[FFmpeg-cvslog] x86/vvcdec: add dmvr avx2 code

Nuo Mi git at videolan.org
Thu Aug 15 15:43:41 EEST 2024

ffmpeg | branch: master | Nuo Mi <nuomi2021 at gmail.com> | Thu Jul 25 21:35:45 2024 +0800| [6464c157d588e0a9f32c9a1b228d5a30106e93e3] | committer: Nuo Mi

x86/vvcdec: add dmvr avx2 code

Decoder-Side Motion Vector Refinement is about 4~8% CPU usage for some clips

here is the test result for one time
clips                                     | before| after | delta
RitualDance_1920x1080_60_10_420_37_RA.266 | 338.7 | 354.3 |4.61%
NovosobornayaSquare_1920x1080.bin         | 320.3 | 329.3 |2.81%
Tango2_3840x2160_60_10_420_27_LD.266      | 83.3  | 83.7  |0.48%
RitualDance_1920x1080_60_10_420_32_LD.266 | 320.7 | 327.3 |2.06%
Chimera_8bit_1080P_1000_frames.vvc        | 360.7 | 381.0 |5.63%
BQTerrace_1920x1080_60_10_420_22_RA.vvc   | 161.7 | 163.0 |0.80%

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/ffmpeg.git/?a=commit;h=6464c157d588e0a9f32c9a1b228d5a30106e93e3

 libavcodec/x86/vvc/Makefile      |   1 +
 libavcodec/x86/vvc/vvc_dmvr.asm  | 373 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 libavcodec/x86/vvc/vvcdsp_init.c |  25 +++
 3 files changed, 399 insertions(+)

