[FFmpeg-cvslog] fate: split idroq audio and video into separate tests

Mans Rullgard git at videolan.org
Thu May 10 02:33:20 CEST 2012

ffmpeg | branch: master | Mans Rullgard <mans at mansr.com> | Wed May  9 00:59:40 2012 +0100| [b1f9be543687b837069be88428f798ac8ca28e8e] | committer: Mans Rullgard

fate: split idroq audio and video into separate tests

Signed-off-by: Mans Rullgard <mans at mansr.com>

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/ffmpeg.git/?a=commit;h=b1f9be543687b837069be88428f798ac8ca28e8e

 tests/fate/dpcm.mak       |    2 +-
 tests/fate/video.mak      |    3 +
 tests/ref/fate/dpcm-idroq |  547 ++++++++++++++-------------------------------
 tests/ref/fate/roqvideo   |  211 +++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 383 insertions(+), 380 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/fate/dpcm.mak b/tests/fate/dpcm.mak
index 92899cc..36a33db 100644
--- a/tests/fate/dpcm.mak
+++ b/tests/fate/dpcm.mak
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 FATE_DPCM += fate-dpcm-idroq
-fate-dpcm-idroq: CMD = framecrc -i $(SAMPLES)/idroq/idlogo.roq
+fate-dpcm-idroq: CMD = framecrc -i $(SAMPLES)/idroq/idlogo.roq -vn
 FATE_DPCM += fate-dpcm-sierra
 fate-dpcm-sierra: CMD = md5 -i $(SAMPLES)/sol/lsl7sample.sol -f s16le
diff --git a/tests/fate/video.mak b/tests/fate/video.mak
index 56cb480..319eae8 100644
--- a/tests/fate/video.mak
+++ b/tests/fate/video.mak
@@ -161,6 +161,9 @@ fate-r210: CMD = framecrc -i $(SAMPLES)/r210/r210.avi -pix_fmt rgb48le
 FATE_AVCONV += fate-rl2
 fate-rl2: CMD = framecrc -i $(SAMPLES)/rl2/Z4915300.RL2 -pix_fmt rgb24 -an
+FATE_AVCONV += fate-roqvideo
+fate-roqvideo: CMD = framecrc -i $(SAMPLES)/idroq/idlogo.roq -an
 FATE_AVCONV += fate-smacker
 fate-smacker: CMD = framecrc -i $(SAMPLES)/smacker/wetlogo.smk -pix_fmt rgb24
diff --git a/tests/ref/fate/dpcm-idroq b/tests/ref/fate/dpcm-idroq
index 0865343..85e8efb 100644
--- a/tests/ref/fate/dpcm-idroq
+++ b/tests/ref/fate/dpcm-idroq
@@ -1,379 +1,168 @@
-#tb 0: 1/30
-#tb 1: 1/22050
-0,          0,          0,        1,   393216, 0x56995aac
-1,          0,          0,     7456,    29824, 0x77e265b7
-0,          1,          1,        1,   393216, 0xf9ed5d6c
-0,          2,          2,        1,   393216, 0xd3285d75
-0,          3,          3,        1,   393216, 0x82d15d62
-0,          4,          4,        1,   393216, 0x893e5d6f
-0,          5,          5,        1,   393216, 0x82d15d62
-0,          6,          6,        1,   393216, 0x893e5d6f
-0,          7,          7,        1,   393216, 0x82d15d62
-0,          8,          8,        1,   393216, 0x893e5d6f
-0,          9,          9,        1,   393216, 0x82d15d62
-0,         10,         10,        1,   393216, 0x893e5d6f
-1,       7456,       7456,      736,     2944, 0x8dcdf50b
-0,         11,         11,        1,   393216, 0x82d15d62
-1,       8192,       8192,      736,     2944, 0xb135cd2a
-0,         12,         12,        1,   393216, 0x893e5d6f
-1,       8928,       8928,      736,     2944, 0x54a6e73f
-0,         13,         13,        1,   393216, 0x82d15d62
-1,       9664,       9664,      736,     2944, 0x050ccd4e
-0,         14,         14,        1,   393216, 0x893e5d6f
-1,      10400,      10400,      736,     2944, 0x6b68db44
-0,         15,         15,        1,   393216, 0x82d15d62
-1,      11136,      11136,      736,     2944, 0x55d1f308
-0,         16,         16,        1,   393216, 0x2ae39eca
-1,      11872,      11872,      736,     2944, 0x7e92f50b
-0,         17,         17,        1,   393216, 0x9254be70
-1,      12608,      12608,      736,     2944, 0xe9e91eed
-0,         18,         18,        1,   393216, 0x4b2ed384
-1,      13344,      13344,      736,     2944, 0x80af2ce0
-0,         19,         19,        1,   393216, 0xbbd9d8f7
-1,      14080,      14080,      736,     2944, 0xc67ffb07
-0,         20,         20,        1,   393216, 0x1f2be0c3
-1,      14816,      14816,      736,     2944, 0x7aaded27
-0,         21,         21,        1,   393216, 0x2434eb25
-1,      15552,      15552,      736,     2944, 0x14a024fd
-0,         22,         22,        1,   393216, 0xa6cced4e
-1,      16288,      16288,      736,     2944, 0x26e8df1f
-0,         23,         23,        1,   393216, 0xd116f38b
-1,      17024,      17024,      736,     2944, 0x2688df44
-0,         24,         24,        1,   393216, 0x6b86f380
-1,      17760,      17760,      736,     2944, 0x4b9cdd33
-0,         25,         25,        1,   393216, 0xc1b3f8e9
-1,      18496,      18496,      736,     2944, 0x10c2f11c
-0,         26,         26,        1,   393216, 0x2993fd5d
-1,      19232,      19232,      736,     2944, 0xc4e3ad6d
-0,         27,         27,        1,   393216, 0xf489fe18
-1,      19968,      19968,      736,     2944, 0xbeb1a78e
-0,         28,         28,        1,   393216, 0x9ef10501
-1,      20704,      20704,      736,     2944, 0x283d4e7f
-0,         29,         29,        1,   393216, 0x8faf0512
-1,      21440,      21440,      736,     2944, 0x4acf65e0
-0,         30,         30,        1,   393216, 0xa54d0736
-1,      22176,      22176,      736,     2944, 0x0ca29b8c
-0,         31,         31,        1,   393216, 0xf4ef01e0
-1,      22912,      22912,      736,     2944, 0x003fae34
-0,         32,         32,        1,   393216, 0xe241ef51
-1,      23648,      23648,      736,     2944, 0x2acfec7e
-0,         33,         33,        1,   393216, 0xcc38e51f
-1,      24384,      24384,      736,     2944, 0xea6fc6fe
-0,         34,         34,        1,   393216, 0xb1345876
-1,      25120,      25120,      736,     2944, 0xf5daec2f
-0,         35,         35,        1,   393216, 0xf9b0968b
-1,      25856,      25856,      736,     2944, 0x8d33ed7a
-0,         36,         36,        1,   393216, 0x6bb1523f
-1,      26592,      26592,      736,     2944, 0xc328f984
