[FFmpeg-cvslog] configure: Include quotes around pkg_version
Joe Schiffler
git at videolan.org
Thu Jan 2 10:25:45 EET 2025
ffmpeg | branch: master | Joe Schiffler <joeschiffler3 at gmail.com> | Mon Dec 16 16:19:50 2024 -0500| [0457aaf0d3a05331dc599bea573809fd0317c624] | committer: Alexander Strasser
configure: Include quotes around pkg_version
In some MSYS environments it can happen that the 3 argument syntax
for pkg-config library specifications fails because somehow the
expansion of pkg_version ends up with a redirection we guess.
To avoid failures like in the referenced build[2], we quote it
so the whole module including operators will be expanded into
a single shell word and the single argument syntax for specifying
the library for pkg-config will be used.
The single argument syntax seems to be supported by the original
pkg-config from the beginning more than 20 years[3].
In the pkgconf implementation single argument syntax was supported
pretty much from the beginning as well. The multiple argument syntax
we used until this change, was not supported until a change[4] more
than 10 years ago.
1. Build passing with quotes:
2. Build failing without quotes:
3. Earliest commit of the current pkg-config Git repo already mentions the single argument syntax:
4. pkgconf gets support for 3 argument syntax (pkgconf --exists liba = 1.2.3):
Commit-message-by: Alexander Strasser <eclipse7 at gmx.net>
Signed-off-by: Joe Schiffler <joeschiffler3 at gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Strasser <eclipse7 at gmx.net>
> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/ffmpeg.git/?a=commit;h=0457aaf0d3a05331dc599bea573809fd0317c624
configure | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/configure b/configure
index 6c1829ab8e..d078dc1221 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -1522,7 +1522,7 @@ test_pkg_config(){
shift 4
disable $name
- test_cmd $pkg_config --exists --print-errors $pkg_version || return
+ test_cmd $pkg_config --exists --print-errors "$pkg_version" || return
pkg_cflags=$($pkg_config --cflags $pkg_config_flags $pkg)
pkg_libs=$($pkg_config --libs $pkg_config_flags $pkg)
pkg_incdir=$($pkg_config --variable=includedir $pkg_config_flags $pkg)
@@ -1542,7 +1542,7 @@ test_pkg_config_cpp(){
shift 4
disable $name
- test_cmd $pkg_config --exists --print-errors $pkg_version || return
+ test_cmd $pkg_config --exists --print-errors "$pkg_version" || return
pkg_cflags=$($pkg_config --cflags $pkg_config_flags $pkg)
pkg_incdir=$($pkg_config --variable=includedir $pkg_config_flags $pkg)
pkg_incflags=$($pkg_config --cflags-only-I $pkg_config_flags $pkg)
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