diff --git a/libavcodec/x86/vvc/Makefile b/libavcodec/x86/vvc/Makefile
index 832d802daf..04f16bc10c 100644
--- a/libavcodec/x86/vvc/Makefile
+++ b/libavcodec/x86/vvc/Makefile
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ clean::
 OBJS-$(CONFIG_VVC_DECODER)             += x86/vvc/vvcdsp_init.o \
 X86ASM-OBJS-$(CONFIG_VVC_DECODER)      += x86/vvc/vvc_alf.o      \
+                                          x86/vvc/vvc_dmvr.o     \
                                           x86/vvc/vvc_mc.o       \
                                           x86/vvc/vvc_sad.o      \
diff --git a/libavcodec/x86/vvc/vvc_dmvr.asm b/libavcodec/x86/vvc/vvc_dmvr.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c971f970b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libavcodec/x86/vvc/vvc_dmvr.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+; /*
+; * Provide AVX2 luma dmvr functions for VVC decoding
+; * Copyright (c) 2024 Nuo Mi
+; *
+; * This file is part of FFmpeg.
+; *
+; * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+; * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+; * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+; * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+; *
+; * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+; * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+; * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+; *
+; * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+; * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
+; * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+; */
+%include "libavutil/x86/x86util.asm"
+%define MAX_PB_SIZE             128
+shift_12   times 2  dw 1 << (15 - (12 - 10))
+shift3_8   times 2  dw 1 << (15 - (8 - 6))
+shift3_10  times 2  dw 1 << (15 - (10 - 6))
+shift3_12  times 2  dw 1 << (15 - (12 - 6))
+pw_16      times 2  dw 16
+%if ARCH_X86_64
+SECTION .text
+%define pstride (bd / 10 + 1)
+; LOAD(dst, src)
+%macro LOAD_W16 2
+%if bd == 8
+    pmovzxbw               %1, %2
+    movu                   %1, %2
+%macro SHIFT_W16 2
+%if bd == 8
+    psllw                  %1, (10 - bd)
+%elif bd == 10
+    ; nothing
+    pmulhrsw               %1, %2
+%macro SAVE_W16 2
+    movu                   %1, %2
+; NEXT_4_LINES(is_h)
+%macro NEXT_4_LINES 1
+    lea                 dstq, [dstq + dsq*4]
+    lea                 srcq, [srcq + ssq*4]
+%if %1
+    lea                src1q, [srcq + pstride]
+; DMVR_4xW16(dst, dst_stride, dst_stride3, src, src_stride, src_stride3)
+%macro DMVR_4xW16 6
+    LOAD_W16               m0, [%4]
+    LOAD_W16               m1, [%4 + %5]
+    LOAD_W16               m2, [%4 + 2 * %5]
+    LOAD_W16               m3, [%4 + %6]
+    SHIFT_W16              m0, m4
+    SHIFT_W16              m1, m4
+    SHIFT_W16              m2, m4
+    SHIFT_W16              m3, m4
+    SAVE_W16    [%1]         , m0
+    SAVE_W16    [%1 + %2]    , m1
+    SAVE_W16    [%1 + 2 * %2], m2
+    SAVE_W16    [%1 + %3]    , m3
+; buf += -stride * h + off
+; OFFSET_TO_W4(buf, stride, off)
+%macro OFFSET_TO_W4 3
+    mov                    id, hd
+    imul                   iq, %2
+    sub                    %1, iq
+    lea                    %1, [%1 + %3]
+%macro OFFSET_TO_W4 0
+    OFFSET_TO_W4         srcq, ssq, 16 * (bd / 10 + 1)
+    OFFSET_TO_W4         dstq, dsq, 16 * 2
+; void ff_vvc_dmvr_%1_avx2(int16_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride,
+;     int height, intptr_t mx, intptr_t my, int width);
+%macro DMVR_AVX2 1
+cglobal vvc_dmvr_%1, 4, 9, 5, dst, src, ss, h, ds, ds3, w, ss3, i
+%define bd %1
+%if %1 > 10
+    vpbroadcastd          m4, [shift_%1]
+    mov                   wd, wm
+    mov                   id, hd
+    sub                   id, 4
+    jl              .w16_end
+    DMVR_4xW16          dstq, dsq, ds3q, srcq, ssq, ss3q
+    NEXT_4_LINES           0
+    jmp                 .w16
+    sub                   wd, 16
+    jl               .w4_end
+    sub                   hd, 4
+    jl               .w4_end
+    DMVR_4xW16          dstq, dsq, ds3q, srcq, ssq, ss3q
+    NEXT_4_LINES           0
+    jmp                 .w4
+    RET
+; LOAD_COEFFS(coeffs0, coeffs1, src)
+%macro LOAD_COEFFS 3
+    movd                xm%2, %3
+    vpbroadcastw         m%2, xm%2
+    vpbroadcastd         m%1, [pw_16]
+    psubw                m%1, m%2
+; LOAD_SHIFT(shift, src)