-0,         37,         37,        1,   393216, 0x83469a05
-1,      27328,      27328,      736,     2944, 0x6e0b58d3
-0,         38,         38,        1,   393216, 0x73e30882
-1,      28064,      28064,      736,     2944, 0xe282dc3f
-0,         39,         39,        1,   393216, 0x8673da66
-1,      28800,      28800,      736,     2944, 0xbf9bf3e6
-0,         40,         40,        1,   393216, 0xb67596d3
-1,      29536,      29536,      736,     2944, 0xd7b7d7e3
-0,         41,         41,        1,   393216, 0xf7638710
-1,      30272,      30272,      736,     2944, 0x4e87b6ab
-0,         42,         42,        1,   393216, 0x813a8f47
-1,      31008,      31008,      736,     2944, 0x7b8ce8d6
-0,         43,         43,        1,   393216, 0xb3526555
-1,      31744,      31744,      736,     2944, 0xd42991a5
-0,         44,         44,        1,   393216, 0x1b167be3
-1,      32480,      32480,      736,     2944, 0x452c98ca
-0,         45,         45,        1,   393216, 0x99114562
-1,      33216,      33216,      736,     2944, 0x6d27832d
-0,         46,         46,        1,   393216, 0xfafb0693
-1,      33952,      33952,      736,     2944, 0xa558720e
-0,         47,         47,        1,   393216, 0x121d96c8
-1,      34688,      34688,      736,     2944, 0x0a31bec0
-0,         48,         48,        1,   393216, 0xb3c68c5d
-1,      35424,      35424,      736,     2944, 0x28431384
-0,         49,         49,        1,   393216, 0x2035b97f
-1,      36160,      36160,      736,     2944, 0xd5e9fb3d
-0,         50,         50,        1,   393216, 0xfbcaeb62
-1,      36896,      36896,      736,     2944, 0x34f0e9f8
-0,         51,         51,        1,   393216, 0xfd5aea5d
-1,      37632,      37632,      736,     2944, 0x979432df
-0,         52,         52,        1,   393216, 0x66efbddd
-1,      38368,      38368,      736,     2944, 0xb00acd4d
-0,         53,         53,        1,   393216, 0xf1e17862
-1,      39104,      39104,      736,     2944, 0x726bffd6
-0,         54,         54,        1,   393216, 0x27fa584d
-1,      39840,      39840,      736,     2944, 0xa1f39a6d
-0,         55,         55,        1,   393216, 0xe644ec5f
-1,      40576,      40576,      736,     2944, 0xf6a8e30e
-0,         56,         56,        1,   393216, 0x7e3067ba
-1,      41312,      41312,      736,     2944, 0x608e9e06
-0,         57,         57,        1,   393216, 0x1b6ba6fd
-1,      42048,      42048,      736,     2944, 0x4ec58bc3
-0,         58,         58,        1,   393216, 0x55bdba34
-1,      42784,      42784,      736,     2944, 0x6d5c8458
-0,         59,         59,        1,   393216, 0xc67db2e4
-1,      43520,      43520,      736,     2944, 0x76a0abbd
-0,         60,         60,        1,   393216, 0x359de8a2
-1,      44256,      44256,      736,     2944, 0xf830e8a6
-0,         61,         61,        1,   393216, 0x7b7a32ef
-1,      44992,      44992,      736,     2944, 0x1bdd7bec
-0,         62,         62,        1,   393216, 0xbe512a66
-1,      45728,      45728,      736,     2944, 0x3c1bd187
-0,         63,         63,        1,   393216, 0x681d82bf
-1,      46464,      46464,      736,     2944, 0xf52cf697
-0,         64,         64,        1,   393216, 0xa2320ec5
-1,      47200,      47200,      736,     2944, 0x8f65b773
-0,         65,         65,        1,   393216, 0xcfbd9954
-1,      47936,      47936,      736,     2944, 0xf8b5b598
-0,         66,         66,        1,   393216, 0x7fee9854
-1,      48672,      48672,      736,     2944, 0xcd87d5ed
-0,         67,         67,        1,   393216, 0x70eec155
-1,      49408,      49408,      736,     2944, 0x672ac02a
-0,         68,         68,        1,   393216, 0x114f684e
-1,      50144,      50144,      736,     2944, 0x1d5d13ed
-0,         69,         69,        1,   393216, 0xe27f034f
-1,      50880,      50880,      736,     2944, 0xe298e3d4
-0,         70,         70,        1,   393216, 0xfbbd89b4
-1,      51616,      51616,      736,     2944, 0x3d2e9c32
-0,         71,         71,        1,   393216, 0xcef4c58a
-1,      52352,      52352,      736,     2944, 0xf3a39259
-0,         72,         72,        1,   393216, 0x9eea88e9
-1,      53088,      53088,      736,     2944, 0x930ae8f8
-0,         73,         73,        1,   393216, 0x911cea42
-1,      53824,      53824,      736,     2944, 0x8562aff7
-0,         74,         74,        1,   393216, 0xec5727ea
-1,      54560,      54560,      736,     2944, 0x9cd6c6a7
-0,         75,         75,        1,   393216, 0xda998c33
-1,      55296,      55296,      736,     2944, 0x2709dc5c
-0,         76,         76,        1,   393216, 0xc82140ed
-1,      56032,      56032,      736,     2944, 0xcbe31816
-0,         77,         77,        1,   393216, 0x4caa8591
-1,      56768,      56768,      736,     2944, 0xd7876ec4
-0,         78,         78,        1,   393216, 0x4944206c
-1,      57504,      57504,      736,     2944, 0xc2468b6a
-0,         79,         79,        1,   393216, 0xd4676a94
-1,      58240,      58240,      736,     2944, 0x76043e84
-0,         80,         80,        1,   393216, 0x9e0340b3
-1,      58976,      58976,      736,     2944, 0xd2c35bf0
-0,         81,         81,        1,   393216, 0xbdef7f94
-1,      59712,      59712,      736,     2944, 0x63de6061
-0,         82,         82,        1,   393216, 0xfac05cb0
-1,      60448,      60448,      736,     2944, 0xd8f6ed1d
-0,         83,         83,        1,   393216, 0xfef5a369
-1,      61184,      61184,      736,     2944, 0xe034928a
-0,         84,         84,        1,   393216, 0x9fcb3711
-1,      61920,      61920,      736,     2944, 0xa044da74
-0,         85,         85,        1,   393216, 0x6d93f761
-1,      62656,      62656,      736,     2944, 0xee410dba
-0,         86,         86,        1,   393216, 0xe95dc1ae
