[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20130417

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 18 02:05:01 CEST 2013

[04:42] <blue_misfit> Hello folks. Can someone point me in the right direction to understand what a sequence_start_code is in the context of MPEG-2?
[09:40] <Guest13491> Hello all
[09:47] <Guest13491> i have a little problem to convert a mp4
[09:48] <retard> how sad
[09:48] <Guest13491> i have not the counter progress
[09:48] <Guest13491> i mean when i launch the ffmpeg command its finish by Press [q] to stop, [?] for help
[09:49] <Guest13491> the destination file is created but partially
[09:49] <Guest13491> so not readable
[09:49] <Guest13491> could you help me please.
[09:50] <THoRIX_> hi, i've been working with dranger's ffmpeg tutorials (im building under win64 using zeranoe builds) and im noticing something strange. Depending on how many logical cores are detected the video sync timings seem to vary.  For example if i set the program affinity to a single core then the video frames match perfectly with the audio, the more cores i enable the more the video is off sync (always behind the audio).  I can replicate the behaviour by programmical
[09:50] <THoRIX_> ly setting the thread_count under AVCodecContext.  Can anyone shed any light on why this is happening?
[09:52] <Guest13491> ?
[09:55] <julienb>  when i launch the ffmpeg command its finish by Press [q] to stop, [?] for help
[09:55] <julienb> and execute a partial mp4 video which i can t play
[09:55] <julienb> someone could help me please?
[10:06] <Newbee> 2013. 04. 07. Fine. Korea.
[10:07] <julienb> There is someone for help in this room?
[10:08] <Newbee> yesterday i said like that and nobody response :<
[10:08] <julienb> i thought it was a room to talk about ffmpeg
[10:08] <Newbee> yes
[10:08] <julienb> i see a lot of people in the list but nobody talk
[10:08] <Newbee> ask your problem first
[10:09] <julienb> i asked it twice
[10:09] <julienb> i have an error after converting a mp4 video
[10:09] <Newbee> and.. wait.
[10:09] <julienb>  when i launch the ffmpeg command its finish by Press [q] to stop, [?] for help
[10:10] <julienb> and creat a partial mp4
[10:10] <julienb> all the command is here http://pastebin.com/4XR2Sduf
[10:13] <relaxed> julienb: try a newer version
[10:25] Action: julienb slaps relaxed around a bit with a large trout
[10:26] <relaxed> that usually fixes 99.3% of problems
[10:52] <jacobs1> Hi, I am trying to stream real time raw data via multicast but I am having 2 issues.  1. I cant get rid of a 1-2 seconds lag I have. 2. my played video stream has many glitches and corrupted frames. this is the ffmpeg and ffplay command and output: /bin/ffmpeg -an -f rawvideo -vcodec rawvideo -s 800x1280 -pix_fmt rgba -r 9 -i - -vcodec mpeg4 -r 7 -filter:v "scale=400:-1" -sws_flags fast_bilinear
[10:52] <jacobs1> -b 300000 -f mpegts udp:// , output: http://pastebin.com/AWVhvfEu
[11:15] <julienb> Please i need help with a simple command convert in a lower bitrate a mp4
[11:16] <julienb> the problem is the command stop with Stream mapping:
[11:16] <julienb>   Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (h264 -> libx264)
[11:16] <julienb>   Stream #0:1 -> #0:1 (aac -> libfaac)
[11:16] <julienb> Press [q] to stop, [?] for help
[11:16] <julienb> and create a corrupt file
[11:26] <relaxed> julienb: did you try an up to date version of ffmpeg?
[11:27] <julienb> yes i have the last version installed
[11:28] <julienb> fflogger yes the pastbin is http://pastebin.com/4XR2Sduf
[11:30] <relaxed> the latest version is 1.2, try it or git
[11:30] <relaxed> julienb: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/24633983/ffmpeg/index.html
[11:31] <julienb> relaxed i installed the last stable version for gentoo, this version is compatible with gentoo distro ?
[11:32] <relaxed> yes, it's a static binary
[11:33] <Bor0> how can I build ffmpeg for 32-bit on a 64-bit system? what parameters should be passed to configure?
