[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20121013

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 14 02:05:01 CEST 2012

[00:00] <creep> how do you print video stats/info using ffmepg?
[00:00] <burek> Mista_D, when you did -pass 1 you should have specified your -passlogfile
[00:00] <burek> which you will use in -pass 2
[00:01] <burek> creep ffmpeg already does that
[00:01] <burek> by default i.e.
[00:02] <creep> burek<< i mean i have mkv file, and print its information only
[00:02] <creep> --analyze
[00:02] <Mista_D> burek: I didn't specify a name, but I saw ffmpeg2pass-0.log and -0.log.mbtree, so I copied them to *-1.log
[00:03] <Mista_D> burek: any way to see what passlog file FFmpeg is looking for for second output? Tried -debug 2-9 already.
[00:03] <burek> Mista_D
[00:04] <burek> ffmpeg ... -pass 1 -passlogfile f1 out1 ... -pass 1 -passlogfile f2 out2 ...
[00:04] <burek> for 2nd pass
[00:04] <burek> ffmpeg ... -pass 2 -passlogfile f2 ... -pass 2 -passlogfile f2 ...
[00:04] <burek> ffmpeg ... -pass 2 -passlogfile f1 ... -pass 2 -passlogfile f2 ...
[00:04] <burek> typo
[00:04] <burek> creep try ffprobe
[00:05] <Mista_D> I want to use one passlog file for pass 2 for 2 files (they only have slight bitrate differnece).
[00:06] <creep> thanks trying
[00:08] <burek> Mista_D, seriously...
[00:08] <burek> 1 passlogfile per 1 output
[00:08] <burek> why would you want all that in 1 file?
[00:09] <burek> btw, I think in ffmpeg-devel you would get a reply like "patch welcome" or something :)
[00:09] <burek> just to test something
[00:09] <Mista_D> burek: I know (:
[00:09] <burek> :)
[00:24] <burek> Mista_D, you want to use
[00:24] <burek> 1 passlog file (to analyze just first file)
[00:24] <burek> and use that passlog for both outputs in pass 2?
[00:27] <burek> lake, are you still here
[00:28] <burek> if not, when you get back, can you please take a look at this ticket https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/ticket/1808
[00:34] <llogan> creep: also see ffprobe
[11:36] <funyun> hi. how can i encode a video to an aspect ratio of 1.85:1 with ffmpeg?
[11:38] <funyun> iive: you know?
[11:40] <iive> what?
[11:41] <funyun> iive: how can i encode a video to an aspect ratio of 1.85:1 with ffmpeg?
[11:41] <Simex> Can someone help me with a little problem in a command?
[11:41] <Simex> https://gist.github.com/fe200d5bd0d8c1cb39e8
[11:42] <Simex> The first command fails but the second doesn't..
[11:42] <Simex> The only that that has changed (as far as I know) is the file
[11:42] <funyun> iive: when i try 1.85:1, i get "Invalid aspect ratio: 1.85:1"
[11:43] <funyun> Invalid chars ':1' at the end of expression '1.85:1'
[11:43] <iive> funyun: try withuout the : then :)
[11:44] <Simex> iive, do you know?
[11:45] <iive> Simex: Looks like genuine bug. Unfortunately you are using the LibAV fork, instead of real ffmpeg.
[11:45] <Simex> Yes I know the problem between ffmpeg and avconv...
[11:46] Action: iive checks if they have newer version than 0.8.3
[11:46] <funyun> iive: it produces the same result. here's my syntax "ffmpeg -i INPUT.mkv -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -aspect 1.85 -target ntsc-dvd -crf 19 -ab 224k -threads 0 -ss 500 -t 60 test.mpg"
[11:47] <funyun> iive: it's forcing the video to be 480x720
[11:47] <iive> likely the ntsc-dvd is the one doing the forcing.
[11:47] <funyun> iive: the source is 8408x1920
[11:48] <iive> funyun: why do you place the width last?
[11:48] <funyun> opps 808x1920
[11:48] <funyun> iive: not sure what you mean?
[11:48] <Simex> The problem is I can't find a good way to provide the right ffmpeh
[11:49] <Simex> ffmpeg*
[11:49] <iive> funyun: maybe you can try moving the aspect to the right. in case it takes it for input aspect override.
[11:49] <Simex> I was going to use the Ubuntu repositories with my application
[11:52] <funyun> iive: i still get the same result
[11:53] <funyun> iive: shouldn't it add black bars if it's going to force me to stay at 480x720? or is there a way i can add black bars?
