always gives me a black image
[17:52] <zimbatm> pingufan: seems good to me. you can add ` -t "00:00:30" ` to just encode 30 seconds of the video to see if it's the quality you want
[17:55] <Mysterytrain> I have a list of about a hundred video files that I want to extract the audio from. will ffmpeg support a batch operation ie. for i in *.mkv;do ... or do I have to do it all by hand.
[17:56] <zimbatm> saschagehlich: can you paste your command and the output on pastie.org
[17:56] <zimbatm> ?
[17:57] <zimbatm> Mysterytrain: by hand seems the good solution
[17:57] <saschagehlich> zimbatm: https://gist.github.com/saschagehlich/378fe272c09d230c48a0
[18:00] <zimbatm> saschagehlich: sorry, I don't see any clue from the output
[18:00] <zimbatm> ah maybe it's the color space
[18:01] <zimbatm> try adding "-pix_fmt yuv420p" to your command
[18:01] <zimbatm> not all players suppot the yuv444p color space
[18:02] <zimbatm> saschagehlich:  also try using "ffplay" to play the video and see if it works
[18:02] <zimbatm> if you're using homebrew you need to brew install ffmpeg --with-ffplay
[18:02] <saschagehlich> ah okay, one sec
[18:02] <saschagehlich> -pix_fmt fixed it, but the timing is wrong
[18:03] <saschagehlich> there is like one frame that is supposed to be 5 seconds but it's more like 0.1s
[18:06] <zimbatm> ffmpeg will make an average, if you have different timings between frames I think you're toast
[18:07] <saschagehlich> :(
[18:07] <saschagehlich> any hints on where to look at the code if i want to implement this?
[18:08] <zimbatm> the gif demuxer ?
[18:08] <saschagehlich> okay
[18:08] <zimbatm> libavcodec/gif*
[18:09] <saschagehlich> okay. I'll have a look at it
[18:09] <saschagehlich> haven't done C in years, but hey& challenge accepted
[18:09] <zimbatm> hehe, good luck
[18:09] <zimbatm> ffmpeg is not any C program
[18:10] <saschagehlich> yeah i dived into the gif implementation couple of months ago
[18:10] <zimbatm> if you want to avoid duplicating frames I would look at fixing the PTS
[18:12] <zimbatm> saschagehlich: it's a bit hard to get help from the ffmpeg devs because of all the noise
[18:12] <saschagehlich> the code noise? :D
[18:12] <zimbatm> once you feel confident enough with the code you might get better help from #ffmpeg-devel
[18:12] <zimbatm> no, the lambda user's noise :D
[18:12] <saschagehlich> hehe
[18:13] <zimbatm> the ones who don't even read the docs
[18:13] <saschagehlich> alright, thanks so far. if i won't be back in 5 days, call the police
[18:13] <saschagehlich> i might have died in the codebase
[18:13] <zimbatm> ok, i'll set a notification
[18:14] <zimbatm> you're sure 5 days ? it's a bit long without food
[18:14] <saschagehlich> i'm a big boy, i have enough for 5 days
[18:16] <zimbatm> lol
[18:34] <Diogo> hi this is possible to loop a video x times?
[18:36] <spaam> yes and no
[18:36] <spaam> with a hack, yes
[18:36] <spaam> concat the same file X times
[18:38] <spaam> Diogo: https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-all.html#concat-1 ^^
[18:38] <saschagehlich> zimbatm: so looks like the gif demuxer works fine, it reads the duration / delay correctly. now I have to find out what causes the issue :(
[18:44] <zimbatm> saschagehlich: i'm really not an expert
[18:44] <zimbatm> maybe you can try to play with http://www.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-all.html#asetpts_002c-setpts
[18:44] <zimbatm> and also use "-loglevel debug" for more output
[18:52] <saschagehlich> it looks like some kind of index issue& the frames get the PTS of the previous GIF frame
[19:14] <durandal_1707> saschagehlich: what libavformat version you are using?
[19:14] <saschagehlich> 55.3.100
[19:14] <saschagehlich> pulled it from master i believed
[19:15] <saschagehlich> -d
[19:18] <durandal_1707> ubitux: ^
[19:19] <ubitux> sounds like a problem in the demuxer
[19:19] <ubitux> no?
[19:20] <MrKim> hi ubitux
[19:20] <ubitux> the problem is from gif to <something-else>, right?
[19:20] <saschagehlich> yes ubitux
[19:21] <ubitux> saschagehlich: can you share the gif and the cmd line to reproduce?
[19:21] <ubitux> i'll have a look in a moment
[19:21] <saschagehlich> sure, hang on
[19:21] <ubitux> hi MrKim
[19:22] <saschagehlich> ubitux: https://gist.github.com/saschagehlich/5ab45f376f649075851b
[19:23] <saschagehlich> first frame is rendered too short (looks like default delay), second frame is rendered with the duration of the first frame, third one is rendered with the duration of the second one etc..