[11:33] <julienb> ok i will see that but are you sure it's a pb of version with my problem?
[11:34] <relaxed> julienb: it could be
[11:41] <julienb> relaxed are you sure it's a stable version?
[11:42] <relaxed> yes
[11:43] <julienb> relaxed, yes but does it compatible with gentoo?
[11:44] <relaxed> YES
[11:44] <julienb> ok
[11:45] <relaxed> it's just a binary- unpack the tar archive and run /path/to/new/ffmpeg -i ...
[11:54] <julienb> ok thanks relaxed
[11:54] <julienb> it seems to work better now.
[11:55] <relaxed> you're welcome
[12:10] <MozartsGhost> Hi Guys, I really need some help with ffserver, I have been trying for many hours now to get it to work ...
[12:12] <MozartsGhost> my ffmpeg command is the following ..
[12:12] <MozartsGhost> dvbstream -loglevel verbose -f 10773 -p h -s 22000 -c 3 5000 5001 -o | ffmpeg -i - -r:0.0 25 -vcodec libx264 -profile:v main -preset:v medium -x264opts keyint=125:level=30:keyint-min=25:vbv-maxrate=850:vbv-bufsize=9350 -aspect 16:9 -b:v 800k -r:v 25 -filter:v yadif -acodec libfaac -profile:a aac_low -ac 2 -ar 22050 -b:a 96k -f mpegts http://localhost:8090/stream1.ffm
[12:12] <MozartsGhost> Could someone maybe show me what the correct setup would be for ffserver.conf, the stream/feed sections, to restream that via http, so that I can have http clients connecting to my stream, I can currently send the stream directly from ffmpeg to wowza with UDP unicast, but I need ffserver so that my stream analyzer can connect to the ffmpeg stream with http
[12:13] <MozartsGhost> the default examples don't work, I keep getting "av_interleaved_write_frame(): Connection reset by peer", and connection refused from ffmpeg
[12:14] <MozartsGhost> even though, my ffserver doesn't give an error
[12:21] <MozartsGhost> Bor0: yea you can, add -m32 to CFLAGS
[12:23] <MozartsGhost> Bor0: export CFLAGS=-m32
[12:43] <MozartsGhost> does anyone have a working ffserver.conf file I can look at please ? .. really frustrated, because I simply cannot get the example configs to work.
[12:44] <durandal_1707> MozartsGhost: what examples?
[13:38] <MozartsGhost> durandal_1707: the example config file from the source tarball
[13:39] <durandal_1707> MozartsGhost: try this: http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/Streaming%20media%20with%20ffserver
[13:40] <MozartsGhost> cool thanks, will take a look there quick
[13:40] <MozartsGhost> ;)
[13:45] <divVerent> The worst wartt pbru_ about NTSC jokes jsk_s ih_ the stupid telecine.
[13:55] <MozartsGhost> ok, argh, so basically I need to take my encoding options out of ffmpeg and put them in ffserver instead ? ... can ffserver not simply just restream the stream whatever I send to it ? why on earth do I need to re-specify all my A/V encoding options ..
[13:55] Action: MozartsGhost sighs
[14:07] <MozartsGhost> creates a real problem, because I need to incorporate this in my automated system, and then to basically set up a new stream, I would have to restart the whole ffserver ... ? to create a new stream ?
[14:07] <durandal_1707> ffserver is not really actively developed
[14:08] <MozartsGhost> ah, ok. just trying to get a grip on this man, I wanted to replace my whole vlc setup with ffmpeg, but I can't even get a simple http stream working.
[14:09] <durandal_1707> find someone who fill improve ffserver/vlc for your needs ...
[14:09] <MozartsGhost> lol, I will have to do it myself man, I just thought it could allready do what I wanted
[14:10] <MozartsGhost> I don't want to improve vlc, because its rtp is really buggy .. and ffmpeg is working like a dream after I set some pkt size options and stuff
[14:11] <MozartsGhost> just a pity about the http/ffserver issue. ok, neways, thanks for the input. I will figure something out.