-1,      63392,      63392,      736,     2944, 0x8e020c7c
-0,         87,         87,        1,   393216, 0x3e561557
-1,      64128,      64128,      736,     2944, 0x73057ddb
-0,         88,         88,        1,   393216, 0x0fa7a049
-1,      64864,      64864,      736,     2944, 0xdee5cc18
-0,         89,         89,        1,   393216, 0xf16afb95
-1,      65600,      65600,      736,     2944, 0xf4d31dec
-0,         90,         90,        1,   393216, 0xe53a2064
-1,      66336,      66336,      736,     2944, 0xe8131e1c
-0,         91,         91,        1,   393216, 0x57f046a4
-1,      67072,      67072,      736,     2944, 0x8ae69c95
-0,         92,         92,        1,   393216, 0xf6f16a0c
-1,      67808,      67808,      736,     2944, 0x791c0bf4
-0,         93,         93,        1,   393216, 0xcba0c8b0
-1,      68544,      68544,      736,     2944, 0xd45a10db
-0,         94,         94,        1,   393216, 0x5bdbe522
-1,      69280,      69280,      736,     2944, 0x3a72b010
-0,         95,         95,        1,   393216, 0x0fed0151
-1,      70016,      70016,      736,     2944, 0x6a4a0411
-0,         96,         96,        1,   393216, 0xbf86faf8
-1,      70752,      70752,      736,     2944, 0xd77ab7f5
-0,         97,         97,        1,   393216, 0x39854c5f
-1,      71488,      71488,      736,     2944, 0xe3bf4fe5
-0,         98,         98,        1,   393216, 0xd9b7760a
-1,      72224,      72224,      736,     2944, 0x12db1be8
-0,         99,         99,        1,   393216, 0x8edcc1d9
-1,      72960,      72960,      736,     2944, 0x345210b0
-0,        100,        100,        1,   393216, 0x44ae1435
-1,      73696,      73696,      736,     2944, 0xcfc1f892
-0,        101,        101,        1,   393216, 0xbc3d6d73
-1,      74432,      74432,      736,     2944, 0x5b0a80bb
-0,        102,        102,        1,   393216, 0xedd82647
-1,      75168,      75168,      736,     2944, 0x31ab1168
-0,        103,        103,        1,   393216, 0x1c2e5ce3
-1,      75904,      75904,      736,     2944, 0xd4a4bb0a
-0,        104,        104,        1,   393216, 0x04e29afe
-1,      76640,      76640,      736,     2944, 0x8e211c8f
-0,        105,        105,        1,   393216, 0xb191578e
-1,      77376,      77376,      736,     2944, 0xcf464d50
-0,        106,        106,        1,   393216, 0x31d75a06
-1,      78112,      78112,      736,     2944, 0xe74ff3d6
-0,        107,        107,        1,   393216, 0xfdb6c56e
-1,      78848,      78848,      736,     2944, 0x6274635f
-0,        108,        108,        1,   393216, 0xf528f484
-1,      79584,      79584,      736,     2944, 0xc34c9f64
-0,        109,        109,        1,   393216, 0x87af758e
-1,      80320,      80320,      736,     2944, 0xbb997537
-0,        110,        110,        1,   393216, 0xc8bdafb7
-1,      81056,      81056,      736,     2944, 0x3600da72
-0,        111,        111,        1,   393216, 0x573afe93
-1,      81792,      81792,      736,     2944, 0x343e15f4
-0,        112,        112,        1,   393216, 0xb03cb8f5
-1,      82528,      82528,      736,     2944, 0x17bc58a8
-0,        113,        113,        1,   393216, 0x6e03ac71
-1,      83264,      83264,      736,     2944, 0x3dcbd3ff
-0,        114,        114,        1,   393216, 0xf919164e
-1,      84000,      84000,      736,     2944, 0x1d422371
-0,        115,        115,        1,   393216, 0x80059f3c
-1,      84736,      84736,      736,     2944, 0xe2b83d9d
-0,        116,        116,        1,   393216, 0xf4ea0b1a
-1,      85472,      85472,      736,     2944, 0x65388409
-0,        117,        117,        1,   393216, 0xe7720ffb
-1,      86208,      86208,      736,     2944, 0xafbca269
-0,        118,        118,        1,   393216, 0x1ec0cd56
-1,      86944,      86944,      736,     2944, 0x2d00c0fb
-0,        119,        119,        1,   393216, 0x2bc8cf18
-1,      87680,      87680,      736,     2944, 0xbac9c503
-0,        120,        120,        1,   393216, 0xe0bf17b5
-1,      88416,      88416,      736,     2944, 0x9990768d
-0,        121,        121,        1,   393216, 0x660247e1
-1,      89152,      89152,      736,     2944, 0x8ba978be
-0,        122,        122,        1,   393216, 0xcf66f2a9
-1,      89888,      89888,      736,     2944, 0x5a44a2f5
-0,        123,        123,        1,   393216, 0x5494d5ab
-1,      90624,      90624,      736,     2944, 0xa4b6f3b8
-0,        124,        124,        1,   393216, 0x2c02f2c4
-1,      91360,      91360,      736,     2944, 0x631b6b9f
-0,        125,        125,        1,   393216, 0x93fa3783
-1,      92096,      92096,      736,     2944, 0x4c840923
-0,        126,        126,        1,   393216, 0x4cc50633
-1,      92832,      92832,      736,     2944, 0x7c105df3
-0,        127,        127,        1,   393216, 0x3f179386
-1,      93568,      93568,      736,     2944, 0x01bcb213
-0,        128,        128,        1,   393216, 0x2bca9e1b
-1,      94304,      94304,      736,     2944, 0x95cffbf7
-0,        129,        129,        1,   393216, 0x3e4af867
-1,      95040,      95040,      736,     2944, 0x170a9c3a
-0,        130,        130,        1,   393216, 0x7e7df93c
-1,      95776,      95776,      736,     2944, 0x59e09d61
-0,        131,        131,        1,   393216, 0x577e4fb0
-1,      96512,      96512,      736,     2944, 0x3ea0f205
-0,        132,        132,        1,   393216, 0x34487f0a
-1,      97248,      97248,      736,     2944, 0xd9ea1a3a
-0,        133,        133,        1,   393216, 0x0937bcfc
-1,      97984,      97984,      736,     2944, 0xaf32d704
-0,        134,        134,        1,   393216, 0xa9e75a5e
-1,      98720,      98720,      736,     2944, 0x2d473392
-0,        135,        135,        1,   393216, 0xf7bc0c89
-1,      99456,      99456,      736,     2944, 0x2a8ec544
