[FFmpeg-cvslog] qsvenc: Make sure the interlaced encoding works

Aaron Levinson git at videolan.org
Sun Oct 29 00:32:07 EEST 2017

ffmpeg | branch: master | Aaron Levinson <alevinsn at aracnet.com> | Sun Apr 16 18:06:37 2017 -0700| [8fd8f91e47f33cd82371a97ac81afc476144964f] | committer: Luca Barbato

qsvenc: Make sure the interlaced encoding works

And reduce the vertical alignment constraint when possible to reduce the
memory usage.

Signed-off-by: Luca Barbato <lu_zero at gentoo.org>

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/ffmpeg.git/?a=commit;h=8fd8f91e47f33cd82371a97ac81afc476144964f

 libavcodec/qsvenc.c | 29 +++++++++++++++++++++++------
 libavcodec/qsvenc.h |  1 +
 2 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libavcodec/qsvenc.c b/libavcodec/qsvenc.c
index 6ac5ca1340..7c6ad09dda 100644
--- a/libavcodec/qsvenc.c
+++ b/libavcodec/qsvenc.c
@@ -366,8 +366,6 @@ static int init_video_param(AVCodecContext *avctx, QSVEncContext *q)
         return AVERROR_BUG;
     q->param.mfx.CodecId = ret;
-    q->width_align = avctx->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_HEVC ? 32 : 16;
     if (avctx->level > 0)
         q->param.mfx.CodecLevel = avctx->level;
@@ -389,20 +387,39 @@ static int init_video_param(AVCodecContext *avctx, QSVEncContext *q)
     ff_qsv_map_pixfmt(sw_format, &q->param.mfx.FrameInfo.FourCC);
-    q->param.mfx.FrameInfo.Width          = FFALIGN(avctx->width, q->width_align);
-    q->param.mfx.FrameInfo.Height         = FFALIGN(avctx->height, 32);
     q->param.mfx.FrameInfo.CropX          = 0;
     q->param.mfx.FrameInfo.CropY          = 0;
     q->param.mfx.FrameInfo.CropW          = avctx->width;
     q->param.mfx.FrameInfo.CropH          = avctx->height;
     q->param.mfx.FrameInfo.AspectRatioW   = avctx->sample_aspect_ratio.num;
     q->param.mfx.FrameInfo.AspectRatioH   = avctx->sample_aspect_ratio.den;
-    q->param.mfx.FrameInfo.PicStruct      = MFX_PICSTRUCT_PROGRESSIVE;
     q->param.mfx.FrameInfo.ChromaFormat   = MFX_CHROMAFORMAT_YUV420;
     q->param.mfx.FrameInfo.BitDepthLuma   = desc->comp[0].depth;
     q->param.mfx.FrameInfo.BitDepthChroma = desc->comp[0].depth;
     q->param.mfx.FrameInfo.Shift          = desc->comp[0].depth > 8;
+    // TODO:  detect version of MFX--if the minor version is greater than
+    // or equal to 19, then can use the same alignment settings as H.264
+    // for HEVC
+    q->width_align = avctx->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_HEVC ? 32 : 16;
+    q->param.mfx.FrameInfo.Width = FFALIGN(avctx->width, q->width_align);
+    if (avctx->flags & AV_CODEC_FLAG_INTERLACED_DCT) {
+        // it is important that PicStruct be setup correctly from the
+        // start--otherwise, encoding doesn't work and results in a bunch
+        // of incompatible video parameter errors
+        q->param.mfx.FrameInfo.PicStruct = MFX_PICSTRUCT_FIELD_TFF;
+        // height alignment always must be 32 for interlaced video
+        q->height_align = 32;
+    } else {
+        q->param.mfx.FrameInfo.PicStruct = MFX_PICSTRUCT_PROGRESSIVE;
+        // for progressive video, the height should be aligned to 16 for
+        // H.264.  For HEVC, depending on the version of MFX, it should be
+        // either 32 or 16.  The lower number is better if possible.
+        q->height_align = avctx->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_HEVC ? 32 : 16;
+    }
+    q->param.mfx.FrameInfo.Height = FFALIGN(avctx->height, q->height_align);
     if (avctx->hw_frames_ctx) {
         AVHWFramesContext *frames_ctx = (AVHWFramesContext*)avctx->hw_frames_ctx->data;
         AVQSVFramesContext *frames_hwctx = frames_ctx->hwctx;
@@ -898,7 +915,7 @@ static int submit_frame(QSVEncContext *q, const AVFrame *frame,
     } else {
         /* make a copy if the input is not padded as libmfx requires */
         if (frame->height & 31 || frame->linesize[0] & (q->width_align - 1)) {
-            qf->frame->height = FFALIGN(frame->height, 32);
+            qf->frame->height = FFALIGN(frame->height, q->height_align);
             qf->frame->width  = FFALIGN(frame->width, q->width_align);
             ret = ff_get_buffer(q->avctx, qf->frame, AV_GET_BUFFER_FLAG_REF);
diff --git a/libavcodec/qsvenc.h b/libavcodec/qsvenc.h
index 13e4c47481..a6399040e9 100644
--- a/libavcodec/qsvenc.h
+++ b/libavcodec/qsvenc.h
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ typedef struct QSVEncContext {
     int packet_size;
     int width_align;
+    int height_align;
     mfxVideoParam param;
     mfxFrameAllocRequest req;

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