[FFmpeg-cvslog] r13945 - in trunk/libavcodec: ra144.c ra144.h

vitor subversion
Tue Jun 24 20:13:44 CEST 2008

Author: vitor
Date: Tue Jun 24 20:13:44 2008
New Revision: 13945

Remove unused entries from lpc_refl_cb*


Modified: trunk/libavcodec/ra144.c
--- trunk/libavcodec/ra144.c	(original)
+++ trunk/libavcodec/ra144.c	Tue Jun 24 20:13:44 2008
@@ -352,8 +352,7 @@ static int ra144_decode_frame(AVCodecCon
     init_get_bits(&gb, buf, 20 * 8);
     for (i=0; i<10; i++)
-        // "<< 1"? Doesn't this make one value out of two of the table useless?
-        lpc_refl[i] = lpc_refl_cb[i][get_bits(&gb, sizes[i]) << 1];
+        lpc_refl[i] = lpc_refl_cb[i][get_bits(&gb, sizes[i])];
     eval_coefs(ractx->lpc_coef, lpc_refl);
     ractx->lpc_refl_rms = rms(lpc_refl);

Modified: trunk/libavcodec/ra144.h
--- trunk/libavcodec/ra144.h	(original)
+++ trunk/libavcodec/ra144.h	Tue Jun 24 20:13:44 2008
@@ -1492,83 +1492,59 @@ static const int16_t energy_tab[32]={
      3261,  4105,  5168,  6507,  8192, 10313, 12983, 16345
-static const int16_t lpc_refl_cb1[127]={
-    -4041, -4029, -4018, -4008, -3998, -3988, -3977, -3966,
-    -3954, -3942, -3930, -3918, -3906, -3892, -3879, -3866,
-    -3852, -3839, -3825, -3810, -3795, -3779, -3764, -3748,
-    -3731, -3715, -3699, -3683, -3666, -3649, -3631, -3613,
-    -3594, -3574, -3555, -3534, -3513, -3491, -3468, -3444,
-    -3420, -3396, -3372, -3346, -3321, -3295, -3268, -3240,
-    -3212, -3183, -3153, -3122, -3090, -3056, -3021, -2983,
-    -2944, -2903, -2863, -2817, -2772, -2724, -2676, -2620,
-    -2565, -2505, -2445, -2387, -2328, -2265, -2202, -2137,
-    -2072, -2006, -1941, -1874, -1808, -1734, -1660, -1584,
-    -1508, -1428, -1348, -1267, -1185, -1090,  -994,  -896,
-     -798,  -699,  -600,  -487,  -374,  -242,  -110,    21,
-      152,   300,   447,   584,   720,   851,   982,  1105,
-     1229,  1342,  1456,  1569,  1682,  1799,  1916,  2023,
-     2130,  2242,  2353,  2474,  2595,  2724,  2853,  2986,
-     3118,  3240,  3363,  3475,  3588,  3701,  3814
+static const int16_t lpc_refl_cb1[64]={
+    -4041, -4018, -3998, -3977, -3954, -3930, -3906, -3879,
+    -3852, -3825, -3795, -3764, -3731, -3699, -3666, -3631,
+    -3594, -3555, -3513, -3468, -3420, -3372, -3321, -3268,
+    -3212, -3153, -3090, -3021, -2944, -2863, -2772, -2676,
+    -2565, -2445, -2328, -2202, -2072, -1941, -1808, -1660,
+    -1508, -1348, -1185,  -994,  -798,  -600,  -374,  -110,
+      152,   447,   720,   982,  1229,  1456,  1682,  1916,
+     2130,  2353,  2595,  2853,  3118,  3363,  3588,  3814
-static const int16_t lpc_refl_cb2[63]={
-    -3091, -2739, -2386, -2129, -1871, -1648, -1425, -1223,
-    -1021,  -835,  -649,  -483,  -316,  -168,   -20,   123,
-      267,   406,   544,   677,   810,   937,  1065,  1185,
-     1305,  1420,  1534,  1645,  1756,  1863,  1970,  2071,
-     2171,  2265,  2359,  2448,  2536,  2618,  2700,  2777,
-     2854,  2925,  2996,  3064,  3133,  3198,  3263,  3324,
-     3386,  3442,  3499,  3551,  3603,  3652,  3701,  3745,
-     3789,  3829,  3870,  3908,  3947,  3983,  4020
+static const int16_t lpc_refl_cb2[32]={
+    -3091, -2386, -1871, -1425, -1021,  -649,  -316,   -20,