-0,        136,        136,        1,   393216, 0x06dacca6
-1,     100192,     100192,      736,     2944, 0x883c8838
-0,        137,        137,        1,   393216, 0x7baaa4bd
-1,     100928,     100928,      736,     2944, 0xfaf4d789
-0,        138,        138,        1,   393216, 0x95477f5f
-1,     101664,     101664,      736,     2944, 0xcb315b65
-0,        139,        139,        1,   393216, 0x51117526
-1,     102400,     102400,      736,     2944, 0x980c93b0
-0,        140,        140,        1,   393216, 0x69656d03
-1,     103136,     103136,      736,     2944, 0x0819583b
-0,        141,        141,        1,   393216, 0xcbd061bb
-1,     103872,     103872,      736,     2944, 0xf126e5b5
-0,        142,        142,        1,   393216, 0x8d1d5be2
-1,     104608,     104608,      736,     2944, 0x88836255
-0,        143,        143,        1,   393216, 0x43e55930
-1,     105344,     105344,      736,     2944, 0xc8ae8ca8
-0,        144,        144,        1,   393216, 0xb56f5872
-1,     106080,     106080,      736,     2944, 0xf0750551
-0,        145,        145,        1,   393216, 0x09a255e9
-1,     106816,     106816,      736,     2944, 0x3dfe13a3
-0,        146,        146,        1,   393216, 0xcaaa5456
-1,     107552,     107552,      736,     2944, 0xf2aa957b
-0,        147,        147,        1,   393216, 0xd267501f
-1,     108288,     108288,      736,     2944, 0xa77b79a3
-0,        148,        148,        1,   393216, 0x7bef4eca
-1,     109024,     109024,      736,     2944, 0xb1038284
-0,        149,        149,        1,   393216, 0x9aa94af3
-1,     109760,     109760,      736,     2944, 0xf96be3ba
-0,        150,        150,        1,   393216, 0xd39d4a29
-1,     110496,     110496,      736,     2944, 0x1ae6e293
-0,        151,        151,        1,   393216, 0x7a754960
-1,     111232,     111232,      736,     2944, 0x2059d020
-0,        152,        152,        1,   393216, 0x3f004921
-1,     111968,     111968,      736,     2944, 0x7e6c9996
-0,        153,        153,        1,   393216, 0x0f784ca8
-1,     112704,     112704,      736,     2944, 0x3108b540
-0,        154,        154,        1,   393216, 0x2a062c70
-1,     113440,     113440,      736,     2944, 0x75133155
-0,        155,        155,        1,   393216, 0x114ef770
-1,     114176,     114176,      736,     2944, 0x59a19226
-0,        156,        156,        1,   393216, 0xfb7673bf
-1,     114912,     114912,      736,     2944, 0x3140c138
-0,        157,        157,        1,   393216, 0xbaea88f7
-1,     115648,     115648,      736,     2944, 0x7570d3be
-0,        158,        158,        1,   393216, 0x6fdfe2ec
-1,     116384,     116384,      736,     2944, 0x54fd4ff6
-0,        159,        159,        1,   393216, 0xb7b2b398
-1,     117120,     117120,      736,     2944, 0x23bcf6dc
-0,        160,        160,        1,   393216, 0x14ba127e
-1,     117856,     117856,      736,     2944, 0x2d26489b
-0,        161,        161,        1,   393216, 0x660b3041
-1,     118592,     118592,      736,     2944, 0x4b37bf13
-0,        162,        162,        1,   393216, 0xe3f3302a
-1,     119328,     119328,      736,     2944, 0x12812ec9
-0,        163,        163,        1,   393216, 0x34c7f1c9
-1,     120064,     120064,      736,     2944, 0xc4a609dd
-0,        164,        164,        1,   393216, 0xa8257bf4
-1,     120800,     120800,      736,     2944, 0x5a8c5b20
-0,        165,        165,        1,   393216, 0xd63fc649
-1,     121536,     121536,      736,     2944, 0xd05d110f
-0,        166,        166,        1,   393216, 0xf8e5b79c
-1,     122272,     122272,      736,     2944, 0xceea6f1f
-0,        167,        167,        1,   393216, 0xa67b52ab
-1,     123008,     123008,      736,     2944, 0x4033b0a5
-0,        168,        168,        1,   393216, 0xef8f9c74
-1,     123744,     123744,      736,     2944, 0x101895ce
-0,        169,        169,        1,   393216, 0x6d3aa6b6
-1,     124480,     124480,      736,     2944, 0xd6c6809f
-0,        170,        170,        1,   393216, 0x8c174ee6
-1,     125216,     125216,      736,     2944, 0x197bda7e
-0,        171,        171,        1,   393216, 0x2dfbc524
-1,     125952,     125952,      736,     2944, 0x96fb3e4b
-0,        172,        172,        1,   393216, 0x7d0808b6
-1,     126688,     126688,      736,     2944, 0x12a6e3de
-0,        173,        173,        1,   393216, 0x6cbdf6f5
-1,     127424,     127424,      736,     2944, 0xfb80e466
-0,        174,        174,        1,   393216, 0xfe39bc53
-1,     128160,     128160,      736,     2944, 0xedb8c2fc
-0,        175,        175,        1,   393216, 0xa3d869b0
-1,     128896,     128896,      254,     1016, 0x30e56ca5
-0,        176,        176,        1,   393216, 0x09f00057
-0,        177,        177,        1,   393216, 0x6ba56343
-0,        178,        178,        1,   393216, 0xb696ca3e
-0,        179,        179,        1,   393216, 0x4eba0225
-0,        180,        180,        1,   393216, 0xdd45464b
-0,        181,        181,        1,   393216, 0x2909a9ea
-0,        182,        182,        1,   393216, 0x12aa3f85
-0,        183,        183,        1,   393216, 0x59421352
-0,        184,        184,        1,   393216, 0x57ea0313
-0,        185,        185,        1,   393216, 0x4e5f3a38
-0,        186,        186,        1,   393216, 0x55bc932d
-0,        187,        187,        1,   393216, 0x666ee55d
-0,        188,        188,        1,   393216, 0xb0f84a69
-0,        189,        189,        1,   393216, 0xad3ae63f
-0,        190,        190,        1,   393216, 0x970fd47d
-0,        191,        191,        1,   393216, 0x86c418e0
-0,        192,        192,        1,   393216, 0x52c9ce50
-0,        193,        193,        1,   393216, 0xd54c98c8
-0,        194,        194,        1,   393216, 0xb40e5fea
-0,        195,        195,        1,   393216, 0x2aa74875
