[DVDnav-discuss] dvdnav log function callback

Ilkka Ollakka ileoo at videolan.org
Fri Feb 24 09:25:53 CET 2012


I started looking if it is possible to implement log callback in
dvd-nav, mostly to get rid of those printf(stderr.. ) calls when it is
used in vlc. Similar functionality exists in libav/ffmpeg/libx264 and
implementation is pretty straighforward in that part and I can provide
patch for it.

Only thing that I was wondering, is the way to tell dvdnav to use
callback. Dvdnav does not have init()-function and assumes that
open() initializes dvdnav_t structure to given pointer.

So should I introduce init() function that actually initializes the
structure and allows to change that log-callback, or extend open to take
callback pointer as parameter or some other way?

Also pointers to archives is great if this issue is talked in some point
allready (did not find anything when quickly googled).

Ilkka Ollakka
Prof:    So the American government went to IBM to come up with a data
	 encryption standard and they came up with ...
Student: EBCDIC!"
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