[19:26] Action: ubitux saw that gif on imgur a while ago
[19:27] <saschagehlich> hehe
[19:28] <ubitux> looks like a bug in the mp4 muxer
[19:28] <ubitux> it works with mkv afaict
[19:31] <saschagehlich> same issue with mpg
[19:46] <ubitux> saschagehlich: i don't have time to dig much into the issue right now, can you open an issue so it's not forgotten?
[19:46] <saschagehlich> sure
[19:47] <ubitux> thank you
[21:25] <MrKim> Ubitux:
[21:26] <MrKim> durandal_1707:
[21:26] <MrKim> JEEB:
[21:26] <MrKim> Thank you very much for your help
[21:26] <ubitux> stop it please
[21:26] <ubitux> yeah right :)
[21:27] <MrKim> oh. sorry if it annoying you;
[21:27] <ubitux> if it's to thank us we can tolerate :)
[21:27] <MrKim> It works..
[21:27] <JEEB> I guess you just used audiodec4 in the end?
[21:28] <JEEB> as it allocates the buffers and all for you
[21:28] <MrKim> yes.. haha
[21:29] <MrKim> I never heard planar fmt ever
[21:29] <MrKim> learn very many thing this time
[21:30] <MrKim> so thankyou.. thankyou :)
[21:32] <MrKim> my program inspect movie , music files..
[21:32] <MrKim> and detect what the file is ..
[21:33] <MrKim> using its audio's spectrum..
[21:34] <MrKim> the more i worked hard the more my girl friend go far from me
[21:35] <MrKim> and said goodbye to me today
[21:35] <MrKim> so sad :<
[21:44] <guns> Hello. Does ffmpeg have a builtin audio notch filter (for filtering ac hum)?
[21:44] <guns> I am currently exporting audio to audacity, applying the filter there, then remuxing for the final output
[21:44] <guns> I would like to automate this process if possible.
[21:49] <durandal_1707> guns: bandpass/bandreject?
[21:50] <guns> durandal_1707: thank you. I'll look into those
[23:23] <AnimeFreak> I used ffmpeg to convert mkv vid to 3gp but there are no subtitles in output video! How can I make ffmpeg keep subtitles which are part of mkv file?
[23:26] <klaxa> i think 3gp doesn't support embedded subtitles, so i guess you want to hardsub them AnimeFreak?
[23:26] <KTO> Are binary distributions which use FFMPEG to decode MP3s required to pay the Fraunhofer license?
[23:26] <AnimeFreak> klaxa: yep
[23:27] <klaxa> that's a bit tricky with ffmpeg, you will have to extract the subtitle files from the mkv, as far as i know ffmpeg can't hardsub embedded subtitles straight from an mkv
[23:27] <klaxa> let me take a look at the wiki though...
[23:29] <klaxa> hmm... yes...
[23:29] <saste> klaxa, subtitles filter
[23:29] <klaxa> well yes, but it doesn't work with embedded subtitle files
[23:29] <klaxa> that's why it's a bit tricky
[23:29] <saste> "embedded"?
[23:29] <klaxa> in mkv files
[23:29] <saste> why not?
[23:30] <klaxa> oh?
[23:30] <klaxa> how?
[23:30] <klaxa> never worked for me
[23:30] <klaxa> i always had to extract the subtitles
[23:30] <klaxa> or rather
[23:30] <klaxa> i always did, it would be great if it worked without extracting them
[23:30] <saste> what do you mean by "extract the subtitles"?
[23:31] <saste> afaik you can just pass the file as is to subtitles, and it will demux (and thus extract) the subs
[23:31] <klaxa> ffmpeg -i myfile.mkv -vn -an -c:s copy somefile.ass
[23:32] <klaxa> and then i can do ffmpeg -i myfile.mkv -c:v $codec_v -c:a $codec_a -vf subtitle=somefile.ass hardsub.mp4
[23:33] <saste> klaxa, what's wrong with subtitles=myfile.mkv?
[23:33] <klaxa> oh... OH...
[23:33] <klaxa> i never tried that, will that work?
[23:34] <saste> i think so
[23:37] <AnimeFreak> Aaaand I'm lost.
[23:38] <klaxa> i will pull the latest git, the version i'm running right now produces double-free corruption
[23:39] <klaxa> (for the record: https://gist.github.com/klaxa/5455806 )
[23:40] <klaxa> AnimeFreak: don't worry, we'll ge--
[23:40] <klaxa> well...
[23:42] Action: ezekiel is on edge of seat
[23:48] <Ilias95> Hello. In a command like "-acodec libmp3lame -v 2" what does the -v option means? I can't find where it is mentioned in the documentation.
[23:51] <saste> Ilias95, grep for -v in ffmpeg(1)
[23:54] <Ilias95> saste, I already did but it seems in a wrong way. I see it's about loglevel so it has nothing to do with the final file, right?
[23:55] <saste> right
[23:55] <Ilias95> okay, thank you
[00:00] --- Thu Apr 25 2013

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