-0,        196,        196,        1,   393216, 0x305b251e
-0,        197,        197,        1,   393216, 0xab8c0780
-0,        198,        198,        1,   393216, 0x0101dd0e
-0,        199,        199,        1,   393216, 0x23739cab
-0,        200,        200,        1,   393216, 0xf05196a0
-0,        201,        201,        1,   393216, 0x932d1e00
-0,        202,        202,        1,   393216, 0x932d1e00
-0,        203,        203,        1,   393216, 0x932d1e00
-0,        204,        204,        1,   393216, 0x932d1e00
-0,        205,        205,        1,   393216, 0x932d1e00
-0,        206,        206,        1,   393216, 0x932d1e00
-0,        207,        207,        1,   393216, 0x932d1e00
-0,        208,        208,        1,   393216, 0x932d1e00
-0,        209,        209,        1,   393216, 0x932d1e00
+#tb 0: 1/22050
+0,          0,          0,     7456,    29824, 0x77e265b7
+0,       7456,       7456,      736,     2944, 0x8dcdf50b
+0,       8192,       8192,      736,     2944, 0xb135cd2a
+0,       8928,       8928,      736,     2944, 0x54a6e73f
+0,       9664,       9664,      736,     2944, 0x050ccd4e
+0,      10400,      10400,      736,     2944, 0x6b68db44
+0,      11136,      11136,      736,     2944, 0x55d1f308
+0,      11872,      11872,      736,     2944, 0x7e92f50b
+0,      12608,      12608,      736,     2944, 0xe9e91eed
+0,      13344,      13344,      736,     2944, 0x80af2ce0
+0,      14080,      14080,      736,     2944, 0xc67ffb07
+0,      14816,      14816,      736,     2944, 0x7aaded27
+0,      15552,      15552,      736,     2944, 0x14a024fd
+0,      16288,      16288,      736,     2944, 0x26e8df1f
+0,      17024,      17024,      736,     2944, 0x2688df44
+0,      17760,      17760,      736,     2944, 0x4b9cdd33
+0,      18496,      18496,      736,     2944, 0x10c2f11c
+0,      19232,      19232,      736,     2944, 0xc4e3ad6d
+0,      19968,      19968,      736,     2944, 0xbeb1a78e
+0,      20704,      20704,      736,     2944, 0x283d4e7f
+0,      21440,      21440,      736,     2944, 0x4acf65e0
+0,      22176,      22176,      736,     2944, 0x0ca29b8c
+0,      22912,      22912,      736,     2944, 0x003fae34
+0,      23648,      23648,      736,     2944, 0x2acfec7e
+0,      24384,      24384,      736,     2944, 0xea6fc6fe
+0,      25120,      25120,      736,     2944, 0xf5daec2f
+0,      25856,      25856,      736,     2944, 0x8d33ed7a
+0,      26592,      26592,      736,     2944, 0xc328f984
+0,      27328,      27328,      736,     2944, 0x6e0b58d3
+0,      28064,      28064,      736,     2944, 0xe282dc3f
+0,      28800,      28800,      736,     2944, 0xbf9bf3e6
+0,      29536,      29536,      736,     2944, 0xd7b7d7e3
+0,      30272,      30272,      736,     2944, 0x4e87b6ab
+0,      31008,      31008,      736,     2944, 0x7b8ce8d6
+0,      31744,      31744,      736,     2944, 0xd42991a5
+0,      32480,      32480,      736,     2944, 0x452c98ca
+0,      33216,      33216,      736,     2944, 0x6d27832d
+0,      33952,      33952,      736,     2944, 0xa558720e
+0,      34688,      34688,      736,     2944, 0x0a31bec0
+0,      35424,      35424,      736,     2944, 0x28431384
+0,      36160,      36160,      736,     2944, 0xd5e9fb3d
+0,      36896,      36896,      736,     2944, 0x34f0e9f8
+0,      37632,      37632,      736,     2944, 0x979432df
+0,      38368,      38368,      736,     2944, 0xb00acd4d
+0,      39104,      39104,      736,     2944, 0x726bffd6
+0,      39840,      39840,      736,     2944, 0xa1f39a6d
+0,      40576,      40576,      736,     2944, 0xf6a8e30e
+0,      41312,      41312,      736,     2944, 0x608e9e06
+0,      42048,      42048,      736,     2944, 0x4ec58bc3
+0,      42784,      42784,      736,     2944, 0x6d5c8458
+0,      43520,      43520,      736,     2944, 0x76a0abbd
+0,      44256,      44256,      736,     2944, 0xf830e8a6
+0,      44992,      44992,      736,     2944, 0x1bdd7bec
+0,      45728,      45728,      736,     2944, 0x3c1bd187
+0,      46464,      46464,      736,     2944, 0xf52cf697
+0,      47200,      47200,      736,     2944, 0x8f65b773
+0,      47936,      47936,      736,     2944, 0xf8b5b598
+0,      48672,      48672,      736,     2944, 0xcd87d5ed
+0,      49408,      49408,      736,     2944, 0x672ac02a
+0,      50144,      50144,      736,     2944, 0x1d5d13ed
+0,      50880,      50880,      736,     2944, 0xe298e3d4
+0,      51616,      51616,      736,     2944, 0x3d2e9c32
+0,      52352,      52352,      736,     2944, 0xf3a39259
+0,      53088,      53088,      736,     2944, 0x930ae8f8
+0,      53824,      53824,      736,     2944, 0x8562aff7
+0,      54560,      54560,      736,     2944, 0x9cd6c6a7
+0,      55296,      55296,      736,     2944, 0x2709dc5c
+0,      56032,      56032,      736,     2944, 0xcbe31816
+0,      56768,      56768,      736,     2944, 0xd7876ec4
+0,      57504,      57504,      736,     2944, 0xc2468b6a
+0,      58240,      58240,      736,     2944, 0x76043e84
+0,      58976,      58976,      736,     2944, 0xd2c35bf0
+0,      59712,      59712,      736,     2944, 0x63de6061
+0,      60448,      60448,      736,     2944, 0xd8f6ed1d
+0,      61184,      61184,      736,     2944, 0xe034928a
+0,      61920,      61920,      736,     2944, 0xa044da74
+0,      62656,      62656,      736,     2944, 0xee410dba
+0,      63392,      63392,      736,     2944, 0x8e020c7c
+0,      64128,      64128,      736,     2944, 0x73057ddb
+0,      64864,      64864,      736,     2944, 0xdee5cc18
+0,      65600,      65600,      736,     2944, 0xf4d31dec
+0,      66336,      66336,      736,     2944, 0xe8131e1c
+0,      67072,      67072,      736,     2944, 0x8ae69c95
+0,      67808,      67808,      736,     2944, 0x791c0bf4
+0,      68544,      68544,      736,     2944, 0xd45a10db