[11:53] <iive> funyun: there is something else... mpg have a limited set of aspect ratios. mpeg2 dvd set have just 3 afair
[11:53] <iive> 4/3 16/9 2.21
[11:54] <iive> Simex: yeh, i'm looking at the ffmpeg download page to figure out the repositories that contain ffmpeg packages and to check what versions are available...
[11:55] <funyun> iive: so there's no way around this?
[11:55] <Simex> Okay
[11:55] <iive> funyun: why do you think so many dvds have black bars?
[11:56] <funyun> iive: i thought because of the same problem i have?
[11:56] <funyun> iive: that's what i mean. is there a way for me to add black bars?
[11:57] <iive> sure there is. ffmpeg have full fledged image filter system.
[11:57] <iive> and it had expand even before that.
[11:57] <iive> I just don't know the exact syntax.
[11:58] <funyun> iive: i just tried 2.21 and now it looks a lot better. but still stretched a little
[12:02] <iive> seems like -vf pad is the one that can put black bars
[12:03] <iive> from the documentation, try
[12:03] <iive> -vf pad="ih*16/9/sar:ih:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2"
[12:06] <funyun> iive: i get "Negative values are not acceptable." and "Failed to configure input pad on Parsed_pad_0"
[12:06] <iive> ohh..
[12:08] <iive> Simex: btw, i see that the error happens right after shared memory access. you do have /dev/shm mounted as tmpfs and having enough free space?
[12:09] <Simex> Mmm
[12:09] <Simex> Moment
[12:09] <Simex> Yes it is mounted
[12:10] <funyun> iive: it appears i made a mistake also. 2.39 is the AR i need
[12:10] <funyun> not sure if that matters
[12:11] <Simex> Enough free space yes I'm sure
[12:11] <iive> well, i'm still too sleepy, otherwise i should have noticed that 800/1920  is not 1.85 :O
[12:12] <funyun> haha
[12:14] <funyun> iive: any idea on how to correct the syntax you gave me?
[12:16] <iive> funyun: actually this
[12:16] <iive> funyun: actually the above command would pad the width... not height.
[12:17] <iive> this is why it gives negative size...
[12:18] <funyun> iive: so -vf pad="ih*16/9/sar:ih:(oh-ih)/2:(ow-iw)/2" ?
[12:19] <iive> sorry, you just got me at a bad moment.
[12:19] <iive> i'll be more helpful later.
[12:21] <funyun> iive: i really needed to encode this so it's ready by the time i get home from work. i'm about to hop in the shower. if you get a chance within that time, could you possibly message me the syntax? i really appreciate your help
[12:21] <iive> funyun: you can probably do the math on your own and put it in the parameters.
[12:22] <funyun> iive: trust me, i can't lol. it took me about 2 hours to figure out my current syntax of "ffmpeg -i INPUT.mkv -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -aspect 1.85 -target ntsc-dvd -crf 19 -ab 224k -threads 0 -ss 500 -t 60 test.mpg"
[12:24] <funyun> iive: if you need to go, it's cool. still thanks for your help :)
[12:25] <iive> ii'll try to make a video of similar size and see what options works.
[12:25] <iive> i assume you use at least 1.0 ?
[12:25] <funyun> i can make you a sample if you need
[12:26] <funyun> 1.0?
[12:26] <iive> ffmpeg 1.0
[12:26] <funyun> iive: oh. yes
[12:27] <funyun> iive: i'm not totally sure how to tell the exact version but it was built on Sep 18 2012
[12:28] <funyun> "ffmpeg version git-2012-09-18-91af760"
[12:37] <funyun> iive: http://www.sendspace.com/file/iamuh4
[12:37] <funyun> brb in 20
[12:45] <iive> for some reason width and height are reversed in the sample. no surprise it doesn't work.
[12:47] <iive> funyun: "ffmpeg -i INPUT.mkv -map 0:0 -map 0:1  -vf pad="1920:1080:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2" -target ntsc-dvd -crf 19 -ab 224k -threads 0 -ss 500 -t 60 test.mpg"
[12:47] <iive> this one seems to work in my setup.
[13:11] <funyun> iive: worked for me too. thanks so much! :)
[13:14] Action: iive pheu, that was close. 
[16:28] <Spideru> Hello. I would to connect to ffserver using rtsp. now I'm using this command to stream from ffmpeg to server http://pastebin.com/Bj6hsucS . This is ffserver.conf file http://pastebin.com/Ya7CEY5v . Any suggestion? Thank you
[16:46] <Spideru> I get this error from ffmpeg with -f rtps and rtps://yaddayadda: "Could not write header for output file #0 (incorrect codec parameters ?): Invalid data found when processing input "
[16:47] <Spideru> on server side i can see [ANNOUNCE] "rtsp://localhost:8091/feed1.ffm RTSP/1.0" 200 166. What am I missing?
