[FFmpeg-cvslog] lavc/avpacket: fill padding area on side data split.
Clément Bœsch
git at videolan.org
Sat Jun 1 15:12:59 CEST 2013
ffmpeg | branch: master | Clément Bœsch <ubitux at gmail.com> | Sat Jun 1 14:07:24 2013 +0200| [151b4947e5d21c418d5316a6d93b5b03f4be4b86] | committer: Clément Bœsch
lavc/avpacket: fill padding area on side data split.
The padding data is assumed to be 0 in several places, notably in
subtitles. This problem was not detected with fate-sub-srt test because
the first element of the side data (x1) is 0 in the test, so the
trailing side data present in the packet wasn't read by the decoder. The
issue can be observed with a large enough x1.
It is also noted in FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE doxy that MPEG
bitstreams require that padding with 0, so it might fix other issues.
> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/ffmpeg.git/?a=commit;h=151b4947e5d21c418d5316a6d93b5b03f4be4b86
libavcodec/avpacket.c | 9 ++++++++-
1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/libavcodec/avpacket.c b/libavcodec/avpacket.c
index 198365e..e276c60 100644
--- a/libavcodec/avpacket.c
+++ b/libavcodec/avpacket.c
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ int av_packet_merge_side_data(AVPacket *pkt){
int av_packet_split_side_data(AVPacket *pkt){
if (!pkt->side_data_elems && pkt->size >12 && AV_RB64(pkt->data + pkt->size - 8) == FF_MERGE_MARKER){
int i;
- unsigned int size;
+ unsigned int size, orig_pktsize = pkt->size;
uint8_t *p;
p = pkt->data + pkt->size - 8 - 5;
@@ -389,6 +389,13 @@ int av_packet_split_side_data(AVPacket *pkt){
p-= size+5;
pkt->size -= 8;
+ /* FFMIN() prevents overflow in case the packet wasn't allocated with
+ * proper padding.
+ * If the side data is smaller than the buffer padding size, the
+ * remaining bytes should have already been filled with zeros by the
+ * original packet allocation anyway. */
+ memset(pkt->data + pkt->size, 0,
+ FFMIN(orig_pktsize - pkt->size, FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE));
pkt->side_data_elems = i+1;
return 1;
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