[FFmpeg-cvslog] fate: port our pixfmts change to fate-run.sh.
Clément Bœsch
git at videolan.org
Tue Apr 30 02:16:27 CEST 2013
ffmpeg | branch: master | Clément Bœsch <ubitux at gmail.com> | Tue Apr 30 01:32:49 2013 +0200| [1e0a0aafba62c884523c679840bfd03562df8661] | committer: Clément Bœsch
fate: port our pixfmts change to fate-run.sh.
This patch is the same as 52b23cbf1c8f276136556c9e2252184b763ae1ec.
> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/ffmpeg.git/?a=commit;h=1e0a0aafba62c884523c679840bfd03562df8661
tests/fate-run.sh | 17 +++++++++++------
1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/fate-run.sh b/tests/fate-run.sh
index 42b9ebb..afb1984 100755
--- a/tests/fate-run.sh
+++ b/tests/fate-run.sh
@@ -189,20 +189,25 @@ pixfmts(){
showfiltfmts="$target_exec $target_path/libavfilter/filtfmts-test"
- exclude_fmts=${outfile}${filter}_exclude_fmts
- out_fmts=${outfile}${filter}_out_fmts
+ scale_exclude_fmts=${outfile}${1}_scale_exclude_fmts
+ scale_in_fmts=${outfile}${1}_scale_in_fmts
+ scale_out_fmts=${outfile}${1}_scale_out_fmts
+ in_fmts=${outfile}${1}_in_fmts
# exclude pixel formats which are not supported as input
- ffmpeg -pix_fmts list 2>/dev/null | awk 'NR > 8 && /^\..\./ { print $2 }' | sort >$exclude_fmts
- $showfiltfmts scale | awk -F '[ \r:]' '/^OUTPUT/{ print $5 }' | sort | comm -23 - $exclude_fmts >$out_fmts
+ $showfiltfmts scale | awk -F '[ \r]' '/^INPUT/{ fmt=substr($3, 5); print fmt }' | sort >$scale_in_fmts
+ $showfiltfmts scale | awk -F '[ \r]' '/^OUTPUT/{ fmt=substr($3, 5); print fmt }' | sort >$scale_out_fmts
+ comm -12 $scale_in_fmts $scale_out_fmts >$scale_exclude_fmts
+ $showfiltfmts $filter | awk -F '[ \r]' '/^INPUT/{ fmt=substr($3, 5); print fmt }' | sort >$in_fmts
+ pix_fmts=$(comm -12 $scale_exclude_fmts $in_fmts)
- pix_fmts=$($showfiltfmts $filter | awk -F '[ \r:]' '/^INPUT/{ print $5 }' | sort | comm -12 - $out_fmts)
for pix_fmt in $pix_fmts; do
video_filter "format=$pix_fmt,$filter=$filter_args" -pix_fmt $pix_fmt
- rm $exclude_fmts $out_fmts
+ rm $in_fmts $scale_in_fmts $scale_out_fmts $scale_exclude_fmts
mkdir -p "$outdir"
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