+      267,   544,   810,  1065,  1305,  1534,  1756,  1970,
+     2171,  2359,  2536,  2700,  2854,  2996,  3133,  3263,
+     3386,  3499,  3603,  3701,  3789,  3870,  3947,  4020
-static const int16_t lpc_refl_cb3[63]={
-    -3525, -3410, -3295, -3188, -3081, -2985, -2890, -2793,
-    -2696, -2603, -2511, -2419, -2328, -2238, -2149, -2064,
-    -1979, -1898, -1817, -1737, -1658, -1578, -1498, -1420,
-    -1341, -1265, -1188, -1110, -1032,  -954,  -876,  -798,
-     -721,  -641,  -561,  -478,  -394,  -311,  -228,  -141,
-      -54,    32,   119,   208,   296,   390,   484,   584,
-      683,   789,   895,  1009,  1123,  1248,  1373,  1512,
-     1651,  1808,  1965,  2162,  2360,  2607,  2854
+static const int16_t lpc_refl_cb3[32]={
+    -3525, -3295, -3081, -2890, -2696, -2511, -2328, -2149,
+    -1979, -1817, -1658, -1498, -1341, -1188, -1032,  -876,
+     -721,  -561,  -394,  -228,   -54,   119,   296,   484,
+      683,   895,  1123,  1373,  1651,  1965,  2360,  2854
-static const int16_t lpc_refl_cb4[31]={
-    -1845, -1451, -1057,  -790,  -522,  -300,   -77,   111,
-      301,   474,   647,   811,   975,  1130,  1285,  1434,
-     1582,  1727,  1873,  2018,  2163,  2308,  2452,  2594,
-     2735,  2876,  3017,  3158,  3299,  3434,  3569
+static const int16_t lpc_refl_cb4[16]={
+    -1845, -1057,  -522,   -77,   301,   647,   975,  1285,
+     1582,  1873,  2163,  2452,  2735,  3017,  3299,  3569
-static const int16_t lpc_refl_cb5[31]={
-    -2691, -2439, -2187, -1987, -1788, -1611, -1435, -1276,
-    -1118,  -977,  -837,  -704,  -571,  -444,  -316,  -188,
-      -59,    71,   201,   336,   470,   614,   759,   918,
-     1077,  1267,  1457,  1682,  1908,  2201,  2495
+static const int16_t lpc_refl_cb5[16]={
+    -2691, -2187, -1788, -1435, -1118,  -837,  -571,  -316,
+      -59,   201,   470,   759,  1077,  1457,  1908,  2495
-static const int16_t lpc_refl_cb6[15]={
-    -1372,  -923,  -474,  -170,   133,   383,   632,   866,
-     1100,  1335,  1571,  1823,  2075,  2374,  2672
+static const int16_t lpc_refl_cb6[8]={
+    -1372,  -474,   133,   632,  1100,  1571,  2075,  2672
-static const int16_t lpc_refl_cb7[15]={
-    -2389, -2088, -1787, -1509, -1231,  -974,  -717,  -478,
-     -239,    -2,   234,   502,   770,  1122,  1474
+static const int16_t lpc_refl_cb7[8]={
+    -2389, -1787, -1231,  -717,  -239,   234,   770,  1474
-static const int16_t lpc_refl_cb8[15]={
-    -1569, -1217,  -864,  -580,  -296,   -47,   200,   435,
-      670,   911,  1151,  1430,  1709,  2047,  2385
+static const int16_t lpc_refl_cb8[8]={
+    -1569,  -864,  -296,   200,   670,  1151,  1709,  2385
-static const int16_t lpc_refl_cb9[15]={
-    -2200, -1904, -1608, -1335, -1062,  -816,  -569,  -344,
-     -120,   108,   338,   600,   863,  1242,  1621
+static const int16_t lpc_refl_cb9[8]={
+    -2200, -1608, -1062,  -569,  -120,   338,   863,  1621
-static const int16_t lpc_refl_cb10[7]={
-     -617,  -213,   190,   496,   802,  1142,  1483
+static const int16_t lpc_refl_cb10[4]={
+     -617,   190,   802,  1483
 static const int16_t *lpc_refl_cb[10]={

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