[FFmpeg-cvslog] FATE: add a test for the unsharp filter

Anton Khirnov git at videolan.org
Thu Mar 28 14:09:57 CET 2013

ffmpeg | branch: master | Anton Khirnov <anton at khirnov.net> | Wed Mar 13 11:03:08 2013 +0100| [ad85e8d9a5bb739298619cd5342aeafd0ff8f4fc] | committer: Anton Khirnov

FATE: add a test for the unsharp filter

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/ffmpeg.git/?a=commit;h=ad85e8d9a5bb739298619cd5342aeafd0ff8f4fc

 tests/fate/filter.mak         |    3 +++
 tests/ref/fate/filter-unsharp |   51 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 54 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/fate/filter.mak b/tests/fate/filter.mak
index 4cba098..3c6bb7b 100644
--- a/tests/fate/filter.mak
+++ b/tests/fate/filter.mak
@@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ fate-filter-fade: CMD = framecrc -c:v pgmyuv -i $(SRC) -vf fade=in:0:25,fade=out
 fate-filter-gradfun: CMD = framecrc -c:v pgmyuv -i $(SRC) -vf gradfun
+fate-filter-unsharp: CMD = framecrc -c:v pgmyuv -i $(SRC) -vf unsharp
 FATE_YADIF += fate-filter-yadif-mode0
 fate-filter-yadif-mode0: CMD = framecrc -flags bitexact -idct simple -i $(SAMPLES)/mpeg2/mpeg2_field_encoding.ts -vf yadif=0
diff --git a/tests/ref/fate/filter-unsharp b/tests/ref/fate/filter-unsharp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dcf40f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ref/fate/filter-unsharp
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#tb 0: 1/25
+0,          0,          0,        1,   152064, 0x19a94798
+0,          1,          1,        1,   152064, 0xc88b24f4
+0,          2,          2,        1,   152064, 0xd027b44b
+0,          3,          3,        1,   152064, 0xa9fb3e54
+0,          4,          4,        1,   152064, 0x2991747d
+0,          5,          5,        1,   152064, 0x1dc267fc
+0,          6,          6,        1,   152064, 0xe9063293
+0,          7,          7,        1,   152064, 0xc23e41a4
+0,          8,          8,        1,   152064, 0xaa433dc5
+0,          9,          9,        1,   152064, 0x22b0f0a3
+0,         10,         10,        1,   152064, 0x796d08d8
+0,         11,         11,        1,   152064, 0xa2babd6b
+0,         12,         12,        1,   152064, 0x531e6a62
+0,         13,         13,        1,   152064, 0xc8fa5b9d
+0,         14,         14,        1,   152064, 0x33e54ae8
+0,         15,         15,        1,   152064, 0x86dfd0b8
+0,         16,         16,        1,   152064, 0x101f1170
+0,         17,         17,        1,   152064, 0x230eef00
+0,         18,         18,        1,   152064, 0xa5ee1c5e
+0,         19,         19,        1,   152064, 0x241893c6
+0,         20,         20,        1,   152064, 0x86a0a883
+0,         21,         21,        1,   152064, 0x12b4d8f7
+0,         22,         22,        1,   152064, 0xb220d497
+0,         23,         23,        1,   152064, 0xbaea200e
+0,         24,         24,        1,   152064, 0x6d96b7f3
+0,         25,         25,        1,   152064, 0xc70d4ebb
+0,         26,         26,        1,   152064, 0x20df50af
+0,         27,         27,        1,   152064, 0xfce89174
+0,         28,         28,        1,   152064, 0x74be5c8e
+0,         29,         29,        1,   152064, 0x51f419a6
+0,         30,         30,        1,   152064, 0x790621e7
+0,         31,         31,        1,   152064, 0x37387da2
+0,         32,         32,        1,   152064, 0x8228baa4
+0,         33,         33,        1,   152064, 0xdd2a42b7
+0,         34,         34,        1,   152064, 0xa28bfc63
+0,         35,         35,        1,   152064, 0xe8284337
+0,         36,         36,        1,   152064, 0xb1dae9fe
+0,         37,         37,        1,   152064, 0x0378c0af
+0,         38,         38,        1,   152064, 0x79c514d4
+0,         39,         39,        1,   152064, 0x043e0347
+0,         40,         40,        1,   152064, 0x4d11131b
+0,         41,         41,        1,   152064, 0xb2a05924
+0,         42,         42,        1,   152064, 0xd0097464
+0,         43,         43,        1,   152064, 0x32dfd8c0
+0,         44,         44,        1,   152064, 0xd9ecbf03
+0,         45,         45,        1,   152064, 0x8dcc403f
+0,         46,         46,        1,   152064, 0x95e81af7
+0,         47,         47,        1,   152064, 0xb8018b25
+0,         48,         48,        1,   152064, 0xeecf7281
+0,         49,         49,        1,   152064, 0x23e49602

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