[16:47] <burek> hi Spideru
[16:47] <burek> :)
[16:47] <Spideru> Hi burek, as usual I'm crying behind ffmpeg-ffserver
[16:48] <burek> :)
[16:48] <Spideru> (It's powerful but for a noob is hard to use it at best)
[16:48] <Spideru> I've taken your suggest to use ffm between ffmpeg and ffserver
[16:48] <Spideru> and the sound is great :)
[16:48] <burek> Spideru, did you read this maybe http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/Streaming%20media%20with%20ffserver
[16:49] <burek> and no, you can't stream test.wav
[16:49] <burek> wav format is not streamable
[16:49] <Spideru> uhm wait
[16:49] <burek> but you can put uncompressed audio into aac maybe
[16:49] <Spideru> there is something that I am missing
[16:49] <burek> wav is a file storage format
[16:49] <burek> not a streaming format
[16:49] <Spideru> yes
[16:49] <Spideru> ok
[16:50] <burek> aac might help better
[16:50] <Spideru> but I'm streaming from ffmpeg to ffserver without wav
[16:50] <burek> but it's lossy encoding
[16:50] <burek> you are not streaming from ffmpeg to ffserver
[16:50] <burek> you're just feeding ffserver with ffmpeg
[16:50] <Spideru> wav is from ffserver to ffplay
[16:50] <Spideru> yep
[16:50] <Spideru> ah
[16:50] <burek> try ogg/flac
[16:50] <Spideru> I'll try it
[16:51] <Spideru> I must use lossless
[16:51] <burek> for ffmpeg-ffserver, just use: ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 1 -ar 16000 -i default -f ffm http://localhost:8090/feed1.ffm
[16:51] <Spideru> thank you again for support and for that doc. I've searched a lot on ffmpeg doc but I've never seen it before
[16:52] <Spideru> burek: thank you
[16:52] <Spideru> there is the way to know when ffmpeg is no more feeding ffserver?
[16:52] <Spideru> I can see on server GET / POST
[16:52] <Spideru> POST is printed when i close ffmpeg
[16:53] <Spideru> Is there another way?
[16:53] <Spideru> I would to know on ffplay side when ffmpeg is no more feeeding ffserver
[16:54] <burek> also try this http://pastebin.com/hEArynzm
[16:56] <burek> Spideru, when ffmpeg stops feeding ffserver, you'll know :)
[16:56] <burek> i.e. ffplay won't play anymore :)
[16:56] <Spideru> ffplay remains open
[16:57] <Spideru> without sound. I need to get an alarm
[16:57] <Spideru> an event
[16:57] <burek> well, I noticed that also
[16:57] <burek> ffplay continues running even when its input is dead
[16:57] <Spideru> yep
[16:57] <burek> so you might check man ffplay
[16:57] <burek> to see is there an option
[16:58] <burek> to quit if the input is dead
[16:58] <burek> or you can use vlc/winamp/something
[16:58] <Spideru> ok, I'll check it
[16:58] <burek> instead of ffplay
[16:58] <Spideru> must check if vlc/something get an alarm
[16:59] <Spideru> in extreme case i can parse output from ffplay. When there is no more data, a flag inside output fall to 0
[17:00] <burek> well, i think vlc will quit if you tell it to
[17:00] <burek> you put vlc://quit or vlc://close
[17:00] <burek> in the playlist, after the URL
[17:00] <Spideru> my curiosity: Is there a protocol that can take commands from player (pause, stop, vol+, vol-) and send to ffmpeg/ffserver?
[17:00] <Spideru> cool, thank you
[17:00] <burek> so when it can't play that url anymore, it advances to the next playlist item and quits
[17:01] <Spideru> nice tip, thank you
[17:01] <burek> rtsp can do that
[17:01] <Spideru> nice, so I need to use trsp
[17:02] <Spideru> *rtsp
[17:02] <Spideru> but between ffserver and ffplay I can imagine
[17:02] <Spideru> and between ffserver - ffmpeg?