+%macro LOAD_SHIFT 2
+    vpbroadcastd           %1, [%2]
+%if bd == 12
+    psllw                  %1, 1                        ; avoid signed mul for pmulhrsw
+; LOAD_STRIDES(shift, src)
+%macro LOAD_STRIDES 0
+    mov                  dsq, MAX_PB_SIZE * 2
+    lea                 ss3q, [ssq*3]
+    lea                 ds3q, [dsq*3]
+; BILINEAR(dst/src0, src1, coeff0, coeff1, round, tmp)
+%macro BILINEAR 6
+    pmullw                 %1, %3
+    pmullw                 %6, %2, %4
+    paddw                  %1, %6
+%if bd == 12
+    psrlw                  %1, 1                        ; avoid signed mul for pmulhrsw
+    pmulhrsw               %1, %5
+; DMVR_H_1xW16(dst, src0, src1, offset, tmp)
+%macro DMVR_H_1xW16 5
+    LOAD_W16               %1, [%2 + %4]
+    LOAD_W16               %5, [%3 + %4]
+    BILINEAR               %1, %5, m10, m11, m12, %5
+; DMVR_H_4xW16(dst, dst_stride, dst_stride3, src, src_stride, src_stride3, src1)
+%macro DMVR_H_4xW16 7
+    DMVR_H_1xW16           m0, %4, %7,      0, m4
+    DMVR_H_1xW16           m1, %4, %7,     %5, m5
+    DMVR_H_1xW16           m2, %4, %7, 2 * %5, m6
+    DMVR_H_1xW16           m3, %4, %7,     %6, m7
+    SAVE_W16    [%1]         , m0
+    SAVE_W16    [%1 + %2]    , m1
+    SAVE_W16    [%1 + 2 * %2], m2
+    SAVE_W16    [%1 + %3]    , m3
+; void ff_vvc_dmvr_h_%1_avx2(int16_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride,
+;     int height, intptr_t mx, intptr_t my, int width);
+%macro DMVR_H_AVX2 1
+cglobal vvc_dmvr_h_%1, 4, 10, 13, dst, src, ss, h, ds, ds3, w, ss3, src1, i
+%define bd %1
+    LOAD_COEFFS           10, 11, dsm
+    LOAD_SHIFT           m12, shift3_%1
+    lea                src1q, [srcq + pstride]
+    mov                   wd, wm
+    mov                   id, hd
+    sub                   id, 4
+    jl              .w16_end
+    DMVR_H_4xW16        dstq, dsq, ds3q, srcq, ssq, ss3q, src1q
+    NEXT_4_LINES           1
+    jmp                 .w16
+    sub                   wd, 16
+    jl               .w4_end
+    lea                src1q, [srcq + pstride]
+    sub                   hd, 4
+    jl               .w4_end
+    DMVR_H_4xW16        dstq, dsq, ds3q, srcq, ssq, ss3q, src1q
+    NEXT_4_LINES           1
+    jmp                 .w4
+    RET
+; DMVR_V_4xW16(dst, dst_stride, dst_stride3, src, src_stride, src_stride3)
+%macro DMVR_V_4xW16 6
+    LOAD_W16               m1, [%4 + %5]
+    LOAD_W16               m2, [%4 + 2 * %5]
+    LOAD_W16               m3, [%4 + %6]
+    LOAD_W16               m4, [%4 + 4 * %5]
+    BILINEAR               m0, m1, m8, m9, m10, m11
+    BILINEAR               m1, m2, m8, m9, m10, m12
+    BILINEAR               m2, m3, m8, m9, m10, m13
+    BILINEAR               m3, m4, m8, m9, m10, m14
+    SAVE_W16    [%1]         , m0
+    SAVE_W16    [%1 + %2]    , m1
+    SAVE_W16    [%1 + 2 * %2], m2
+    SAVE_W16    [%1 + %3]    , m3
+    ; why can't we use SWAP m0, m4 here?
+    movaps                 m0, m4
+; void ff_vvc_dmvr_v_%1_avx2(int16_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride,
+;     int height, intptr_t mx, intptr_t my, int width);
+%macro DMVR_V_AVX2 1
+cglobal vvc_dmvr_v_%1, 4, 9, 15, dst, src, ss, h, ds, ds3, w, ss3, i
+%define bd %1
+    LOAD_COEFFS            8, 9, ds3m
+    LOAD_SHIFT           m10, shift3_%1
+    mov                   wd, wm
+    mov                   id, hd
+    LOAD_W16              m0, [srcq]
+    sub                   id, 4
+    jl              .w16_end
+    DMVR_V_4xW16        dstq, dsq, ds3q, srcq, ssq, ss3q
+    NEXT_4_LINES           0
+    jmp                 .w16
+    sub                   wd, 16
+    jl               .w4_end
+    LOAD_W16              m0, [srcq]
+    sub                   hd, 4
+    jl               .w4_end
+    DMVR_V_4xW16        dstq, dsq, ds3q, srcq, ssq, ss3q
+    NEXT_4_LINES           0
+    jmp                 .w4
+    RET
+; DMVR_HV_4xW16(dst, dst_stride, dst_stride3, src, src_stride, src_stride3, src1)
+%macro DMVR_HV_4xW16 7
+    DMVR_H_1xW16           m1, %4, %7,     %5, m6
+    DMVR_H_1xW16           m2, %4, %7, 2 * %5, m7
+    DMVR_H_1xW16           m3, %4, %7,     %6, m8
+    DMVR_H_1xW16           m4, %4, %7, 4 * %5, m9
+    BILINEAR               m0, m1, m13, m14, m15, m6
+    BILINEAR               m1, m2, m13, m14, m15, m7
+    BILINEAR               m2, m3, m13, m14, m15, m8
