[FFmpeg-cvslog] swscale/utils: Clear pix buffers

Michael Niedermayer git at videolan.org
Wed Jul 15 20:07:53 CEST 2015

ffmpeg | branch: master | Michael Niedermayer <michael at niedermayer.cc> | Wed Jul 15 19:20:19 2015 +0200| [a5d44d5c220e12ca0cb7a4eceb0f74759cb13111] | committer: Michael Niedermayer

swscale/utils: Clear pix buffers

Fixes use of uninitialized memory
Fixes: a96874b9466b6edc660a519c7ad47977_signal_sigsegv_7ffff713351a_744_nc_sample.avi with memlimit 2147483648

Found-by: Samuel Groß, Mateusz "j00ru" Jurczyk and Gynvael Coldwind
Signed-off-by: Michael Niedermayer <michael at niedermayer.cc>

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/ffmpeg.git/?a=commit;h=a5d44d5c220e12ca0cb7a4eceb0f74759cb13111

 libswscale/utils.c |    6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libswscale/utils.c b/libswscale/utils.c
index c384aa5..16f187a 100644
--- a/libswscale/utils.c
+++ b/libswscale/utils.c
@@ -1496,9 +1496,9 @@ av_cold int sws_init_context(SwsContext *c, SwsFilter *srcFilter,
     /* Allocate pixbufs (we use dynamic allocation because otherwise we would
      * need to allocate several megabytes to handle all possible cases) */
-    FF_ALLOC_OR_GOTO(c, c->lumPixBuf,  c->vLumBufSize * 3 * sizeof(int16_t *), fail);
-    FF_ALLOC_OR_GOTO(c, c->chrUPixBuf, c->vChrBufSize * 3 * sizeof(int16_t *), fail);
-    FF_ALLOC_OR_GOTO(c, c->chrVPixBuf, c->vChrBufSize * 3 * sizeof(int16_t *), fail);
+    FF_ALLOCZ_OR_GOTO(c, c->lumPixBuf,  c->vLumBufSize * 3 * sizeof(int16_t *), fail);
+    FF_ALLOCZ_OR_GOTO(c, c->chrUPixBuf, c->vChrBufSize * 3 * sizeof(int16_t *), fail);
+    FF_ALLOCZ_OR_GOTO(c, c->chrVPixBuf, c->vChrBufSize * 3 * sizeof(int16_t *), fail);
     if (CONFIG_SWSCALE_ALPHA && isALPHA(c->srcFormat) && isALPHA(c->dstFormat))
         FF_ALLOCZ_OR_GOTO(c, c->alpPixBuf, c->vLumBufSize * 3 * sizeof(int16_t *), fail);
     /* Note we need at least one pixel more at the end because of the MMX code

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