+0,      69280,      69280,      736,     2944, 0x3a72b010
+0,      70016,      70016,      736,     2944, 0x6a4a0411
+0,      70752,      70752,      736,     2944, 0xd77ab7f5
+0,      71488,      71488,      736,     2944, 0xe3bf4fe5
+0,      72224,      72224,      736,     2944, 0x12db1be8
+0,      72960,      72960,      736,     2944, 0x345210b0
+0,      73696,      73696,      736,     2944, 0xcfc1f892
+0,      74432,      74432,      736,     2944, 0x5b0a80bb
+0,      75168,      75168,      736,     2944, 0x31ab1168
+0,      75904,      75904,      736,     2944, 0xd4a4bb0a
+0,      76640,      76640,      736,     2944, 0x8e211c8f
+0,      77376,      77376,      736,     2944, 0xcf464d50
+0,      78112,      78112,      736,     2944, 0xe74ff3d6
+0,      78848,      78848,      736,     2944, 0x6274635f
+0,      79584,      79584,      736,     2944, 0xc34c9f64
+0,      80320,      80320,      736,     2944, 0xbb997537
+0,      81056,      81056,      736,     2944, 0x3600da72
+0,      81792,      81792,      736,     2944, 0x343e15f4
+0,      82528,      82528,      736,     2944, 0x17bc58a8
+0,      83264,      83264,      736,     2944, 0x3dcbd3ff
+0,      84000,      84000,      736,     2944, 0x1d422371
+0,      84736,      84736,      736,     2944, 0xe2b83d9d
+0,      85472,      85472,      736,     2944, 0x65388409
+0,      86208,      86208,      736,     2944, 0xafbca269
+0,      86944,      86944,      736,     2944, 0x2d00c0fb
+0,      87680,      87680,      736,     2944, 0xbac9c503
+0,      88416,      88416,      736,     2944, 0x9990768d
+0,      89152,      89152,      736,     2944, 0x8ba978be
+0,      89888,      89888,      736,     2944, 0x5a44a2f5
+0,      90624,      90624,      736,     2944, 0xa4b6f3b8
+0,      91360,      91360,      736,     2944, 0x631b6b9f
+0,      92096,      92096,      736,     2944, 0x4c840923
+0,      92832,      92832,      736,     2944, 0x7c105df3
+0,      93568,      93568,      736,     2944, 0x01bcb213
+0,      94304,      94304,      736,     2944, 0x95cffbf7
+0,      95040,      95040,      736,     2944, 0x170a9c3a
+0,      95776,      95776,      736,     2944, 0x59e09d61
+0,      96512,      96512,      736,     2944, 0x3ea0f205
+0,      97248,      97248,      736,     2944, 0xd9ea1a3a
+0,      97984,      97984,      736,     2944, 0xaf32d704
+0,      98720,      98720,      736,     2944, 0x2d473392
+0,      99456,      99456,      736,     2944, 0x2a8ec544
+0,     100192,     100192,      736,     2944, 0x883c8838
+0,     100928,     100928,      736,     2944, 0xfaf4d789
+0,     101664,     101664,      736,     2944, 0xcb315b65
+0,     102400,     102400,      736,     2944, 0x980c93b0
+0,     103136,     103136,      736,     2944, 0x0819583b
+0,     103872,     103872,      736,     2944, 0xf126e5b5
+0,     104608,     104608,      736,     2944, 0x88836255
+0,     105344,     105344,      736,     2944, 0xc8ae8ca8
+0,     106080,     106080,      736,     2944, 0xf0750551
+0,     106816,     106816,      736,     2944, 0x3dfe13a3
+0,     107552,     107552,      736,     2944, 0xf2aa957b
+0,     108288,     108288,      736,     2944, 0xa77b79a3
+0,     109024,     109024,      736,     2944, 0xb1038284
+0,     109760,     109760,      736,     2944, 0xf96be3ba
+0,     110496,     110496,      736,     2944, 0x1ae6e293
+0,     111232,     111232,      736,     2944, 0x2059d020
+0,     111968,     111968,      736,     2944, 0x7e6c9996
+0,     112704,     112704,      736,     2944, 0x3108b540
+0,     113440,     113440,      736,     2944, 0x75133155
+0,     114176,     114176,      736,     2944, 0x59a19226
+0,     114912,     114912,      736,     2944, 0x3140c138
+0,     115648,     115648,      736,     2944, 0x7570d3be
+0,     116384,     116384,      736,     2944, 0x54fd4ff6
+0,     117120,     117120,      736,     2944, 0x23bcf6dc
+0,     117856,     117856,      736,     2944, 0x2d26489b
+0,     118592,     118592,      736,     2944, 0x4b37bf13
+0,     119328,     119328,      736,     2944, 0x12812ec9
+0,     120064,     120064,      736,     2944, 0xc4a609dd
+0,     120800,     120800,      736,     2944, 0x5a8c5b20
+0,     121536,     121536,      736,     2944, 0xd05d110f
+0,     122272,     122272,      736,     2944, 0xceea6f1f
+0,     123008,     123008,      736,     2944, 0x4033b0a5
+0,     123744,     123744,      736,     2944, 0x101895ce
+0,     124480,     124480,      736,     2944, 0xd6c6809f
+0,     125216,     125216,      736,     2944, 0x197bda7e
+0,     125952,     125952,      736,     2944, 0x96fb3e4b
+0,     126688,     126688,      736,     2944, 0x12a6e3de
+0,     127424,     127424,      736,     2944, 0xfb80e466
+0,     128160,     128160,      736,     2944, 0xedb8c2fc
+0,     128896,     128896,      254,     1016, 0x30e56ca5
diff --git a/tests/ref/fate/roqvideo b/tests/ref/fate/roqvideo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9febedb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ref/fate/roqvideo
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+#tb 0: 1/30
+0,          0,          0,        1,   393216, 0x56995aac
+0,          1,          1,        1,   393216, 0xf9ed5d6c
+0,          2,          2,        1,   393216, 0xd3285d75
+0,          3,          3,        1,   393216, 0x82d15d62
+0,          4,          4,        1,   393216, 0x893e5d6f
+0,          5,          5,        1,   393216, 0x82d15d62
+0,          6,          6,        1,   393216, 0x893e5d6f
+0,          7,          7,        1,   393216, 0x82d15d62
+0,          8,          8,        1,   393216, 0x893e5d6f
+0,          9,          9,        1,   393216, 0x82d15d62
+0,         10,         10,        1,   393216, 0x893e5d6f
+0,         11,         11,        1,   393216, 0x82d15d62
