[FFmpeg-cvslog] lavfi/vf_colorchannelmixer: replace round by lrint

Ganesh Ajjanagadde git at videolan.org
Mon Dec 21 17:31:45 CET 2015

ffmpeg | branch: master | Ganesh Ajjanagadde <gajjanagadde at gmail.com> | Wed Dec 16 14:34:09 2015 -0500| [cc37b31ad3815dfea6157eb784db7665bd990fcc] | committer: Ganesh Ajjanagadde

lavfi/vf_colorchannelmixer: replace round by lrint

lrint is faster here on -ftree-vectorize with GCC. This is likely simply
an artifact of GCC's rather terrible auto-vectorizer, since as per the
instruction set manuals cvtsd2si and cvttsd2si (or their vector equivalents)
have identical cycle timings.

Anyway, regardless of above, lrint is superior to round accuracy wise.

Safety guaranteed as long int has at least 32 bits.

Signed-off-by: Ganesh Ajjanagadde <gajjanagadde at gmail.com>

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/ffmpeg.git/?a=commit;h=cc37b31ad3815dfea6157eb784db7665bd990fcc

 libavfilter/vf_colorchannelmixer.c |   38 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libavfilter/vf_colorchannelmixer.c b/libavfilter/vf_colorchannelmixer.c
index 0fffd34..cda972d 100644
--- a/libavfilter/vf_colorchannelmixer.c
+++ b/libavfilter/vf_colorchannelmixer.c
@@ -115,25 +115,25 @@ static int config_output(AVFilterLink *outlink)
             s->lut[i][j] = buffer;
     for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-        s->lut[R][R][i] = round(i * s->rr);
-        s->lut[R][G][i] = round(i * s->rg);
-        s->lut[R][B][i] = round(i * s->rb);
-        s->lut[R][A][i] = round(i * s->ra);
-        s->lut[G][R][i] = round(i * s->gr);
-        s->lut[G][G][i] = round(i * s->gg);
-        s->lut[G][B][i] = round(i * s->gb);
-        s->lut[G][A][i] = round(i * s->ga);
-        s->lut[B][R][i] = round(i * s->br);
-        s->lut[B][G][i] = round(i * s->bg);
-        s->lut[B][B][i] = round(i * s->bb);
-        s->lut[B][A][i] = round(i * s->ba);
-        s->lut[A][R][i] = round(i * s->ar);
-        s->lut[A][G][i] = round(i * s->ag);
-        s->lut[A][B][i] = round(i * s->ab);
-        s->lut[A][A][i] = round(i * s->aa);
+        s->lut[R][R][i] = lrint(i * s->rr);
+        s->lut[R][G][i] = lrint(i * s->rg);
+        s->lut[R][B][i] = lrint(i * s->rb);
+        s->lut[R][A][i] = lrint(i * s->ra);
+        s->lut[G][R][i] = lrint(i * s->gr);
+        s->lut[G][G][i] = lrint(i * s->gg);
+        s->lut[G][B][i] = lrint(i * s->gb);
+        s->lut[G][A][i] = lrint(i * s->ga);
+        s->lut[B][R][i] = lrint(i * s->br);
+        s->lut[B][G][i] = lrint(i * s->bg);
+        s->lut[B][B][i] = lrint(i * s->bb);
+        s->lut[B][A][i] = lrint(i * s->ba);
+        s->lut[A][R][i] = lrint(i * s->ar);
+        s->lut[A][G][i] = lrint(i * s->ag);
+        s->lut[A][B][i] = lrint(i * s->ab);
+        s->lut[A][A][i] = lrint(i * s->aa);
     return 0;

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