[FFmpeg-cvslog] r13236 - in trunk: cmdutils.c cmdutils.h ffmpeg.c

takis subversion
Thu May 22 14:55:35 CEST 2008

Author: takis
Date: Thu May 22 14:55:35 2008
New Revision: 13236

Move show_formats() to cmdutils.c.
Patch by: Stefano Sabatini, stefano.sabatini-lala poste it


Modified: trunk/cmdutils.c
--- trunk/cmdutils.c	(original)
+++ trunk/cmdutils.c	Thu May 22 14:55:35 2008
@@ -267,3 +267,126 @@ void show_license(void)
+void show_formats(void)
+    AVInputFormat *ifmt=NULL;
+    AVOutputFormat *ofmt=NULL;
+    URLProtocol *up=NULL;
+    AVCodec *p=NULL, *p2;
+    AVBitStreamFilter *bsf=NULL;
+    const char *last_name;
+    printf("File formats:\n");
+    last_name= "000";
+    for(;;){
+        int decode=0;
+        int encode=0;
+        const char *name=NULL;
+        const char *long_name=NULL;
+        while((ofmt= av_oformat_next(ofmt))) {
+            if((name == NULL || strcmp(ofmt->name, name)<0) &&
+                strcmp(ofmt->name, last_name)>0){
+                name= ofmt->name;
+                long_name= ofmt->long_name;
+                encode=1;
+            }
+        }
+        while((ifmt= av_iformat_next(ifmt))) {
+            if((name == NULL || strcmp(ifmt->name, name)<0) &&
+                strcmp(ifmt->name, last_name)>0){
+                name= ifmt->name;
+                long_name= ifmt->long_name;
+                encode=0;
+            }
+            if(name && strcmp(ifmt->name, name)==0)
+                decode=1;
+        }
+        if(name==NULL)
+            break;
+        last_name= name;
+        printf(
+            " %s%s %-15s %s\n",
+            decode ? "D":" ",
+            encode ? "E":" ",
+            name,
+            long_name ? long_name:" ");
+    }
+    printf("\n");
+    printf("Codecs:\n");
+    last_name= "000";
+    for(;;){
+        int decode=0;
+        int encode=0;
+        int cap=0;
+        const char *type_str;
+        p2=NULL;
+        while((p= av_codec_next(p))) {
+            if((p2==NULL || strcmp(p->name, p2->name)<0) &&
+                strcmp(p->name, last_name)>0){
+                p2= p;
+                decode= encode= cap=0;
+            }
+            if(p2 && strcmp(p->name, p2->name)==0){
+                if(p->decode) decode=1;
+                if(p->encode) encode=1;
+                cap |= p->capabilities;
+            }
+        }
+        if(p2==NULL)
+            break;
+        last_name= p2->name;
+        switch(p2->type) {
+        case CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO:
+            type_str = "V";
+            break;
+        case CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO:
+            type_str = "A";
+            break;
+        case CODEC_TYPE_SUBTITLE:
+            type_str = "S";
+            break;
+        default:
+            type_str = "?";
+            break;
+        }
+        printf(
+            " %s%s%s%s%s%s %-15s %s",
+            decode ? "D": (/*p2->decoder ? "d":*/" "),
+            encode ? "E":" ",
+            type_str,
+            cap & CODEC_CAP_DRAW_HORIZ_BAND ? "S":" ",
+            cap & CODEC_CAP_DR1 ? "D":" ",
+            cap & CODEC_CAP_TRUNCATED ? "T":" ",
+            p2->name,
+            p2->long_name ? p2->long_name : "");
+       /* if(p2->decoder && decode==0)
+            printf(" use %s for decoding", p2->decoder->name);*/
+        printf("\n");
+    }
+    printf("\n");
+    printf("Bitstream filters:\n");
+    while((bsf = av_bitstream_filter_next(bsf)))
+        printf(" %s", bsf->name);
+    printf("\n");
+    printf("Supported file protocols:\n");
+    while((up = av_protocol_next(up)))
+        printf(" %s:", up->name);
+    printf("\n");
+    printf("Frame size, frame rate abbreviations:\n ntsc pal qntsc qpal sntsc spal film ntsc-film sqcif qcif cif 4cif\n");
+    printf("\n");
+    printf(
+"Note, the names of encoders and decoders do not always match, so there are\n"
+"several cases where the above table shows encoder only or decoder only entries\n"
+"even though both encoding and decoding are supported. For example, the h263\n"
+"decoder corresponds to the h263 and h263p encoders, for file formats it is even\n"

Modified: trunk/cmdutils.h
--- trunk/cmdutils.h	(original)
+++ trunk/cmdutils.h	Thu May 22 14:55:35 2008
@@ -126,4 +126,10 @@ void show_version(void);
 void show_license(void);
+ * Prints a listing containing all the formats supported by the
+ * program.
+ */
+void show_formats(void);
 #endif /* FFMPEG_CMDUTILS_H */