+0,         12,         12,        1,   393216, 0x893e5d6f
+0,         13,         13,        1,   393216, 0x82d15d62
+0,         14,         14,        1,   393216, 0x893e5d6f
+0,         15,         15,        1,   393216, 0x82d15d62
+0,         16,         16,        1,   393216, 0x2ae39eca
+0,         17,         17,        1,   393216, 0x9254be70
+0,         18,         18,        1,   393216, 0x4b2ed384
+0,         19,         19,        1,   393216, 0xbbd9d8f7
+0,         20,         20,        1,   393216, 0x1f2be0c3
+0,         21,         21,        1,   393216, 0x2434eb25
+0,         22,         22,        1,   393216, 0xa6cced4e
+0,         23,         23,        1,   393216, 0xd116f38b
+0,         24,         24,        1,   393216, 0x6b86f380
+0,         25,         25,        1,   393216, 0xc1b3f8e9
+0,         26,         26,        1,   393216, 0x2993fd5d
+0,         27,         27,        1,   393216, 0xf489fe18
+0,         28,         28,        1,   393216, 0x9ef10501
+0,         29,         29,        1,   393216, 0x8faf0512
+0,         30,         30,        1,   393216, 0xa54d0736
+0,         31,         31,        1,   393216, 0xf4ef01e0
+0,         32,         32,        1,   393216, 0xe241ef51
+0,         33,         33,        1,   393216, 0xcc38e51f
+0,         34,         34,        1,   393216, 0xb1345876
+0,         35,         35,        1,   393216, 0xf9b0968b
+0,         36,         36,        1,   393216, 0x6bb1523f
+0,         37,         37,        1,   393216, 0x83469a05
+0,         38,         38,        1,   393216, 0x73e30882
+0,         39,         39,        1,   393216, 0x8673da66
+0,         40,         40,        1,   393216, 0xb67596d3
+0,         41,         41,        1,   393216, 0xf7638710
+0,         42,         42,        1,   393216, 0x813a8f47
+0,         43,         43,        1,   393216, 0xb3526555
+0,         44,         44,        1,   393216, 0x1b167be3
+0,         45,         45,        1,   393216, 0x99114562
+0,         46,         46,        1,   393216, 0xfafb0693
+0,         47,         47,        1,   393216, 0x121d96c8
+0,         48,         48,        1,   393216, 0xb3c68c5d
+0,         49,         49,        1,   393216, 0x2035b97f
+0,         50,         50,        1,   393216, 0xfbcaeb62
+0,         51,         51,        1,   393216, 0xfd5aea5d
+0,         52,         52,        1,   393216, 0x66efbddd
+0,         53,         53,        1,   393216, 0xf1e17862
+0,         54,         54,        1,   393216, 0x27fa584d
+0,         55,         55,        1,   393216, 0xe644ec5f
+0,         56,         56,        1,   393216, 0x7e3067ba
+0,         57,         57,        1,   393216, 0x1b6ba6fd
+0,         58,         58,        1,   393216, 0x55bdba34
+0,         59,         59,        1,   393216, 0xc67db2e4
+0,         60,         60,        1,   393216, 0x359de8a2
+0,         61,         61,        1,   393216, 0x7b7a32ef
+0,         62,         62,        1,   393216, 0xbe512a66
+0,         63,         63,        1,   393216, 0x681d82bf
+0,         64,         64,        1,   393216, 0xa2320ec5
+0,         65,         65,        1,   393216, 0xcfbd9954
+0,         66,         66,        1,   393216, 0x7fee9854
+0,         67,         67,        1,   393216, 0x70eec155
+0,         68,         68,        1,   393216, 0x114f684e
+0,         69,         69,        1,   393216, 0xe27f034f
+0,         70,         70,        1,   393216, 0xfbbd89b4
+0,         71,         71,        1,   393216, 0xcef4c58a
+0,         72,         72,        1,   393216, 0x9eea88e9
+0,         73,         73,        1,   393216, 0x911cea42
+0,         74,         74,        1,   393216, 0xec5727ea
+0,         75,         75,        1,   393216, 0xda998c33
+0,         76,         76,        1,   393216, 0xc82140ed
+0,         77,         77,        1,   393216, 0x4caa8591
+0,         78,         78,        1,   393216, 0x4944206c
+0,         79,         79,        1,   393216, 0xd4676a94
+0,         80,         80,        1,   393216, 0x9e0340b3
+0,         81,         81,        1,   393216, 0xbdef7f94
+0,         82,         82,        1,   393216, 0xfac05cb0
+0,         83,         83,        1,   393216, 0xfef5a369
+0,         84,         84,        1,   393216, 0x9fcb3711
+0,         85,         85,        1,   393216, 0x6d93f761
+0,         86,         86,        1,   393216, 0xe95dc1ae
+0,         87,         87,        1,   393216, 0x3e561557
+0,         88,         88,        1,   393216, 0x0fa7a049
+0,         89,         89,        1,   393216, 0xf16afb95
+0,         90,         90,        1,   393216, 0xe53a2064
+0,         91,         91,        1,   393216, 0x57f046a4
+0,         92,         92,        1,   393216, 0xf6f16a0c
+0,         93,         93,        1,   393216, 0xcba0c8b0
+0,         94,         94,        1,   393216, 0x5bdbe522
+0,         95,         95,        1,   393216, 0x0fed0151
+0,         96,         96,        1,   393216, 0xbf86faf8
+0,         97,         97,        1,   393216, 0x39854c5f
+0,         98,         98,        1,   393216, 0xd9b7760a
+0,         99,         99,        1,   393216, 0x8edcc1d9
+0,        100,        100,        1,   393216, 0x44ae1435
+0,        101,        101,        1,   393216, 0xbc3d6d73
+0,        102,        102,        1,   393216, 0xedd82647
+0,        103,        103,        1,   393216, 0x1c2e5ce3
+0,        104,        104,        1,   393216, 0x04e29afe
+0,        105,        105,        1,   393216, 0xb191578e
+0,        106,        106,        1,   393216, 0x31d75a06
+0,        107,        107,        1,   393216, 0xfdb6c56e
+0,        108,        108,        1,   393216, 0xf528f484
+0,        109,        109,        1,   393216, 0x87af758e
+0,        110,        110,        1,   393216, 0xc8bdafb7
+0,        111,        111,        1,   393216, 0x573afe93
