[FFmpeg-cvslog] ARM: use =const syntax instead of explicit literal pools

Mans Rullgard git at videolan.org
Wed Aug 1 23:40:12 CEST 2012

ffmpeg | branch: master | Mans Rullgard <mans at mansr.com> | Wed Aug  1 00:59:35 2012 +0100| [faa788227f07a8b46059fec70cc5b08118ec1a85] | committer: Mans Rullgard

ARM: use =const syntax instead of explicit literal pools

Signed-off-by: Mans Rullgard <mans at mansr.com>

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/ffmpeg.git/?a=commit;h=faa788227f07a8b46059fec70cc5b08118ec1a85

 libavcodec/arm/simple_idct_arm.S     |   56 ++++++++++------------------------
 libavcodec/arm/simple_idct_armv5te.S |   20 +++++-------
 libavcodec/arm/simple_idct_armv6.S   |   33 ++++++++------------
 3 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libavcodec/arm/simple_idct_arm.S b/libavcodec/arm/simple_idct_arm.S
index c6540a1..8ba6c48 100644
--- a/libavcodec/arm/simple_idct_arm.S
+++ b/libavcodec/arm/simple_idct_arm.S
@@ -25,8 +25,7 @@
 #include "libavutil/arm/asm.S"
-/* useful constants for the algorithm, they are save in __constant_ptr__ at */
-/* the end of the source code.*/
+/* useful constants for the algorithm */
 #define W1  22725
 #define W2  21407
 #define W3  19266
@@ -36,16 +35,6 @@
 #define W7  4520
 #define MASK_MSHW 0xFFFF0000
-/* offsets of the constants in the vector */
-#define offW1  0
-#define offW2  4
-#define offW3  8
-#define offW4  12
-#define offW5  16
-#define offW6  20
-#define offW7  24
-#define offMASK_MSHW 28
 #define ROW_SHIFT 11
 #define ROW_SHIFT2MSHW (16-11)
 #define COL_SHIFT 20
@@ -63,7 +52,6 @@ function ff_simple_idct_arm, export=1
         stmfd sp!, {r4-r11, r14} @ R14 is also called LR
         @@ at this point, R0=block, other registers are free.
         add r14, r0, #112        @ R14=&block[8*7], better start from the last row, and decrease the value until row=0, i.e. R12=block.
-        adr r12, __constant_ptr__ @ R12=__constant_ptr__, the vector containing the constants, probably not necessary to reserve a register for it
         @@ add 2 temporary variables in the stack: R0 and R14
         sub sp, sp, #8          @ allow 2 local variables
         str r0, [sp, #0]        @ save block in sp[0]
@@ -109,13 +97,13 @@ __b_evaluation:
         @@ MAC16(b1, -W7, row[3]);
         @@ MAC16(b2, -W1, row[3]);
         @@ MAC16(b3, -W5, row[3]);
-        ldr r8, [r12, #offW1]    @ R8=W1
+        ldr r8, =W1              @ R8=W1
         mov r2, r2, asr #16      @ R2=ROWr16[3]
         mul r0, r8, r7           @ R0=W1*ROWr16[1]=b0 (ROWr16[1] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
-        ldr r9, [r12, #offW3]    @ R9=W3
-        ldr r10, [r12, #offW5]   @ R10=W5
+        ldr r9, =W3              @ R9=W3
+        ldr r10, =W5             @ R10=W5
         mul r1, r9, r7           @ R1=W3*ROWr16[1]=b1 (ROWr16[1] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
-        ldr r11, [r12, #offW7]   @ R11=W7
+        ldr r11, =W7             @ R11=W7
         mul r5, r10, r7          @ R5=W5*ROWr16[1]=b2 (ROWr16[1] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
         mul r7, r11, r7          @ R7=W7*ROWr16[1]=b3 (ROWr16[1] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
         teq r2, #0               @ if null avoid muls
@@ -177,14 +165,14 @@ __a_evaluation:
         @@ a2 = a0 - W6 * row[2];
         @@ a3 = a0 - W2 * row[2];
         @@ a0 = a0 + W2 * row[2];
-        ldr r9, [r12, #offW4]    @ R9=W4
+        ldr r9, =W4              @ R9=W4
         mul r6, r9, r6           @ R6=W4*ROWr16[0]
-        ldr r10, [r12, #offW6]   @ R10=W6
+        ldr r10, =W6             @ R10=W6
         ldrsh r4, [r14, #4]      @ R4=ROWr16[2] (a3 not defined yet)
         add r6, r6, #ROW_SHIFTED_1 @ R6=W4*ROWr16[0] + 1<<(ROW_SHIFT-1) (a0)
         mul r11, r10, r4         @ R11=W6*ROWr16[2]
-        ldr r8, [r12, #offW2]    @ R8=W2
+        ldr r8, =W2              @ R8=W2
         sub r3, r6, r11          @ R3=a0-W6*ROWr16[2] (a2)
         @@ temp = ((uint32_t*)row)[2] | ((uint32_t*)row)[3];
         @@ if (temp != 0) {}
@@ -248,7 +236,7 @@ __end_a_evaluation:
         add r9, r2, r1           @ R9=a1+b1
         @@ put 2 16 bits half-words in a 32bits word
         @@ ROWr32[0]=ROWr16[0] | (ROWr16[1]<<16) (only Little Endian compliant then!!!)
-        ldr r10, [r12, #offMASK_MSHW] @ R10=0xFFFF0000
+        ldr r10, =MASK_MSHW      @ R10=0xFFFF0000
         and r9, r10, r9, lsl #ROW_SHIFT2MSHW @ R9=0xFFFF0000 & ((a1+b1)<<5)
         mvn r11, r10             @ R11= NOT R10= 0x0000FFFF
         and r8, r11, r8, asr #ROW_SHIFT @ R8=0x0000FFFF & ((a0+b0)>>11)
@@ -319,13 +307,13 @@ __b_evaluation2:
         @@ MAC16(b1, -W7, col[8x3]);
         @@ MAC16(b2, -W1, col[8x3]);
         @@ MAC16(b3, -W5, col[8x3]);
-        ldr r8, [r12, #offW1]    @ R8=W1
+        ldr r8, =W1              @ R8=W1
         ldrsh r7, [r14, #16]
         mul r0, r8, r7           @ R0=W1*ROWr16[1]=b0 (ROWr16[1] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
-        ldr r9, [r12, #offW3]    @ R9=W3
-        ldr r10, [r12, #offW5]   @ R10=W5
+        ldr r9, =W3              @ R9=W3
+        ldr r10, =W5             @ R10=W5
         mul r1, r9, r7           @ R1=W3*ROWr16[1]=b1 (ROWr16[1] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
-        ldr r11, [r12, #offW7]   @ R11=W7
+        ldr r11, =W7             @ R11=W7
         mul r5, r10, r7          @ R5=W5*ROWr16[1]=b2 (ROWr16[1] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
         ldrsh r2, [r14, #48]
         mul r7, r11, r7          @ R7=W7*ROWr16[1]=b3 (ROWr16[1] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
@@ -381,13 +369,13 @@ __a_evaluation2:
         @@ a3 = a0 - W2 * row[2];
         @@ a0 = a0 + W2 * row[2];
         ldrsh r6, [r14, #0]
-        ldr r9, [r12, #offW4]    @ R9=W4
+        ldr r9, =W4              @ R9=W4
         mul r6, r9, r6           @ R6=W4*ROWr16[0]
-        ldr r10, [r12, #offW6]   @ R10=W6
+        ldr r10, =W6             @ R10=W6
         ldrsh r4, [r14, #32]     @ R4=ROWr16[2] (a3 not defined yet)
         add r6, r6, #COL_SHIFTED_1 @ R6=W4*ROWr16[0] + 1<<(COL_SHIFT-1) (a0)
         mul r11, r10, r4         @ R11=W6*ROWr16[2]
-        ldr r8, [r12, #offW2]    @ R8=W2
+        ldr r8, =W2              @ R8=W2
         add r2, r6, r11          @ R2=a0+W6*ROWr16[2] (a1)
         sub r3, r6, r11          @ R3=a0-W6*ROWr16[2] (a2)
         mul r11, r8, r4          @ R11=W2*ROWr16[2]
@@ -489,15 +477,3 @@ __end_bef_a_evaluation:
         sub r4, r6, r11          @ R4=a0-W2*ROWr16[2] (a3)
         add r6, r6, r11          @ R6=a0+W2*ROWr16[2] (a0)