[14:47] <Alix_> Hello
[14:51] <Alix_> I have a large amount of video files. I host these videos since 2001 and there is a good variety of codecs (. Wmv,. Mov,. Mpeg). I would like to convert al to .mp4l (H.264 & ACC). What is the easiest way with FFMPEG? (Squeeze 64)
[14:51] <Alix_> I don't think there is a easy way. I don't have the choice to list all the codecs and build them in ffmpeg ?
[14:52] <klaxa> usually ffmpeg can decode a lot of codecs
[14:53] <klaxa> you could just try to encode them to h264 and aac and log which ones fail
[14:53] <klaxa> shouldn't be that many
[14:54] <klaxa> (on a side note, .wmv, .mov and .mpeg are nothing but file-extentions at first, and indicate the container, not the codec)
[14:55] <klaxa> you also would probably not want to re-encode files that are already in aac or h264
[15:04] <Alix__> ok klaxa, thank you for your reply
[15:04] <Alix__> yes
[15:09] <Alix__> Last question: If i have to "bet" on one video codec for web support, H.264 is the best choice, no ?
[15:14] <klaxa> hmm... if you want to "bet" on a webformat just specify webm as a container i guess... however, i think that will use VP8 and Vorbis as codecs
[15:16] <JEEB> uhh
[15:16] <JEEB> lol
[15:16] <JEEB> mobile market is still fully H.264
[15:16] <klaxa> :X
[15:17] <JEEB> on PC you can do H.264 with pretty much any browser, most have native support, too. Rest need Flash.
[15:17] <Alix__> chrome dropped h.264 but its still supported via an addon
[15:17] <JEEB> Alix__, huh?
[15:17] <Alix__> yep
[15:17] <JEEB> link please?
[15:17] <JEEB> I know chromium (!) dropped H.264
[15:17] <JEEB> but Chrome, not that I know
[15:17] <JEEB> And Firefox will soon have native support for the Windows H.264/AAC/MP3 decoders
[15:18] Action: JEEB is already testing that on nightlies
[15:18] <Alix__> i didn't test, i just read that
[15:18] <JEEB> yes, there was a single article in 2011
[15:19] <JEEB> where they said they were "dropping" support
[15:19] <JEEB> they still have not
[15:19] <JEEB> and most probably will not for the close future
[15:19] <Alix__> yes 2011, it's that
[15:19] <Alix__> ok
[15:20] <JEEB> http://mozillamemes.tumblr.com/post/19415247873/surely-chrome-will-drop-h-264-lets-just-wait
[15:20] <JEEB> even mozilla kind of already got the point last year
[15:21] <JEEB> and started more actively pushing their "use the system's decoders" things
[15:21] <JEEB> gstreamer for *nix, the Media Foundation filters for Windows and so forth
[15:21] <Alix__> http://caniuse.com/webm VS http://caniuse.com/mpeg4
[15:22] <JEEB> yup
[15:22] <Alix__> I have 50'000 video files and i don't want to encode them in x formats :D
[15:23] <JEEB> anyways, right now I'm pretty sure the way to go is H.264, with certain limiting settings depending on what kind of devices you want to support
[15:24] <Alix__> But storage is cheaper than bandwith
[15:24] <JEEB> because mobile needs H.264 anyways, and most of the PC users can accept H.264 in one way or another
[15:24] <Alix__> yep
[15:24] <Alix__> or flash support
[15:24] <JEEB> that's what I meant with "in one way or another"
[15:24] <Alix__> yep
[15:25] <JEEB> also don't worry, in a couple of years you'd probably end up re-encoding some of your content to save bandwidth anyways when the next-gen formats get more mature implementations :P
[15:27] <Alix__> haha, i will keep my original files :D
[15:58] <Chat1932> Hello
[16:09] <MozartsGhost> Hi guys, I am trying to send output to the tee muxer, with the following command, -f tee -map 0:v -map 0:a "[f=mpegts]udp://localhost:9160?pkt_size=1316&buffer_size=65535|[f=mpegts]udp://"
[16:09] <MozartsGhost> it works fine if I send to either of those destinations individually .. but as soon as I stick them together in the tee mux, the streams freeze and stop and go crazy, also the bitrate stops display on the output like it normally does
[16:09] <MozartsGhost> is my syntax correct ? .. because once again, the documentation is extremely short on this thing
[16:11] <MozartsGhost> when I use the tee mux like that, Bitrate says N/A ...
