[FFmpeg-cvslog] document the release process

Reinhard Tartler git at videolan.org
Sun Mar 17 12:59:31 CET 2013

ffmpeg | branch: master | Reinhard Tartler <siretart at tauware.de> | Sun Feb 24 19:11:07 2013 +0100| [23f4c5acc438366d84cacf49e33b0bcd72f04937] | committer: Reinhard Tartler

document the release process

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/ffmpeg.git/?a=commit;h=23f4c5acc438366d84cacf49e33b0bcd72f04937

 doc/developer.texi |  103 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 103 insertions(+)

diff --git a/doc/developer.texi b/doc/developer.texi
index 54c1ec6..1a87859 100644
--- a/doc/developer.texi
+++ b/doc/developer.texi
@@ -547,4 +547,107 @@ why the expected result changed.
 Please refer to @url{fate.html}.
+ at anchor{Release process}
+ at section Release process
+Libav maintains a set of @strong{release branches}, which are the
+recommended deliverable for system integrators and distributors (such as
+Linux distributions, etc.). At irregular times, a @strong{release
+manager} prepares, tests and publishes tarballs on the
+ at url{http://libav.org} website.
+There are two kinds of releases:
+ at enumerate
+ at item
+    @strong{Major releases} always include the latest and greatest
+    features and functionality.
+ at item
+    @strong{Point releases} are cut from @strong{release} branches,
+    which are named @code{release/X}, with @code{X} being the release
+    version number.
+ at end enumerate
+Note that we promise to our users that shared libraries from any Libav
+release never break programs that have been @strong{compiled} against
+previous versions of @strong{the same release series} in any case!
+However, from time to time, we do make API changes that require adaptations
+in applications. Such changes are only allowed in (new) major releases and
+require further steps such as bumping library version numbers and/or
+adjustments to the symbol versioning file. Please discuss such changes
+on the @strong{libav-devel} mailing list in time to allow forward planning.
+ at anchor{Criteria for Point Releases}
+ at subsection Criteria for Point Releases
+Changes that match the following criteria are valid candidates for
+inclusion into a point release:
+ at enumerate
+ at item
+    Fixes a security issue, preferably identified by a @strong{CVE
+    number} issued by @url{http://cve.mitre.org/}.
+ at item
+    Fixes a documented bug in @url{http://bugzilla.libav.org}.
+ at item
+    Improves the included documentation.
+ at item
+    Retains both source code and binary compatibility with previous
+    point releases of the same release branch.
+ at end enumerate
+The order for checking the rules is (1 OR 2 OR 3) AND 4.
+All Libav developers are welcome to nominate commits that they push to
+ at code{master} by mailing the @strong{libav-stable} mailing list. The
+easiest way to do so is to include @code{CC: libav-stable@@libav.org} in
+the commit message.
+ at subsection Release Checklist
+The release process involves the following steps:
+ at enumerate
+ at item
+    Ensure that the @file{RELEASE} file contains the version number for
+    the upcoming release.
+ at item
+    File a release tracking bug in @url{http://bugzilla.libav.org}. Make
+    sure that the bug has an alias named @code{ReleaseX.Y} for the
+    @code{X.Y} release.
+ at item
+    Announce the intent to do a release to the mailing list.
+ at item
+    Reassign unresolved blocking bugs from previous release
+    tracking bugs to the new bug.
+ at item
+    Review patch nominations that reach the @strong{libav-stable}
+    mailing list, and push patches that fulfill the stable release
+    criteria to the release branch.
+ at item
+    Ensure that the FATE regression suite still passes in the release
+    branch on at least @strong{i386} and @strong{amd64}
+    (cf. @ref{Regression Tests}).
+ at item
+    Prepare the release tarballs in @code{xz} and @code{gz} formats, and
+    supplementing files that contain @code{md5} and @code{sha1}
+    checksums.
+ at item
+    Publish the tarballs at @url{http://libav.org/releases}. Create and
+    push an annotated tag in the form @code{vX}, with @code{X}
+    containing the version number.
+ at item
+    Build the tarballs with the Windows binaries, and publish them at
+    @url{http://win32.libav.org/releases}.
+ at item
+    Propose and send a patch to the @strong{libav-devel} mailing list
+    with a news entry for the website.
+ at item
+    Publish the news entry.
+ at item
+    Send announcement to the mailing list.
+ at end enumerate

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