[BoW] Example codec

Reimar Döffinger Reimar.Doeffinger at stud.uni-karlsruhe.de
Sat Sep 27 22:42:20 CEST 2008

I do not know where it would fit in the book, but in my opinion the
RTjpeg codec would make for a very good example.
It is basically a maximally simplified JPEG-like format, which means it
is IMO really simple to understand and except for the (I)DCT all steps
can be easily done with Pen-and-Paper which I think can help a lot to
At the same time it still covers a lot of the usual stepsi, though with
simpler methods:
splitting into blocks, transformation, quantization, zigzag scan, bitstream compression
Does that sound like something that might make a good example to you?
(I fear there is no proper specification available for the format

Reimar Döffinger

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