[17:02] <burek> you don't put anything between ffserver - ffplay
[17:03] <Spideru> I am missing something on high level
[17:03] <Spideru> must study better
[17:03] <Spideru> ffmpeg feed ffserver
[17:03] <Spideru> with ffm
[17:04] <Spideru> then ffplay ask to server the stream
[17:04] <Spideru> ffserver take the data it's feeding from ffmpeg and stream to ffplat
[17:04] <Spideru> *ffplay
[17:05] <Spideru> I would to send a vol+ from ffplay to ffmpeg (that is feeding ffserver), in order to (for example) raise volume on ffmpeg device alsa
[17:06] <Spideru> I expect a VOL+/yadda/dothat command, and will be my work to handle that command
[17:09] <burek> Spideru, I'm not sure I understand why do you need all that
[17:09] <burek> but if it works, then great :)
[17:09] <Spideru> I need: 1) stream lossless 2)send messages like vol+ to ffmpeg from ffplay
[17:10] <Spideru> first point it's ok (with your precious help)
[17:14] <Spideru> I can take a player, put some custom button on it and send custom messages from player to audio soruce
[17:14] <Spideru> *source
[17:14] <Spideru> I would do that
[17:17] <burek> Spideru, what is your logical goal?
[17:17] <burek> what are you trying to implement?
[17:18] <Spideru> I have a custom device that stream audio (no need to have bidirectional channel)
[17:19] <Spideru> and I would to receive it on a PC, record it, set volume on custom device from PC, and other custom commands
[17:20] <Spideru> at the moment I'm using ffmpeg for the stream, and a socket TCP for commands
[17:20] <Spideru> Could be wonderful to have all funcions inside the same "data channel"
[17:22] <Spideru> Can see from server and from PC when source is no more online
[17:22] <Spideru> maybe stream on autenticated channel
[17:23] <Spideru> *authenticate
[17:28] <burek> you might want to check vlc/vlm
[17:28] <burek> they even have an admin web page
[17:29] <burek> where you can control all that
[17:31] <Spideru> ok thank you. Last thing: with your ffserver.conf, when I play with ffplay http://localhost:8090/stream.ogg I get: Format ogg detected only with low score of 1, misdetection possible! http://localhost:8090/stream.ogg: End of file
[17:32] <burek> stream.flv and Format flv
[17:37] <Spideru> Sat Oct 13 17:31:39 2012 Audio codec 'flac' not compatible with FLV
[17:40] <Spideru> But I'll work on that. Thank you burek. It's late, need to go. See you later or tomorrow, bye :)
[17:41] <ihsw> how do i use mp3 for an audio codec
[17:42] <ihsw> ffmpeg -formats shows mp3 being installed for D and A
[17:45] <burek> ihsw mp3 is a decoder
[17:46] <burek> libmp3lame is an encoder
[17:46] <ihsw> in any event i'm at a loss of how to install libmp3lame
[17:47] <ihsw> is there any alternative to compiling ffmpeg
[17:48] <ihsw> i get the distinct impression you're trying to avoid telling me the package name that apt-get would need
[17:49] <burek> i don't understand
[17:51] <ihsw> indeed
[17:51] <burek> well, you are the one who needs help, not me
[17:51] <burek> if you don't want to explain, fine
[20:28] <tschakMAC> when ffmpeg decodes TrueHD, DTS-HD, etc&does it output 24-bit PCM?
[20:35] <rehack> i have a sync problem - i'm trying to convert a .flv into a .mp4. if i extract the video and audio separaetly they work fine, but if i combine them together, the video is jerky - running slow for .75 seconds, then too fast for .25 seconds. the audio is fine
[20:36] <rehack> the video and audio are never out of sync, the video is just running at a strange frame rate - if the frames were just displayed with an equal delay, it'd be perfect. is there a sync setting i'm missing here?
[20:37] <rehack> just attempting ffmpeg -i in.flv -vcodec copy -acodec copy out.mp4 results in a synced but jerky output video, where the input is fine and the separately extracted streams are fine
[22:02] <I_Died_Once> Hi, I have a 2.35:1 aspect video I am trying to covert to DVD, which i would like to do while preserving and not squishing the video. Does anyone have a command handy that does this effectively?
[22:03] <I_Died_Once> running debian squeeze, linux
[22:36] <lake> burek: hey, i'm looking at this now https://www.hackerschool.com/
[22:36] <lake> shit, not that
[22:36] <lake> https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/ticket/1808
[22:45] <lake> burek: i will upload sample of the video and provide a link to you. will you be able to add it to the ticket?
[23:02] <I_Died_Once> does anyone have a script or a command handy that'll let me convert a 2.35:1 (letterbox) to a NTSC-DVD without cramming or stretching the video to 16:9? Like a command with a pre-determined padfilter, perhaps?
[23:03] <I_Died_Once> I'm probably not asking my question correctly
[00:00] --- Sun Oct 14 2012

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