         bal __end_a_evaluation
-        .align
-__constant_ptr__:  @@ see #defines at the beginning of the source code for values.
-        .word   W1
-        .word   W2
-        .word   W3
-        .word   W4
-        .word   W5
-        .word   W6
-        .word   W7
-        .word   MASK_MSHW
diff --git a/libavcodec/arm/simple_idct_armv5te.S b/libavcodec/arm/simple_idct_armv5te.S
index 804becd..bf509ee 100644
--- a/libavcodec/arm/simple_idct_armv5te.S
+++ b/libavcodec/arm/simple_idct_armv5te.S
@@ -37,12 +37,6 @@
 #define W26 (W2 | (W6 << 16))
 #define W57 (W5 | (W7 << 16))
-        .text
-        .align
-w13:    .long W13
-w26:    .long W26
-w57:    .long W57
 function idct_row_armv5te
         str    lr, [sp, #-4]!
@@ -58,7 +52,7 @@ function idct_row_armv5te
         mov    ip, #16384
         sub    ip, ip, #1            /* ip = W4 */
         smlabb v1, ip, a3, v1        /* v1 = W4*row[0]+(1<<(RS-1)) */
-        ldr    ip, w26               /* ip = W2 | (W6 << 16) */
+        ldr    ip, =W26              /* ip = W2 | (W6 << 16) */
         smultb a2, ip, a4
         smulbb lr, ip, a4
         add    v2, v1, a2
@@ -66,8 +60,8 @@ function idct_row_armv5te
         sub    v4, v1, lr
         add    v1, v1, lr
-        ldr    ip, w13               /* ip = W1 | (W3 << 16) */
-        ldr    lr, w57               /* lr = W5 | (W7 << 16) */
+        ldr    ip, =W13              /* ip = W1 | (W3 << 16) */
+        ldr    lr, =W57              /* lr = W5 | (W7 << 16) */
         smulbt v5, ip, a3
         smultt v6, lr, a4
         smlatt v5, ip, a4, v5
@@ -94,7 +88,7 @@ function idct_row_armv5te
         smlatt v7, ip, a4, v7
         sub    fp, fp, a2
-        ldr    ip, w26               /* ip = W2 | (W6 << 16) */
+        ldr    ip, =W26              /* ip = W2 | (W6 << 16) */
         mov    a2, #16384
         sub    a2, a2, #1            /* a2 =  W4 */
         smulbb a2, a2, a3            /* a2 =  W4*row[4] */
@@ -178,7 +172,7 @@ endfunc
         sub    v4, v2, a3
         sub    v6, v2, a3
         add    fp, v2, a3
-        ldr    ip, w26
+        ldr    ip, =W26
         ldr    a4, [a1, #(16*2)]
         add    v2, v2, a3
@@ -211,9 +205,9 @@ endfunc
         stmfd  sp!, {v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, fp}
-        ldr    ip, w13
+        ldr    ip, =W13
         ldr    a4, [a1, #(16*1)]
-        ldr    lr, w57
+        ldr    lr, =W57
         smulbb v1, ip, a4
         smultb v3, ip, a4
         smulbb v5, lr, a4
diff --git a/libavcodec/arm/simple_idct_armv6.S b/libavcodec/arm/simple_idct_armv6.S
index 9395f88..0342b06 100644
--- a/libavcodec/arm/simple_idct_armv6.S
+++ b/libavcodec/arm/simple_idct_armv6.S
@@ -40,15 +40,6 @@
 #define W46 (W4 | (W6 << 16))
 #define W57 (W5 | (W7 << 16))
-        .text
-        .align
-w13:    .long W13
-w26:    .long W26
-w42:    .long W42
-w42n:   .long W42n
-w46:    .long W46
-w57:    .long W57
   Compute partial IDCT of single row.
   shift = left-shift amount
@@ -60,12 +51,12 @@ w57:    .long W57
   Output in registers r4--r11
         .macro idct_row shift
-        ldr    lr, w46               /* lr  = W4 | (W6 << 16) */
+        ldr    lr, =W46              /* lr  = W4 | (W6 << 16) */
         mov    r1, #(1<<(\shift-1))
         smlad  r4, r2, ip, r1
         smlsd  r7, r2, ip, r1