Modified: trunk/ffmpeg.c
--- trunk/ffmpeg.c	(original)
+++ trunk/ffmpeg.c	Thu May 22 14:55:35 2008
@@ -3378,129 +3378,6 @@ static int64_t getutime(void)
-static void opt_show_formats(void)
-    AVInputFormat *ifmt=NULL;
-    AVOutputFormat *ofmt=NULL;
-    URLProtocol *up=NULL;
-    AVCodec *p=NULL, *p2;
-    AVBitStreamFilter *bsf=NULL;
-    const char *last_name;
-    printf("File formats:\n");
-    last_name= "000";
-    for(;;){
-        int decode=0;
-        int encode=0;
-        const char *name=NULL;
-        const char *long_name=NULL;
-        while((ofmt= av_oformat_next(ofmt))) {
-            if((name == NULL || strcmp(ofmt->name, name)<0) &&
-                strcmp(ofmt->name, last_name)>0){
-                name= ofmt->name;
-                long_name= ofmt->long_name;
-                encode=1;
-            }
-        }
-        while((ifmt= av_iformat_next(ifmt))) {
-            if((name == NULL || strcmp(ifmt->name, name)<0) &&
-                strcmp(ifmt->name, last_name)>0){
-                name= ifmt->name;
-                long_name= ifmt->long_name;
-                encode=0;
-            }
-            if(name && strcmp(ifmt->name, name)==0)
-                decode=1;
-        }
-        if(name==NULL)
-            break;
-        last_name= name;
-        printf(
-            " %s%s %-15s %s\n",
-            decode ? "D":" ",
-            encode ? "E":" ",
-            name,
-            long_name ? long_name:" ");
-    }
-    printf("\n");
-    printf("Codecs:\n");
-    last_name= "000";
-    for(;;){
-        int decode=0;
-        int encode=0;
-        int cap=0;
-        const char *type_str;
-        p2=NULL;
-        while((p= av_codec_next(p))) {
-            if((p2==NULL || strcmp(p->name, p2->name)<0) &&
-                strcmp(p->name, last_name)>0){
-                p2= p;
-                decode= encode= cap=0;
-            }
-            if(p2 && strcmp(p->name, p2->name)==0){
-                if(p->decode) decode=1;
-                if(p->encode) encode=1;
-                cap |= p->capabilities;
-            }
-        }
-        if(p2==NULL)
-            break;
-        last_name= p2->name;
-        switch(p2->type) {
-        case CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO:
-            type_str = "V";
-            break;
-        case CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO:
-            type_str = "A";
-            break;
-        case CODEC_TYPE_SUBTITLE:
-            type_str = "S";
-            break;
-        default:
-            type_str = "?";
-            break;
-        }
-        printf(
-            " %s%s%s%s%s%s %-15s %s",
-            decode ? "D": (/*p2->decoder ? "d":*/" "),
-            encode ? "E":" ",
-            type_str,
-            cap & CODEC_CAP_DRAW_HORIZ_BAND ? "S":" ",
-            cap & CODEC_CAP_DR1 ? "D":" ",
-            cap & CODEC_CAP_TRUNCATED ? "T":" ",
-            p2->name,
-            p2->long_name ? p2->long_name : "");
-       /* if(p2->decoder && decode==0)
-            printf(" use %s for decoding", p2->decoder->name);*/
-        printf("\n");
-    }
-    printf("\n");
-    printf("Bitstream filters:\n");
-    while((bsf = av_bitstream_filter_next(bsf)))
-        printf(" %s", bsf->name);
-    printf("\n");
-    printf("Supported file protocols:\n");
-    while((up = av_protocol_next(up)))
-        printf(" %s:", up->name);
-    printf("\n");
-    printf("Frame size, frame rate abbreviations:\n ntsc pal qntsc qpal sntsc spal film ntsc-film sqcif qcif cif 4cif\n");
-    printf("\n");
-    printf(
-"Note, the names of encoders and decoders do not always match, so there are\n"
-"several cases where the above table shows encoder only or decoder only entries\n"
-"even though both encoding and decoding are supported. For example, the h263\n"
-"decoder corresponds to the h263 and h263p encoders, for file formats it is even\n"
 static void parse_matrix_coeffs(uint16_t *dest, const char *str)
     int i;
@@ -3761,7 +3638,7 @@ static const OptionDef options[] = {
     { "L", OPT_EXIT, {(void*)show_license}, "show license" },
     { "h", OPT_EXIT, {(void*)show_help}, "show help" },
     { "version", OPT_EXIT, {(void*)show_version}, "show version" },
-    { "formats", OPT_EXIT, {(void*)opt_show_formats}, "show available formats, codecs, protocols, ..." },
+    { "formats", OPT_EXIT, {(void*)show_formats}, "show available formats, codecs, protocols, ..." },
     { "f", HAS_ARG, {(void*)opt_format}, "force format", "fmt" },
     { "i", HAS_ARG, {(void*)opt_input_file}, "input file name", "filename" },
     { "y", OPT_BOOL, {(void*)&file_overwrite}, "overwrite output files" },

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