[MPlayer-users] Per-DVD Config Files?

Goetz Waschk waschk at informatik.uni-rostock.de
Wed May 19 14:47:26 CEST 2004

Am Mi 19 Mai 2004 22:14:22 GMT schrieb Bennett Perkins:
> Ps. If it isn't possible, I might be able to create a patch. I've found 
> the function in mplayer.c that handles the per-file config stuff, but I 
> have no idea how to determine the "name" of the DVD. Can anyone help? 

This would be a good idea. You might take a look at
libmpdvdkit2/libdvdcss.c, there's a cache for CSS keys that saves them
per disc, using a uniqe DVD ID.
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