[16:32] <durandal_1707> MozartsGhost: ask on mailing list, or report bug
[16:39] <MozartsGhost> lol, its cool, man, I should do that, but I am a bit lazy, I am just piping it now and copying output again with ffmpeg, then at least I get my solution working. cause I AINT going back to vlc.
[16:39] <MozartsGhost> durandal_1707: I will paste my situation to mailing list a bit later ..
[16:39] <MozartsGhost> works perfect when I pipe it .. however, tee mux is not giving me any love, haha.
[16:42] <durandal_1707> MozartsGhost: it may be just bug....
[16:56] <MozartsGhost> yea, possible I guess. I will look into it again at another time tho, gotta go home in a few minutes
[17:00] <MozartsGhost> ye, I think definitely with tee .. lol, just duplicated 11 times with a pipe, just for fun, lol and all streams are displating nicely
[17:01] <MozartsGhost> neways, home time .. cheerio
[17:34] <Alix__>  I don't know where to begins. What settings I have to set to have a good ratio quality/file size with H.264 / ACC ? Any ideas ?
[17:59] <Sashmo_> Hey guys, is there a way to add an external time sync/clock to ffmpeg encoding?
[20:34] <Astin> Hello there
[20:35] <Astin> I would like to transfer rtmp to hls and hds
[20:35] <Astin> could I get tips T.T
[20:43] <hendry> i used to be able to convert videos into mp4 with: ffmpeg -y -i "test.mkv" -movflags +faststart -c:v libx264 -vprofile baseline -level 30 -maxrate 10000000 -bufsize 10000000 -acodec aac -strict experimental test.mp4
[20:43] <Fjorgynn> :)
[20:43] <Fjorgynn> aha?
[20:43] <hendry> but now I get '[libx264 @ 0x1777cc0] Error setting profile baseline.', any ideas?
[20:43] <hendry> 'x264 [error]: baseline profile doesn't support 4:4:4'
[20:43] <durandal_1707> add -pix_fmt yuv420p
[20:44] <durandal_1707> it worked before because your input was never 4:4:4
[20:45] <hendry> durandal_1707: thanks, that seems to work ...
[20:45] <hendry> durandal_1707: still don't quite understand, does baseline need input to be in a certain dimension?
[20:46] <durandal_1707> no, but certain subsampled yuv
[20:49] <hendry> can my x11grab invocation perhaps generate this 'certain subsampled yuv' to begin with ? https://github.com/kaihendry/recordmydesktop2.0/blob/master/x11capture#L70
[20:50] <hendry> durandal_1707: thanks btw, https://github.com/kaihendry/recordmydesktop2.0/commit/d87da0f3aa7188333dfaba9a1f734d8fb9a5e27e
[20:50] <durandal_1707> yes, because x11grab takes probably rgb
[20:50] <hendry> durandal_1707: if you can see a way of improving my script, I'd be grateful =)
[20:51] <durandal_1707> and doing rgb->yuv444 you lose less than rgb->yuv420
[21:01] <hendry> durandal_1707: sorry, not familiar with all this terminology
[21:01] <hendry> so in my x11capture script i should be saving as yuv444 ?
[21:03] <durandal_1707> hendry: is is already done ......
[21:06] <hendry> durandal_1707: oh ok, so my ffmpeg invocations are perfect then? :)
[22:42] <Gozzy> good evening, i have a mov file with one audio stream which contains 16 streams (Stream #0:1(eng): Audio: pcm_s24le (lpcm / 0x6D63706C), 48000 Hz, 16 channels, s32, 18432 kb/s), whats the best way to convert this to dvd audio? (i dont mind going stereo)
[23:54] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[00:00] --- Thu Apr 18 2013

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