+    BILINEAR               m3, m4, m13, m14, m15, m9
+    SAVE_W16    [%1]         , m0
+    SAVE_W16    [%1 + %2]    , m1
+    SAVE_W16    [%1 + 2 * %2], m2
+    SAVE_W16    [%1 + %3]    , m3
+    ; why can't we use SWAP m0, m4 here?
+    movaps                 m0, m4
+; void ff_vvc_dmvr_hv_%1_avx2(int16_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride,
+;     int height, intptr_t mx, intptr_t my, int width);
+%macro DMVR_HV_AVX2 1
+cglobal vvc_dmvr_hv_%1, 7, 10, 16, dst, src, ss, h, ds, ds3, w, ss3, src1, i
+%define bd %1
+    LOAD_COEFFS           10, 11, dsm
+    LOAD_SHIFT           m12, shift3_%1
+    LOAD_COEFFS           13, 14, ds3m
+    LOAD_SHIFT           m15, shift3_10
+    lea                src1q, [srcq + pstride]
+    mov                   id, hd
+    DMVR_H_1xW16          m0, srcq, src1q, 0, m5
+    sub                   id, 4
+    jl              .w16_end
+    DMVR_HV_4xW16       dstq, dsq, ds3q, srcq, ssq, ss3q, src1q
+    NEXT_4_LINES           1
+    jmp                 .w16
+    sub                   wd, 16
+    jl               .w4_end
+    lea                src1q, [srcq + pstride]
+    DMVR_H_1xW16          m0, srcq, src1q, 0, m5
+    sub                   hd, 4
+    jl               .w4_end
+    DMVR_HV_4xW16       dstq, dsq, ds3q, srcq, ssq, ss3q, src1q
+    NEXT_4_LINES           1
+    jmp                 .w4
+    RET
+%macro VVC_DMVR_AVX2 1
+    DMVR_AVX2    %1
+    DMVR_H_AVX2  %1
+    DMVR_V_AVX2  %1
+    DMVR_HV_AVX2 %1
+INIT_YMM avx2
+%endif ; ARCH_X86_64
diff --git a/libavcodec/x86/vvc/vvcdsp_init.c b/libavcodec/x86/vvc/vvcdsp_init.c
index 4b4a2aa937..d5b4f4f8a5 100644
--- a/libavcodec/x86/vvc/vvcdsp_init.c
+++ b/libavcodec/x86/vvc/vvcdsp_init.c
@@ -87,6 +87,21 @@ AVG_PROTOTYPES( 8, avx2)
+#define DMVR_PROTOTYPES(bd, opt)                                                                    \
+void ff_vvc_dmvr_##bd##_##opt(int16_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride,               \
+     int height, intptr_t mx, intptr_t my, int width);                                              \
+void ff_vvc_dmvr_h_##bd##_##opt(int16_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride,             \
+     int height, intptr_t mx, intptr_t my, int width);                                              \
+void ff_vvc_dmvr_v_##bd##_##opt(int16_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride,             \
+     int height, intptr_t mx, intptr_t my, int width);                                              \
+void ff_vvc_dmvr_hv_##bd##_##opt(int16_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride,            \
+     int height, intptr_t mx, intptr_t my, int width);                                              \
 #define ALF_BPC_PROTOTYPES(bpc, opt)                                                                                     \
 void BF(ff_vvc_alf_filter_luma, bpc, opt)(uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t dst_stride,                                            \
     const uint8_t *src, ptrdiff_t src_stride, ptrdiff_t width, ptrdiff_t height,                                         \
@@ -306,6 +321,13 @@ ALF_FUNCS(16, 12, avx2)
     c->inter.w_avg  = bf(ff_vvc_w_avg, bd, opt);                     \
 } while (0)
+#define DMVR_INIT(bd) do {                                           \
+    c->inter.dmvr[0][0]   = ff_vvc_dmvr_##bd##_avx2;                 \
+    c->inter.dmvr[0][1]   = ff_vvc_dmvr_h_##bd##_avx2;               \
+    c->inter.dmvr[1][0]   = ff_vvc_dmvr_v_##bd##_avx2;               \
+    c->inter.dmvr[1][1]   = ff_vvc_dmvr_hv_##bd##_avx2;              \
+} while (0)
 #define ALF_INIT(bd) do {                                            \
     c->alf.filter[LUMA]   = ff_vvc_alf_filter_luma_##bd##_avx2;      \
     c->alf.filter[CHROMA] = ff_vvc_alf_filter_chroma_##bd##_avx2;    \
@@ -330,6 +352,7 @@ void ff_vvc_dsp_init_x86(VVCDSPContext *const c, const int bd)
             AVG_INIT(8, avx2);
+            DMVR_INIT(8);
@@ -342,6 +365,7 @@ void ff_vvc_dsp_init_x86(VVCDSPContext *const c, const int bd)
             AVG_INIT(10, avx2);
+            DMVR_INIT(10);
@@ -354,6 +378,7 @@ void ff_vvc_dsp_init_x86(VVCDSPContext *const c, const int bd)
             AVG_INIT(12, avx2);
+            DMVR_INIT(12);

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