-        ldr    ip, w13               /* ip  = W1 | (W3 << 16) */
-        ldr    r10,w57               /* r10 = W5 | (W7 << 16) */
+        ldr    ip, =W13              /* ip  = W1 | (W3 << 16) */
+        ldr    r10,=W57              /* r10 = W5 | (W7 << 16) */
         smlad  r5, r2, lr, r1
         smlsd  r6, r2, lr, r1
@@ -78,11 +69,11 @@ w57:    .long W57
         smlad  r8, lr, r10,r8        /* B0  +=      W5*row[5] + W7*row[7] */
         smusdx r10,r3, r1            /* r10 =  B2 = W5*row[1] - W1*row[3] */
-        ldr    r3, w42n              /* r3 =  -W4 | (-W2 << 16) */
+        ldr    r3, =W42n             /* r3 =  -W4 | (-W2 << 16) */
         smlad  r10,lr, r2, r10       /* B2 +=  W7*row[5] + W3*row[7] */
         ldr    r2, [r0, #4]          /* r2 =   row[6,4] */
         smlsdx r11,lr, ip, r11       /* B3 +=  W3*row[5] - W1*row[7] */
-        ldr    ip, w46               /* ip =   W4 | (W6 << 16) */
+        ldr    ip, =W46              /* ip =   W4 | (W6 << 16) */
         smlad  r9, lr, r1, r9        /* B1 -=  W1*row[5] + W5*row[7] */
         smlad  r5, r2, r3, r5        /* A1 += -W4*row[4] - W2*row[6] */
@@ -101,12 +92,12 @@ w57:    .long W57
   Output in registers r4--r11
         .macro idct_row4 shift
-        ldr    lr, w46               /* lr =  W4 | (W6 << 16) */
-        ldr    r10,w57               /* r10 = W5 | (W7 << 16) */
+        ldr    lr, =W46              /* lr =  W4 | (W6 << 16) */
+        ldr    r10,=W57              /* r10 = W5 | (W7 << 16) */
         mov    r1, #(1<<(\shift-1))
         smlad  r4, r2, ip, r1
         smlsd  r7, r2, ip, r1
-        ldr    ip, w13               /* ip =  W1 | (W3 << 16) */
+        ldr    ip, =W13              /* ip =  W1 | (W3 << 16) */
         smlad  r5, r2, lr, r1
         smlsd  r6, r2, lr, r1
         smusdx r11,r3, r10           /* r11 =  B3 = W7*row[1] - W5*row[3] */
@@ -205,7 +196,7 @@ function idct_row_armv6
         cmpeq  lr, r2, lsr #16
         beq    1f
         push   {r1}
-        ldr    ip, w42               /* ip = W4 | (W2 << 16) */
+        ldr    ip, =W42              /* ip = W4 | (W2 << 16) */
         cmp    lr, #0
         beq    2f
@@ -249,7 +240,7 @@ function idct_col_armv6
         push   {r1, lr}
         ldr    r2, [r0]              /* r2 = row[2,0] */
-        ldr    ip, w42               /* ip = W4 | (W2 << 16) */
+        ldr    ip, =W42              /* ip = W4 | (W2 << 16) */
         ldr    r3, [r0, #8]          /* r3 = row[3,1] */
         idct_row COL_SHIFT
         pop    {r1}
@@ -277,7 +268,7 @@ function idct_col_put_armv6
         push   {r1, r2, lr}
         ldr    r2, [r0]              /* r2 = row[2,0] */
-        ldr    ip, w42               /* ip = W4 | (W2 << 16) */
+        ldr    ip, =W42              /* ip = W4 | (W2 << 16) */
         ldr    r3, [r0, #8]          /* r3 = row[3,1] */
         idct_row COL_SHIFT
         pop    {r1, r2}
@@ -307,7 +298,7 @@ function idct_col_add_armv6
         push   {r1, r2, lr}
         ldr    r2, [r0]              /* r2 = row[2,0] */
-        ldr    ip, w42               /* ip = W4 | (W2 << 16) */
+        ldr    ip, =W42              /* ip = W4 | (W2 << 16) */
         ldr    r3, [r0, #8]          /* r3 = row[3,1] */
         idct_row COL_SHIFT
         pop    {r1, r2}

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