[DVDnav-discuss] [PATCH] UDF2.50

Diego Biurrun diego at biurrun.de
Thu Oct 9 11:29:50 CEST 2008

On Thu, Oct 09, 2008 at 10:07:39AM +0900, Jorgen Lundman wrote:
> This patch includes:
> 1. Add ExtFinfo (262) support
> 2. Add FileType (250) re-direct support
> 3. DVDOpendir/DVDReaddir/DVDClosedir/DVDOpenFile for UDF access.
> 4. dvdread-1.9.7 stat methods for obtaining VOB data and sizes
> 5. AD chaining, instead of assuming files will always fit in 1 AD group.
> 6. dvd_udf API uses "UDF_FILE" type instead of "starting block number".
> 7. Separate struct AD and struct FileAD instead of ugly 64->32 bit work.
> 8. Minor memory clearing problems, and memory leaks.
> 9. ISO inside RAR support, dvd_input method for spawning unrar.
> If the last item is not desired, simply ignore the changes to
> dvd_input.[ch].

That looks like a lot of independent changes and the patch is quite big.
Could you please split it into small independent pieces?  This will make
review of your patch easier and it should be applied faster.

Please get rid of the trailing whitespace and the tabs in your changes.


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