+0,        112,        112,        1,   393216, 0xb03cb8f5
+0,        113,        113,        1,   393216, 0x6e03ac71
+0,        114,        114,        1,   393216, 0xf919164e
+0,        115,        115,        1,   393216, 0x80059f3c
+0,        116,        116,        1,   393216, 0xf4ea0b1a
+0,        117,        117,        1,   393216, 0xe7720ffb
+0,        118,        118,        1,   393216, 0x1ec0cd56
+0,        119,        119,        1,   393216, 0x2bc8cf18
+0,        120,        120,        1,   393216, 0xe0bf17b5
+0,        121,        121,        1,   393216, 0x660247e1
+0,        122,        122,        1,   393216, 0xcf66f2a9
+0,        123,        123,        1,   393216, 0x5494d5ab
+0,        124,        124,        1,   393216, 0x2c02f2c4
+0,        125,        125,        1,   393216, 0x93fa3783
+0,        126,        126,        1,   393216, 0x4cc50633
+0,        127,        127,        1,   393216, 0x3f179386
+0,        128,        128,        1,   393216, 0x2bca9e1b
+0,        129,        129,        1,   393216, 0x3e4af867
+0,        130,        130,        1,   393216, 0x7e7df93c
+0,        131,        131,        1,   393216, 0x577e4fb0
+0,        132,        132,        1,   393216, 0x34487f0a
+0,        133,        133,        1,   393216, 0x0937bcfc
+0,        134,        134,        1,   393216, 0xa9e75a5e
+0,        135,        135,        1,   393216, 0xf7bc0c89
+0,        136,        136,        1,   393216, 0x06dacca6
+0,        137,        137,        1,   393216, 0x7baaa4bd
+0,        138,        138,        1,   393216, 0x95477f5f
+0,        139,        139,        1,   393216, 0x51117526
+0,        140,        140,        1,   393216, 0x69656d03
+0,        141,        141,        1,   393216, 0xcbd061bb
+0,        142,        142,        1,   393216, 0x8d1d5be2
+0,        143,        143,        1,   393216, 0x43e55930
+0,        144,        144,        1,   393216, 0xb56f5872
+0,        145,        145,        1,   393216, 0x09a255e9
+0,        146,        146,        1,   393216, 0xcaaa5456
+0,        147,        147,        1,   393216, 0xd267501f
+0,        148,        148,        1,   393216, 0x7bef4eca
+0,        149,        149,        1,   393216, 0x9aa94af3
+0,        150,        150,        1,   393216, 0xd39d4a29
+0,        151,        151,        1,   393216, 0x7a754960
+0,        152,        152,        1,   393216, 0x3f004921
+0,        153,        153,        1,   393216, 0x0f784ca8
+0,        154,        154,        1,   393216, 0x2a062c70
+0,        155,        155,        1,   393216, 0x114ef770
+0,        156,        156,        1,   393216, 0xfb7673bf
+0,        157,        157,        1,   393216, 0xbaea88f7
+0,        158,        158,        1,   393216, 0x6fdfe2ec
+0,        159,        159,        1,   393216, 0xb7b2b398
+0,        160,        160,        1,   393216, 0x14ba127e
+0,        161,        161,        1,   393216, 0x660b3041
+0,        162,        162,        1,   393216, 0xe3f3302a
+0,        163,        163,        1,   393216, 0x34c7f1c9
+0,        164,        164,        1,   393216, 0xa8257bf4
+0,        165,        165,        1,   393216, 0xd63fc649
+0,        166,        166,        1,   393216, 0xf8e5b79c
+0,        167,        167,        1,   393216, 0xa67b52ab
+0,        168,        168,        1,   393216, 0xef8f9c74
+0,        169,        169,        1,   393216, 0x6d3aa6b6
+0,        170,        170,        1,   393216, 0x8c174ee6
+0,        171,        171,        1,   393216, 0x2dfbc524
+0,        172,        172,        1,   393216, 0x7d0808b6
+0,        173,        173,        1,   393216, 0x6cbdf6f5
+0,        174,        174,        1,   393216, 0xfe39bc53
+0,        175,        175,        1,   393216, 0xa3d869b0
+0,        176,        176,        1,   393216, 0x09f00057
+0,        177,        177,        1,   393216, 0x6ba56343
+0,        178,        178,        1,   393216, 0xb696ca3e
+0,        179,        179,        1,   393216, 0x4eba0225
+0,        180,        180,        1,   393216, 0xdd45464b
+0,        181,        181,        1,   393216, 0x2909a9ea
+0,        182,        182,        1,   393216, 0x12aa3f85
+0,        183,        183,        1,   393216, 0x59421352
+0,        184,        184,        1,   393216, 0x57ea0313
+0,        185,        185,        1,   393216, 0x4e5f3a38
+0,        186,        186,        1,   393216, 0x55bc932d
+0,        187,        187,        1,   393216, 0x666ee55d
+0,        188,        188,        1,   393216, 0xb0f84a69
+0,        189,        189,        1,   393216, 0xad3ae63f
+0,        190,        190,        1,   393216, 0x970fd47d
+0,        191,        191,        1,   393216, 0x86c418e0
+0,        192,        192,        1,   393216, 0x52c9ce50
+0,        193,        193,        1,   393216, 0xd54c98c8
+0,        194,        194,        1,   393216, 0xb40e5fea
+0,        195,        195,        1,   393216, 0x2aa74875
+0,        196,        196,        1,   393216, 0x305b251e
+0,        197,        197,        1,   393216, 0xab8c0780
+0,        198,        198,        1,   393216, 0x0101dd0e
+0,        199,        199,        1,   393216, 0x23739cab
+0,        200,        200,        1,   393216, 0xf05196a0
+0,        201,        201,        1,   393216, 0x932d1e00
+0,        202,        202,        1,   393216, 0x932d1e00
+0,        203,        203,        1,   393216, 0x932d1e00
+0,        204,        204,        1,   393216, 0x932d1e00
+0,        205,        205,        1,   393216, 0x932d1e00
+0,        206,        206,        1,   393216, 0x932d1e00
+0,        207,        207,        1,   393216, 0x932d1e00
+0,        208,        208,        1,   393216, 0x932d1e00
+0,        209,        209,        1,   393216, 0x932d1e00

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