[FFmpeg-cvslog] lavu/error: add missing error messages for errors supported on all platforms

Marton Balint git at videolan.org
Fri Dec 18 04:11:07 CET 2015

ffmpeg | branch: master | Marton Balint <cus at passwd.hu> | Wed Dec  9 21:45:01 2015 +0100| [752ab408b456af87b66d9dec7c3bb5ad3d564379] | committer: Marton Balint

lavu/error: add missing error messages for errors supported on all platforms

We need these if we have no strerror_r.

Descriptions are taken from doc/errno.txt except for ENOMEM.

Signed-off-by: Marton Balint <cus at passwd.hu>

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/ffmpeg.git/?a=commit;h=752ab408b456af87b66d9dec7c3bb5ad3d564379

 libavutil/error.c |   37 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 37 insertions(+)

diff --git a/libavutil/error.c b/libavutil/error.c
index 4425968..8df73db 100644
--- a/libavutil/error.c
+++ b/libavutil/error.c
@@ -61,7 +61,44 @@ static const struct error_entry error_entries[] = {
     { ERROR_TAG(HTTP_OTHER_4XX),     "Server returned 4XX Client Error, but not one of 40{0,1,3,4}" },
     { ERROR_TAG(HTTP_SERVER_ERROR),  "Server returned 5XX Server Error reply" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(E2BIG),             "Argument list too long" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(EACCES),            "Permission denied" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(EAGAIN),            "Resource temporarily unavailable" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(EBADF),             "Bad file descriptor" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(EBUSY),             "Device or resource busy" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(ECHILD),            "No child processes" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(EDEADLK),           "Resource deadlock avoided" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(EDOM),              "Numerical argument out of domain" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(EEXIST),            "File exists" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(EFAULT),            "Bad address" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(EFBIG),             "File too large" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(EILSEQ),            "Illegal byte sequence" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(EINTR),             "Interrupted system call" },
     { EERROR_TAG(EINVAL),            "Invalid argument" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(EIO),               "I/O error" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(EISDIR),            "Is a directory" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(EMFILE),            "Too many open files" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(EMLINK),            "Too many links" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(ENAMETOOLONG),      "File name too long" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(ENFILE),            "Too many open files in system" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(ENODEV),            "No such device" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(ENOENT),            "No such file or directory" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(ENOEXEC),           "Exec format error" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(ENOLCK),            "No locks available" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(ENOMEM),            "Cannot allocate memory" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(ENOSPC),            "No space left on device" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(ENOSYS),            "Function not implemented" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(ENOTDIR),           "Not a directory" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(ENOTEMPTY),         "Directory not empty" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(ENOTTY),            "Inappropriate I/O control operation" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(ENXIO),             "No such device or address" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(EPERM),             "Operation not permitted" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(EPIPE),             "Broken pipe" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(ERANGE),            "Result too large" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(EROFS),             "Read-only file system" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(ESPIPE),            "Illegal seek" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(ESRCH),             "No such process" },
+    { EERROR_TAG(EXDEV),             "Cross-device link" },

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